Commit f6909a4c authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

highliting important messages

parent 009572bc
......@@ -96,12 +96,25 @@ def colorize(string, color, bold):
return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string)
def log_msg(msg):
def log_msg(msg, mode=0):
bold = False
color = ""
if mode == 2: #bold red - error
color = "RED"
bold = True
elif mode == 3: # just bold
bold = True
elif mode == 4: # just bold
bold = True
color = "YELLOW" #warning
with open ('/proc/uptime') as f:
with open(LOGFILE,'a') as msg_file:
print (colorize("[%8.2f] %s: "%(t, sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]),'CYAN',0)+msg)
print("[%8.2f] %s"%(t,msg),file=msg_file)
if bold or color:
msg = colorize(msg,color,bold)
print (colorize("[%8.2f] %s: "%(t, sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]),'CYAN',0)+msg)
def shout(cmd): prints to console
......@@ -173,14 +186,14 @@ def init_other_eyesis(index):
def init_sata(sata_en,pydir):
if (sata_en==1):
if not get_fpga():
log_msg ("Waiting for the FPGA to be programmed to start SATA")
log_msg ("Waiting for the FPGA to be programmed to start SATA", 4)
if not fpga_OK(TIMEOUT):
log_msg ("Timeout while waiting for the FPGA to be programmed")
log_msg ("Timeout while waiting for the FPGA to be programmed", 2)
print (" Done")
log_msg ("Done waiting for the FPGA", 4)
shout(pydir+"/") # Should be after modprobe? Wait for the FPGA should be before it
shout("modprobe ahci_elphel &")
shout("sleep 2")
shout("echo 1 > /sys/devices/soc0/amba@0/80000000.elphel-ahci/load_module")
......@@ -207,14 +220,13 @@ def start_gps_compass():
Detect GPS and/or compass boards and start them
if not get_fpga():
log_msg ("Waiting for the FPGA to be programmed to start SATA")
log_msg ("Waiting for the FPGA to be programmed to start SATA", 4)
if not fpga_OK(TIMEOUT):
log_msg ("Timeout while waiting for the FPGA to be programmed")
log_msg ("Timeout while waiting for the FPGA to be programmed", 2)
print (" Done")
log_msg ("Done waiting for the FPGA", 4)
def disable_gpio_10389():
......@@ -392,4 +404,4 @@ else:
log_msg ("/var/volatile/state already exists")
log_msg("DONE, log file: "+LOGFILE)
log_msg("DONE, log file: "+LOGFILE, 3)
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