Commit cc37d73e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added and tested fromEEPROM4/toEEPROM4 over external 3.3V i2c

parent e01b50c8
......@@ -134,9 +134,11 @@ if (count ( $_GET ) == 0) {
case "toEEPROM2" :
case "fromEEPROM3" :
case "toEEPROM3" :
case "fromEEPROM4" :
case "toEEPROM4" :
case "ctl" :
$cmd = $value;
$cmd = $value;
case "EEPROM_chn" :
......@@ -224,8 +226,24 @@ switch ($cmd) {
case "fromEEPROM1" :
case "fromEEPROM2" :
case "fromEEPROM3" :
case "fromEEPROM4" :
$EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 10 ) ); // and fall below
case "fromEEPROM" :
if ($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such
$rslt=i2c_read256b(0xa0+($EEPROM_chn * 2), $EEPROM_bus0);
if ($zero!==false) $rslt=substr($rslt,0, $zero);
if (substr($rslt,0,5)=="<?xml") {
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($xml_string)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
exit (0);
if (($EEPROM_bus0 < 0) || ($EEPROM_bus0 > 3)) {
// Not supported in NC393 - TODO: implement with bus=5 for 10389 board serial number
......@@ -271,8 +289,42 @@ switch ($cmd) {
case "toEEPROM1" :
case "toEEPROM2" :
case "toEEPROM3" :
case "toEEPROM4" :
$EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 8 ) ); // and fall below
case "toEEPROM" :
if ($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such
if ($wprot>=0) {
i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0, 0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2),1,(1-$wprot));
if ($data=="") {
if ($model === "") {$rslt="model not specified"; break;}
if ($rev === "") {$rslt="rev not specified"; break;}
if ($serial === "") {$rslt="serial not specified"; break;}
if ($time === "") {$rslt="time not specified"; break;}
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><board/>");
if ($brand!='') $xml->addChild ('brand',$brand);
if ($model!='') $xml->addChild ('model',$model);
if ($rev!='') $xml->addChild ('rev', $rev);
if ($serial!='') $xml->addChild ('serial',$serial);
if ($time!='') $xml->addChild ('time',$time);
if ($application!="") $xml->addChild ('app',$application);
if ($application_mode!="") $xml->addChild ('mode',$application_mode);
if ($sensor!='') $xml->addChild ('sensor',$sensor);
if ($length!='') $xml->addChild ('len',$length);
if ($port!='') $xml->addChild ('port',$port);
if ($part!='') $xml->addChild ('part',$part);
if ($baud!='') $xml->addChild ('baud',$baud);
if ($sync!='') $xml->addChild ('sync',$sync);
if (strlen($data)>256) {
$rslt="data too long - ".strlen($data)." bytes, only 256 are permitted";
$rslt="written ".i2c_write256b($data,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2), $EEPROM_bus0);
i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2),1,0);
if (($EEPROM_bus0 < 0) || ($EEPROM_bus0 > 3)) {
// Not supported in NC393 - TODO: implement with bus=5 for 10389 board serial number
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