Commit 53fbcbd6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added [to|from]_EEPROM5 and i2c device access on a system i2c bus

parent 9d392245
......@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ if (count ( $_GET ) == 0) {
case "toEEPROM3" :
case "fromEEPROM4" :
case "toEEPROM4" :
case "fromEEPROM5" :
case "toEEPROM5" :
case "ctl" :
$cmd = $value;
......@@ -227,9 +229,10 @@ switch ($cmd) {
case "fromEEPROM2" :
case "fromEEPROM3" :
case "fromEEPROM4" :
case "fromEEPROM5" :
$EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 10 ) ); // and fall below
case "fromEEPROM" :
if ($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such
if (($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) || ($EEPROM_bus0 == 5)) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such, bus = 5 - 10389 eeprom
$rslt=i2c_read256b(0xa0+($EEPROM_chn * 2), $EEPROM_bus0);
if ($zero!==false) $rslt=substr($rslt,0, $zero);
......@@ -290,9 +293,11 @@ switch ($cmd) {
case "toEEPROM2" :
case "toEEPROM3" :
case "toEEPROM4" :
case "toEEPROM5" :
$EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 8 ) ); // and fall below
case "toEEPROM" :
if ($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such
// echo "<!-- EEPROM_bus0=". $EEPROM_bus0." EEPROM_chn=".$EEPROM_chn."-->";
if (($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) || ($EEPROM_bus0 == 5)) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such
if ($wprot>=0) {
i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0, 0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2),1,(1-$wprot));
......@@ -406,6 +411,10 @@ switch ($cmd) {
exit ( 0 );
if ($rslt == "") {
// $msg .= "<width1>" . $width . "</width1>\n";
// $msg .= "<bus1>" . $bus . "</bus1>\n";
// $msg .= "<slave1>" . (sprintf ( "0x%x", ($adr >> (($width == 8) ? 7 : 8)) & 0xfe )) . "</slave1>\n";
if ($bus > 3) {
if (($adr >= 0) && (($width == 8) || ($width == 16))) {
$slave = ($adr >> (($width == 16) ? 8 : 7)) & 0xfe;
......@@ -124,6 +124,16 @@ el10359: 0x8 1 2 500 kHz
mt9p006: 0x48 1 2 500 kHz
mt9f002: 0x10 2 2 500 kHz
/** Convert nc353 addres/width to sa7 and register address */
function aw_to_sa7r($adr, ///< composite address, nc353 style (256 bytes for each byte-wide device, 512 bytes for each 16-bit one)
$width ///< Data with 16 or 8
) ///< @return: array(sa7,ra)
$sa7 = ($adr >> (($width == 16) ? 9 : 8)) & 0x7f;
$ra = ($adr >> (($width == 16) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xff;
return array(sa7,ra);
function getSlowArray($usec=0){
if ($usec<0) $usec=0;
......@@ -191,7 +201,19 @@ function i2c_send($width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw = 0) { // $a<0 - use raw read/write
return i2c_send_sensor ( $width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw );
$bus = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
$bus353 = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$return = -1;
$w = ($width == 16) ?'w' : 'b';
$sa7r = aw_to_sa7r($a,$width); // works for raw also, $width is 8 for raw
if ($raw){
exec ( 'i2cset -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$d, $i2c_data, $return );
} else {
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$sa7r[1].' '.$d.' '.$w, $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0) return -1;
return ($width == 16)?2:1;
$w = ($width == 16) ? 2 : 1;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c' . ($raw ? 'raw' : (($w == 2) ? '16' : '8')) . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'w' );
......@@ -204,6 +226,7 @@ function i2c_send($width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw = 0) { // $a<0 - use raw read/write
return $res;
} // end of i2c_send()
// Seems no difference from i2c_send for nc393
function i2c_send_slow($width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw = 0, $extrausec = -1) { // $a<0 - use raw read/write
if ($bus < 4)
return i2c_send_sensor ( $width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw );
