Commit c70834c2 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

increased default minimal analog gain to match MT9P006 sensor

parent 5ce190ca
......@@ -342,10 +342,14 @@ CAPTION;
} else if ($value == "gamma") {
$gamma = 60;
$black = 10;
// $scale_r = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
// $scale_g = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
// $scale_b = ( int ) (1.1 * 1024);
// $scale_gb = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_r = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_g = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_b = ( int ) (1.1 * 1024);
$scale_gb = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_g = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_b = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_gb = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
elphel_gamma_add ( 0.01 * $gamma, $black );
// define P_GTAB_R 138 // combines (P_PIXEL_LOW<<24) | (P_GAMMA <<16) and 16-bit (6.10) scale for gamma tables, individually for each color.
// 16Msbs are also "hash16" and do not need to be black level/gamma, just uniquely identify the table for applications
......@@ -430,9 +434,12 @@ CAPTION;
$xml->addChild ( 'frame' . strval ( $sensor_port ), $frame);
// gets half-frame
elphel_set_P_value ( $sensor_port, ELPHEL_MAXAHEAD, 2, 0, 8 ); // / When servicing interrupts, try programming up to 2 frames ahead of due time)
// 2016/09/09: Seems that with defualt 63, even on a single-channel autoexposure+ moving WOI breaks acquisition)
// With increased delay - seems OK
// Resizing - still breaks, probably for different reason
elphel_set_P_value ( $sensor_port, ELPHEL_MEMSENSOR_DLY, 1024, $frame + 2, ELPHEL_CONST_FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEWPROC );
elphel_set_P_value ( $sensor_port, ELPHEL_FPGA_XTRA, 1000, $frame + 3, ELPHEL_CONST_FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEWPROC ); // /compressor needs extra 1000 cycles to compress a frame (estimate)
elphel_set_P_value ( $sensor_port, ELPHEL_EXTERN_TIMESTAMP, 1, $frame + 3, ELPHEL_CONST_FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEWPROC ); // / only used with async trigger
......@@ -459,10 +466,14 @@ CAPTION;
fclose ( $framepars_file );
$gamma = 57;
$black = 10;
// $scale_r = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
// $scale_g = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
// $scale_b = ( int ) (1.1 * 1024);
// $scale_gb = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_r = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_g = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_b = ( int ) (1.1 * 1024);
$scale_gb = ( int ) (0.9 * 1024);
$scale_g = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_b = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
$scale_gb = ( int ) (1.0 * 1024);
elphel_gamma_add ( 0.01 * $gamma, $black ); // does not depend on $GLOBALS['sensor_port']
// define P_GTAB_R 138 // combines (P_PIXEL_LOW<<24) | (P_GAMMA <<16) and 16-bit (6.10) scale for gamma tables, individually for each color.
// 16Msbs are also "hash16" and do not need to be black level/gamma, just uniqualy identify the table for applications
......@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ $url_wb_only= "embed=0.1&title=White+Balance+controls"
."&WB_SCALE_GB=0x10000" /// additional correction for GB (second green) from calulated by white balance (16.16)
."&WB_SCALE_B=0x10000" /// additional correction for B from calulated by white balance (16.16)
."&WB_THRESH=500" /// WB errors are integrated between frame and corrections are scaled when error is below thershold (500)
."&GAIN_MIN=0x10000" /// minimal sensor analog gain (0x100 - 1.0)
."&GAIN_MAX=0xfc000" /// maximal sensor analog gain (0x100 - 1.0)
."&GAIN_MIN=0x18000" /// minimal sensor analog gain (0x100 - 1.0)
."&GAIN_MAX=0xfc000" /// maximal sensor analog gain (0x100 - 1.0)
// ."&GAIN_STEP=0x20" /// minimal correction to be applied to the analog gain (should be set larger that sensor
// /// actual gain step to prevent oscillations (0x100 - 1.0, 0x40 - 1/8)
."&ANA_GAIN_ENABLE=1" /// Enable analog gain controls in white balancing
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