Commit 5a1a4d6f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

removed excessive killall polluting log and more debugging multicam3.js

parent 9389820e
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ tiff_bin_shift = 1
tiff_auto = 0
frames_idle = 10
frames_wait = 20
debug = 1
debug = 0
output_log = /var/log/lwir16.log
# no spaces around commas!
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ var Camera = function(options){
camogm: false,
recording: false,
mounted: false,
restarts: 0,
ports: []
......@@ -213,7 +214,6 @@ function get_ports(){
function check_camogm(cam_i){
// run_status does not interact with camogm, quickest response
url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=run_status",
......@@ -226,11 +226,12 @@ function check_camogm(cam_i){
console.log(cams[this.cam_i].ip+": camogm is off");
// launch it
if (state=='on'){
console.log(cams[this.cam_i].ip+": camogm is on");
// check_camogm_status(this.cam_i);
setDirSingle(this.cam_i); // wiil end with check_camogm_status(this.cam_i)
// setDirSingle(this.cam_i); // wiil end with check_camogm_status(this.cam_i)
......@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ function check_camogm_status(cam_i){ // full check, slow
url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=status",
cam_i: cam_i,
success: function(res){
let full_buf=0x4000000-4000000; // subtracted MIN_USED_SIZE from camogm.h
var cam = cams[this.cam_i];
// console.log("check_camogm_status for "+cam_i+" success");
if ($(res).find('state').length!=0){
......@@ -305,8 +307,33 @@ function check_camogm_status(cam_i){ // full check, slow
var lba_current = parseInt($(res).find('lba_current').text());
var free_space = (lba_end - lba_current)/2/1024/1024;
var sdd_found = free_space > 0;
cam.mounted = sdd_found;
free_space = Math.round(100*free_space)/100;
se.find("#s_space").html(free_space+" GB");
var bgcol = sdd_found ? "rgb(200, 255, 200)":"rgb(255, 100,100)"; // add yellow for low space
var bgcol_restarts = cam.camogm ? "rgb(200, 255, 200)":"rgb(255, 100,100)";
// find free buffer size - minimum of all ports
var buf_free_coll = $(res).find('buffer_free');
// console.log(buf_free_coll);
var min_free=full_buf;
var this_free;
for (var i = 0; i< buf_free_coll.length; i++){
if (this_free < min_free) min_free = this_free;
// console.log(buf_free_coll[i]);
// console.log(i+":"+buf_free_coll[i].innerHTML);
var free_buf = Math.round(100 *min_free / full_buf);
console.log(free_buf+"% - min free="+min_free+" ("+full_buf+"), ");
var bgcol_buf = (free_buf > 25) ? "rgb(200, 255, 200)":"rgb(255, 100,100)";
......@@ -339,7 +366,7 @@ function check_camogm_free_space(cam_i){ // file system, no raw
se.find("#s_space").html(free_space+" GB");
var bgcol = sdd_found ? "rgb(200, 255, 200)":"rgb(255, 100,100)"; // add yellow for low space
console.log("hdd: "+cam.ip+", mounted="+cam.mounted);
......@@ -358,7 +385,6 @@ function rec_button_update_state(){
var all_ready = true;
var any_running = false;
var any_stopped = false;
for(var i=0;i<cams.length;i++){
if (cams[i].init){
if ((cams[i].camogm=='on')&&(!cams[i].recording)){
......@@ -378,6 +404,9 @@ function rec_button_update_state(){
if (any_running && any_stopped){
console.log("WARNING: some camogms are running, some are stopped"); // false
for(var i=0;i<cams.length;i++){
console.log(i+": "+cams[i].recording);
if (all_ready_init_run){
......@@ -588,7 +617,9 @@ function init3(index){
'<td id=\'s_ip\'>'+cam.ip+'</td>',
'<td id=\'s_device\'></td>',
'<td id=\'s_space\'></td>',
'<td id=\'s_errors\'></td>'
'<td id=\'s_errors\'></td>',
'<td id=\'s_restarts\'></td>',
'<td id=\'s_buf\'></td>'
......@@ -704,7 +735,13 @@ function init_rec_button(){
recording = 1;
// mkdir for recording
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=dir_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir;
if (use_file_system ){
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=dir_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir;
console.log("Setting camogm directory/prefix, url="+url);
} else {
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix_raw&prefix=" + multicam_dir;
console.log("Setting camogm raw prefix, url="+url);
console.log("starting recording in the camera "+ this.ip+" to " + multicam_dir);
// launch recording
......@@ -767,6 +804,8 @@ function addrs_create_tables(){
' <th>device</th>',
' <th>free space</th>',
' <th>errors</th>',
' <th>r</th>',
' <th>buf</th>',
......@@ -1398,25 +1437,41 @@ function updateConfifs(){ // write modified settings to the master camera persis
function setDirMulti(){
// url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=dir_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir;
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix_raw&name=" + multicam_dir; // can not mkdir before mounted
if (use_file_system ){
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix&prefix=" + multicam_dir; // can not mkdir before mounted
} else {
url = "camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix_raw&prefix=" + multicam_dir; // can not mkdir before mounted
console.log("setDirMulti(), url="+url);
console.log(this.ip+": dir_prefix " + multicam_dir);
console.log(this.ip+": prefix " + multicam_dir+", url="+url);
var appply_pending = 0;
function setDirSingle(cam_i){ // set recording directory for one camera (after starting camogm), request status
// url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=dir_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir, // should never be done before partition is mounted!
