Commit 99f4a57c authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent c78201d4
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ What they do:
* To convert jp4s to jpegs use [python3-convert-jp4]( scripts.
* Combine/filter separate images (with different 'channels' but similar timestamps) into groups for post-processing (**** and **eyesis4py393/***).
* Batch convert tiffs to jpegs (**lwir/**).
* Annotate any jpegs with their file names which are usually timestamps (****).
* Annotate any jpegs with their file names which are usually timestamps ([****](
* Join jpegs (annotated or not) into mov clips - good for previewing and selecting image sets for processing (see inside **lwir/**).
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