Commit 6fb4ebd5 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

-error +comment

parent 2bd46655
# Runs 'make', 'make install', and 'make clean' in specified subdirectories
SUBDIRS := src/php_top src/python_tests src/debugfs-webgui # src1
#SUBDIRS := src/php_top src/python_tests src/debugfs-webgui # src1
SUBDIRS := src
INSTALLDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
CLEANDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=clean-%)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ install:
rm $(SCRIPT1).tmp
#INITSTRING default is defined in local.conf, weak default - meta-core/init/
sed -e 's/$(INITSTRING)/' $(SCRIPT2) > $(SCRIPT2).tmp
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