url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=SET_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir, // can not mkdir before mounted
cam_i: cam_i,
success: function(){
console.log(cams[this.cam_i].ip+": set directory to " + multicam_dir);
if (use_file_system ){
// url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=dir_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir, // should never be done before partition is mounted!
url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=SET_prefix&name=" + multicam_dir, // can not mkdir before mounted
cam_i: cam_i,
success: function(){
console.log(cams[this.cam_i].ip+": set directory to " + multicam_dir);
} else { // still need to create directory?
console.log("set directory to, url=" + "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix_raw&prefix=" + multicam_dir);
url: "http://"+cams[cam_i].ip+"/camogm_interface.php?cmd=set_prefix_raw&prefix=" + multicam_dir, // can not mkdir before mounted
cam_i: cam_i,
success: function(){
console.log(cams[this.cam_i].ip+": set directory to " + multicam_dir);
// LWIR16
......@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
// fclose ( $f );
// can still get stuck for a long time, but testing file exists is faster that find a process
if (file_exists(CAPTURE_RANGE_STATE)) {
// $output=null;
$retval=-1; // not used
// kill CLI mode if it was running (e.g. waiting for 100 years)
// exec("killall capture_range.php", $output, $retval);
// exec("/www/pages/capture_range.php 1 2 3 4 > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
if (count($_GET) < 1) {
print ("CGI mode");
......@@ -287,8 +287,12 @@ USAGE;
if (! isset($duration)) {
$duration = 0;
// kill CLI mode if it was running (e.g. waiting for 100 years)
exec("killall capture_range.php", $output, $retval);
// kill CLI mode if it was running (e.g. waiting for 100 years) first check file exists (faster)
// if (file_exists(CAPTURE_RANGE_STATE) || getPIDByName('capture_range.php', 'php', $active_only = false)) {
if (file_exists(CAPTURE_RANGE_STATE)) { // getPIDByName('capture_range.php', 'php', $active_only = false) is slower
exec("killall capture_range.php", $output, $retval); // grows lighttpd_stderr.log, need to check before kill
// spawn CLI program in background duration <0 - start only, ==0 - stop only, >0 - start+stop
// $f = fopen ( "/var/log/capture_range.log", 'a' );
// fwrite($f,"exec(/www/pages/capture_range.php $sensor_port $port_mask $frame $duration > /dev/null 2>&1 &\n");
......@@ -300,15 +304,16 @@ USAGE;
if (isset($ahead_now) && ($ahead_now == 0)){
$frame = 0; // ASAP
$end_frame = $frame;
if ($duration > 0) {
$end_frame += $duration; // xml will contain end frame
file_put_contents(CAPTURE_RANGE_STATE, "end_frame = $end_frame\n");
exec("/www/pages/capture_range.php $sensor_port $port_mask $frame $duration '$notify_url'> /dev/null 2>&1 &");
// }
// $f = fopen ( "/var/log/capture_range.log", 'a' );
// fwrite($f,"DONE exec\n");
// fclose ( $f );
if ($duration > 0) {
$frame += $duration; // xml will contain end frame
file_put_contents(CAPTURE_RANGE_STATE, "end_frame = $frame\n");
if ($wait) {
elphel_wait_frame_abs($sensor_port, $frame + 1);
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