Commit 3a8afd3f authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent aabe003b
......@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ function init(){
l = "<tr class='"+oddeven+"'>";
l += " <td style='text-align:center' title='"+ttl+"'>"+r1[j].lineno+"</td>";
l += " <td style='text-align:center'><input type='checkbox' class='tp debug' "+checked+" file='"+r1[j].file+"' line='"+r1[j].lineno+"' /></td>";
l += " <td>"+r1[j].function.substr(0,20)+"...</td>";
l += " <td>"+r1[j].format.substr(0,20)+"...</td>";
l += " <td style='text-align:center'><input title='p-flag' type='checkbox' class='tp debug' "+checked+" file='"+r1[j].file+"' line='"+r1[j].lineno+"' /></td>";
l += " <td title=\"function: "+r1[j].function+"\">"+r1[j].function.substr(0,20)+cut_function+"</td>";
l += " <td title=\"format: "+r1[j].format+"\">"+r1[j].format.substr(0,20)+cut_format+"</td>";
l += "</tr>";
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ function apply_config_to_control(){
if ($flag=="p") $sign = "+";
else $sign = "-";
exec("echo -n 'file $file line $lineno ${sign}p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control");
echo "echo -n 'file $file line $lineno ${sign}p'\n";
//echo "echo -n 'file $file line $lineno ${sign}p'\n";
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