......@@ -213,6 +236,19 @@ function i2c_send_slow($width, $bus, $a, $d, $raw = 0, $extrausec = -1) { // $a<
$i2c_old_ctrl = i2c_ctl_arr ( 0 );
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, getSlowArray ( $extrausec ) );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$return = -1;
$w = ($width == 16) ?'w' : 'b';
$sa7r = aw_to_sa7r($a,$width); // works for raw also, $width is 8 for raw
if ($raw){
exec ( 'i2cset -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$d, $i2c_data, $return );
} else {
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$sa7r[1].' '.$d.' '.$w, $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0) return -1;
return ($width == 16)?2:1;
$w = ($width == 16) ? 2 : 1;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c' . ($raw ? 'raw' : (($w == 2) ? '16' : '8')) . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'w' );
......@@ -241,11 +277,23 @@ function smbus_send($a, $d) { // d - array
return $res;
} // end of i2c_send()
function i2c_receive($width, $bus, $a, $raw = 0) {
if ($bus < 4)
return i2c_receive_sensor ( $width, $bus, $a, $raw );
$bus = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$w = ($width == 16) ?'w' : 'b';
$sa7r = aw_to_sa7r($a,$width); // works for raw also, $width is 8 for raw
if ($raw){
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0], $i2c_data, $return );
} else {
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$sa7r[1].' '.$w, $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0) return -1;
return $i2c_data[0];
$w = ($width == 16) ? 2 : 1;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c' . ($raw ? 'raw' : (($w == 2) ? '16' : '8')) . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'r' );
......@@ -257,6 +305,8 @@ function i2c_receive($width, $bus, $a, $raw = 0) {
$v = unpack ( ($w == 1) ? 'C' : 'n1', $data );
return $v [1];
} // end of i2c_receive()
// i2c_receive_slow is the same as i2c_receive for nc393
function i2c_receive_slow($width, $bus, $a, $raw = 0, $extrausec = -1) {
if ($bus < 4)
return i2c_receive_sensor ( $width, $bus, $a, $raw );
......@@ -266,6 +316,17 @@ function i2c_receive_slow($width, $bus, $a, $raw = 0, $extrausec = -1) {
$i2c_old_ctrl = i2c_ctl_arr ( 0 );
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, getSlowArray ( $extrausec ) );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$w = ($width == 16) ?'w' : 'b';
$sa7r = aw_to_sa7r($a,$width); // works for raw also, $width is 8 for raw
if ($raw){
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0], $i2c_data, $return );
} else {
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 '.$sa7r[0].' '.$sa7r[1].' '.$w, $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0) return -1;
return $i2c_data[0];
$w = ($width == 16) ? 2 : 1;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c' . ($raw ? 'raw' : (($w == 2) ? '16' : '8')) . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'r' );
......@@ -282,8 +343,10 @@ function i2c_receive_slow($width, $bus, $a, $raw = 0, $extrausec = -1) {
} // end of i2c_receive()
function i2c_setprot($bus, $slave, $bit, $value) { // !slave is MSB aligned, LSB==0)
if ($bus != 4)
return -1; // applicable only to grand-daughter i2c (like imu, gps)
$bus = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
$i2cprot = fopen ( "/dev/xi2cenable", 'r+' );
$i2cprot = fopen ("/dev/xi2cenable", 'r+' );
fseek ( $i2cprot, ($bus * 128) + ($slave >> 1) );
$data = ord ( fread ( $i2cprot, 1 ) );
......@@ -344,58 +407,87 @@ function i2c_setCMOSClock(){
return "OK";
} // end of i2c_setCMOSClock()
function i2c_read256b($slave=0xa0,$bus=1,$extrausec=0) { //will read 256 bytes from slave (address is 8-bit, includes r/~w)
function i2c_read256b($slave = 0xa0, $bus = 4, $extrausec = 0) { // will read 256 bytes from slave (address is 8-bit, includes r/~w)
if ($bus < 4)
return i2c_read256b_sensor ( $slave, $bus, $extrausec); // ($name, $sensor_port, $sa7_offset)
return i2c_read256b_sensor ( $slave, $bus, $extrausec ); // ($name, $sensor_port, $sa7_offset)
