Commit 2a6df399 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

implemented LAN xfer with new version of imgsrv

parent 3ff00693
......@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ for i,cam in enumerate(cams):
# ssd to camera for all
for cam in cams:
if (not args.lan):
for cam in cams:
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import subprocess
import time
import tempfile
import shutil
import requests
def shout(cmd): prints to console
......@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ class Camera:
self.ip = ip
self.sshcmd = "ssh "+user+"@"+ip
self.scpcmd = "scp "+user+"@"+ip+":"
self.lanurl = "http://"+ip+":2323/ssd"
self.disable = False
self.pattern = "ata-"
......@@ -383,8 +385,8 @@ class PC():
#time ssh root@ "dd if=/dev/sda2 bs=16777216 count=409 skip=322" | dd of=/home/elphel/lwir16-proc/test_dd/file_0001.img
# res = shout(self.sshcmd+" 'ls -all /dev/disk/by-id | grep '"+self.pattern+"' | grep '"+partition[-4:]+"''")
def download_blocks_lan(self, cam, dest, part, blocks_load, blocks_skip= 0, file_gb=10, chunk_blocks=32768, block_size=512): #4096):
#slow, replaced by download_blocks_lan using modified imgsrv 2023-08-02
def download_blocks_ssh(self, cam, dest, part, blocks_load, blocks_skip= 0, file_gb=10, chunk_blocks=32768, block_size=512): #4096):
chunk_bytes = block_size * chunk_blocks
file_chunks = (file_gb * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // chunk_bytes
if (cam==None):
......@@ -449,6 +451,89 @@ class PC():
print(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
shout(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
def download_with_imgsrv(self, cam, out_file, offs, count ):
# self.lanurl = "http://"+ip+":2323/ssd"
url= cam['obj'].lanurl+str(offs)+":"+str(count)
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
# If you have chunk encoded response uncomment if
# and set chunk_size parameter to None.
#if chunk:
def download_blocks_lan(self, cam, dest, part, blocks_load, blocks_skip= 0, file_gb=10, chunk_blocks=32768, block_size=512): #4096):
chunk_bytes = block_size * chunk_blocks
file_chunks = (file_gb * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // chunk_bytes
if (cam==None):
ip = None
print("TODO: Implement raw partition check over SSH")
# print(cam)
ip = cam["ip"]
print("Getting raw partition data from "+part)
if not os.path.isdir(dest):
dirname = self.partname(part)
if dirname!="":
dirname = dest+"/"+dirname
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
num_file = 0
# optional first file to align skip to chunk_blocks, 1 block at a time
if (blocks_skip > 0) and ((blocks_skip % chunk_blocks) > 0):
bwrite = chunk_blocks - (blocks_skip % chunk_blocks)
if (bwrite > blocks_load):
bwrite = blocks_load
fname = "%s/file_%03d.img" %(dirname, num_file) #dirname+"/"+"file_"+str(num_file)+".img"
print("Aligning skip to chunks, downloading %d %d-byte blocks (skipping %d blocks) to %s"%(bwrite, block_size, blocks_skip, fname))
if (cam == None):
print("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(bwrite)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip))
shout("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(bwrite)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip))
# print(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(bwrite)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
# shout(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(bwrite)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
self.download_with_imgsrv(cam, fname, blocks_skip * block_size, bwrite * block_size )
blocks_skip += bwrite
blocks_load -= bwrite
num_file += 1
# write bulk of the blocks, <= file_chunks of chunks in each file
while ((blocks_load // chunk_blocks) > 0):
chunks_write = blocks_load // chunk_blocks
chunks_skip = blocks_skip // chunk_blocks # should be already multiple of chunks
if (chunks_write > file_chunks):
chunks_write = file_chunks
# fname = dirname+"/"+"file_"+str(num_file)+".img"
fname = "%s/file_%03d.img" %(dirname, num_file) #dirname+"/"+"file_"+str(num_file)+".img"
print("Downloading %d %d-byte chunks, skipping %d chunks to %s"%(chunks_write, chunk_bytes, chunks_skip, fname))
if (ip == None):
print("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(chunk_bytes)+" count="+str(chunks_write)+" skip="+str(chunks_skip))
shout("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(chunk_bytes)+" count="+str(chunks_write)+" skip="+str(chunks_skip))
# print(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(chunk_bytes)+" count="+str(chunks_write)+" skip="+str(chunks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
# shout(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(chunk_bytes)+" count="+str(chunks_write)+" skip="+str(chunks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
self.download_with_imgsrv(cam, fname, chunks_skip * chunk_bytes, chunks_write * chunk_bytes )
bwrite = chunks_write * chunk_blocks
blocks_skip += bwrite
blocks_load -= bwrite
num_file += 1
# optionally write the remainder (< chunk), 1 block at a time
if (blocks_load > 0):
# fname = dirname+"/"+"file_"+str(num_file)+".img"
fname = "%s/file_%03d.img" %(dirname, num_file) #dirname+"/"+"file_"+str(num_file)+".img"
print("Downloading last %d %d-byte blocks, skipping %d blocks to %s"%(blocks_load, block_size, blocks_skip, fname))
if (ip == None):
print("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip))
shout("sudo dd if="+part+" "+" of="+fname+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip))
# print(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
# shout(cam['obj'].sshcmd+" 'dd if="+part+" bs="+str(block_size)+" count="+str(blocks_load)+" skip="+str(blocks_skip)+"' | dd of="+fname)
self.download_with_imgsrv(cam, fname, blocks_skip * block_size, blocks_load * block_size )
def partname(self,partition):
cmd = "ls /dev/disk/by-id/ -all | grep '"+self.pattern+"' | grep '"+partition[-4:]+"'"
res = shout(cmd)
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