Commit 8af5b504 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

speedup global flags

parent 05a16a80
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function init(){
$(this).html("Switch off debug");
url: "debugfs.php?cmd=setflag&flag=%2Bp",
url: "debugfs.php?cmd=restore",
queue: true
......@@ -408,27 +408,20 @@ function init_ui_controls(record,index){
if (!exists){
//add to debugfs_data - copy current checkboxes - then select
//add to list, add to front
//apply to debugfs
var arr = debugfs_data[index].configs[active];
debugfs_data[index].configs[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr));
debugfs_data[index].configs[i].name = value;
//sync for now should be enough
existing = i;
//select and restore checkboxes
console.log("This config already exists, selecting");
//select anyway
debugfs_data[index].configs[active].state = 0;
debugfs_data[index].configs[existing].state = 1;
//check ze name if dose note exist add to list and to config then apply config
......@@ -484,26 +477,30 @@ function dropdown_add_list_item(record,index,j){{
var index = $(this).attr("myindex");
var confindex = $(this).attr("confindex");
var name = $(this).html();
var sname = $("#dropdown_"+index).html();
sname = sname.substr(0,sname.length-caret.length);
if (name==sname){
console.log("Already selected, doing nothing");
//select config action here: rename, and restore checkboxes' states
var ac = dropdown_active_config(record);
record.configs[ac].state = 0;
record.configs[confindex].state = 1;
function dropdown_select_config(index,config_index){
var record = debugfs_data[index];
var ac = dropdown_active_config(record);
var name_new = record.configs[config_index].name;
var name_old = record.configs[ac].name;
if (name_new==name_old){
console.log("Already selected, doing nothing");
record.configs[ac].state = 0;
record.configs[config_index].state = 1;
//restore checkboxes!
function update_debugfs_config(){
console.log("syncing debugfs config");
......@@ -125,13 +125,16 @@ function apply_config_to_control(){
function apply_flag($flag){
global $tmp_config, $DEBUGFSFILE;
//echo "<pre>\n";
//add short command for all here
$arr_config = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmp_config),true);
foreach($arr_config as $k0 => $v0){
if ($v0['state']==1){
foreach($v0['configs'] as $k1 => $v1){
if ($v1['state']==1){
$cmd = "echo -n 'file ".$v0['file']." $flag' > $DEBUGFSFILE";
foreach($v1['lines'] as $k2 => $v2){
$file = $v2['file'];
$lineno = $v2['lineno'];
......@@ -140,10 +143,12 @@ function apply_flag($flag){
//echo "echo -n 'file $file line $lineno ${sign}p'\n";
echo "Done";
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