$bus = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
if (($bus==0) && ($extrausec>=0)){
$i2c_old_ctrl= i2c_ctl_arr(0);
$i2c = fopen($i2c_fn, 'r');
fseek ($i2c, $slave*128) ; //256 per slave, but slave are only even
$data = fread($i2c, 256); // full 256 bytes
if (($bus==0) && ($extrausec>=0)){
i2c_ctl_arr(0,$i2c_old_ctrl); /// restore old speed (not thread-safe)
return $data;
if (($bus == 0) && ($extrausec >= 0)) {
$i2c_old_ctrl = i2c_ctl_arr ( 0 );
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, getSlowArray ( $extrausec ) );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$sa7 = $slave >> 1;
for($i = 0; $i < 256; $i ++)
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 ' . $sa7 . ' ' . $i . ' b', $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0)
return - 1;
$data == "";
foreach ($i2c_data as $c) $data.=chr($c);
return $data;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c8' . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'r' );
fseek ( $i2c, $slave * 128 ); // 256 per slave, but slave are only even
$data = fread ( $i2c, 256 ); // full 256 bytes
fclose ( $i2c );
if (($bus == 0) && ($extrausec >= 0)) {
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, $i2c_old_ctrl ); // / restore old speed (not thread-safe)
return $data;
} // end of i2c_read256b ()
//this EEPROM writes only 4 bytes sequentionally (only 2 LSBs are incremented)
function i2c_write256b($data, $slave=0xa0,$bus=1,$extrausec=0) { //will write up to 256 bytes $data to slave (address is 8-bit, includes r/~w). EEPROM should be un-protected
function i2c_write256b($data, $slave = 0xa0, $bus = 4, $extrausec = 0) { // will write up to 256 bytes $data to slave (address is 8-bit, includes r/~w). EEPROM should be un-protected
if ($bus < 4)
return i2c_write256b_sensor ($data, $slave, $bus, $extrausec); // ($data, $name, $sensor_port, $sa7_offset)
return i2c_write256b_sensor ( $data, $slave, $bus, $extrausec ); // ($data, $name, $sensor_port, $sa7_offset)
$bus = i2c_bus353 ( $bus );
if (($bus==0) && ($extrausec>=0)){
$i2c_old_ctrl= i2c_ctl_arr(0);
$maxretries=200; //measured - 19
if (!is_string($data)) return -1;
if (strlen($data)>256) return -2;
if (strlen($data)<256) $data.=chr(0);
$i2c = fopen($i2c_fn, 'w');
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($data); $i+=4) {
for ($retry=0; $retry< $maxretries; $retry++) {
fseek ($i2c, $slave*128+$i) ; //256 per slave, but slave are only even
$rslt=fwrite($i2c, substr($data,$i,4));
if ($rslt>0) break;
if ($rslt<=0) {
if (($bus==0) && ($extrausec>=0)){
i2c_ctl_arr(0,$i2c_old_ctrl); /// restore old speed (not thread-safe)
return $len;
if (($bus == 0) && ($extrausec >= 0)) {
$i2c_old_ctrl = i2c_ctl_arr ( 0 );
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, getSlowArray ( $extrausec ) );
$maxretries = 200; // measured - 19
$len = 0;
if (! is_string ( $data ))
return - 1;
if (strlen ( $data ) > 256)
return - 2;
if (strlen ( $data ) < 256)
$data .= chr ( 0 );
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$sa7 = $slave >> 1;
foreach (str_split($data) as $d) {
exec ( 'i2cset -y 0 ' . $sa7 . ' ' .$len . ' ' . ord($d) . ' b', $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0)
return - 1;
usleep ( 10000 );
$len ++;
return $len;
//foreach (str_split($data) as $d) echo ord($d);
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c8' . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'w' );
for($i = 0; $i < strlen ( $data ); $i += 4) {
for($retry = 0; $retry < $maxretries; $retry ++) {
fseek ( $i2c, $slave * 128 + $i ); // 256 per slave, but slave are only even
$rslt = fwrite ( $i2c, substr ( $data, $i, 4 ) );
if ($rslt > 0)
if ($rslt <= 0) {
$len = $rslt;
$len += $rslt;
fclose ( $i2c );
if (($bus == 0) && ($extrausec >= 0)) {
i2c_ctl_arr ( 0, $i2c_old_ctrl ); // / restore old speed (not thread-safe)
return $len;
} // end of i2c_write256b ()
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