Commit 7c939d54 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

reordered tiff tags in acsending order

parent d38d17c9
......@@ -17,117 +17,117 @@
<ImageDescription tag="0x010e" format="ASCII" count="65" seq="16" dlen="64">
<!-- <value>Description 0x41 bytes long </value>-->
<value>Description 0x40 bytes long</value>
<Make tag="0x010f" format="ASCII" function="BRAND"/>
<Model tag="0x0110" format="ASCII" function="MODEL"/>
<Software tag="0x0131" format="ASCII" function="SOFTWARE"/>
<DateTime tag="0x0132" format="ASCII" count="20" seq="1" dlen="20">
<value>2001:06:21 12:00:00</value>
<CameraSerialNumber tag="0xc62f" format="ASCII" function="SERIAL"/>
<ImageNumber tag="0x9211" format="LONG" count="1" seq="25" dlen="4"/>
<Orientation tag="0x112" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="27" dlen="2"/>
<PageNumber tag="0x129" format="SHORT" count="2" seq="28" dlen="2">
<value> 0 </value>
<value> 4 </value>
<ExifTag tag="0x8769" format="LONG" function="EXIFTAG"/>
<GPSTag tag="0x08825" format="LONG" function="GPSTAG"/>
<!-- Tiff only -->
<NewSubfileType tag="0x00fe" format="LONG" count="1" dlen="4" mode="T">
<NewSubfileType tag="0x00fe" format="LONG" count="1" dlen="4" mode="T">
<value> 0 </value><!-- (not reduced, not multipage, not mask) -->
<ImageWidth tag="0x0100" format="LONG" count="1" seq="30" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<ImageLength tag="0x0101" format="LONG" count="1" seq="31" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<BitsPerSample tag="0x0102" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="32" dlen="2" mode="T"/>
<ImageWidth tag="0x0100" format="LONG" count="1" seq="30" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<ImageLength tag="0x0101" format="LONG" count="1" seq="31" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<BitsPerSample tag="0x0102" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="32" dlen="2" mode="T"/>
<PhotometricInterpretation tag="0x0106" format="SHORT" count="1" dlen="2" mode="T">
<value> 1 </value><!-- black is zero -->
<!-- <StripOffsets tag="0x0111" format="LONG" function="STRIPOFFSETS" mode="T"/>--> <!-- offset to actual image -->
<StripOffsets tag="0x0111" format="LONG" count="1" dlen="4" mode="T"/> <!-- offset to actual image -->
<SamplesPerPixel tag="0x0115" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="33" dlen="2" mode="T">
<ImageDescription tag="0x010e" format="ASCII" count="65" seq="16" dlen="64">
<value>Description 0x40 bytes long</value>
<Make tag="0x010f" format="ASCII" function="BRAND"/>
<Model tag="0x0110" format="ASCII" function="MODEL"/>
<StripOffsets tag="0x0111" format="LONG" count="1" dlen="4" mode="T"/> <!-- offset to actual image -->
<Orientation tag="0x0112" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="27" dlen="2"/>
<SamplesPerPixel tag="0x0115" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="33" dlen="2" mode="T">
<value> 1 </value><!-- One color per pixel, will be overwritten by driver -->
<RowsPerStrip tag="0x0116" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="34" dlen="2" mode="T"/>
<StripByteCounts tag="0x0117" format="LONG" count="1" seq="35" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<RowsPerStrip tag="0x0116" format="SHORT" count="1" seq="34" dlen="2" mode="T"/>
<StripByteCounts tag="0x0117" format="LONG" count="1" seq="35" dlen="4" mode="T"/>
<PageNumber tag="0x0129" format="SHORT" count="2" seq="28" dlen="2">
<value> 0 </value>
<value> 4 </value>
<Software tag="0x0131" format="ASCII" function="SOFTWARE"/>
<DateTime tag="0x0132" format="ASCII" count="20" seq="1" dlen="20">
<value>2001:06:21 12:00:00</value>
<ExifTag tag="0x8769" format="LONG" function="EXIFTAG"/>
<GPSTag tag="0x8825" format="LONG" function="GPSTAG"/>
<ImageNumber tag="0x9211" format="LONG" count="1" seq="25" dlen="4"/>
<CameraSerialNumber tag="0xc62f" format="ASCII" function="SERIAL"/>
<!-- <StripOffsets tag="0x0111" format="LONG" function="STRIPOFFSETS" mode="T"/>--> <!-- offset to actual image -->
<ExposureTime tag="0x829a" format="RATIONAL" seq="3" dlen="4">
<ExposureTime tag="0x829a" format="RATIONAL" seq="3" dlen="4">
<nominator>1</nominator> <denominator>1000000</denominator>
<DateTimeOriginal tag="0x9003" format="ASCII" count="20" seq="5" dlen="20">
<DateTimeOriginal tag="0x9003" format="ASCII" count="20" seq="5" dlen="20">
<value>2001:06:21 12:00:00</value>
<MakerNote tag="0x927c" format="LONG" count="16" seq="26" dlen="64"/>
<SubSecTimeOriginal tag="0x9291" format="ASCII" count="7" seq="6" dlen="7">
<value>0 </value>
<MakerNote tag="0x927c" format="LONG" count="16" seq="26" dlen="64"/>
<GPSVersionID tag="0x0" format= "BYTE" count="4">
<GPSVersionID tag="0x0" format= "BYTE" count="4">
<GPSLatitudeRef tag="0x1" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="7" dlen="1">
<GPSLatitudeRef tag="0x1" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="7" dlen="1">
<GPSLatitude tag="0x2" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="8" dlen="16">
<GPSLatitude tag="0x2" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="8" dlen="16">
<GPSLongitudeRef tag="0x3" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="9" dlen="1">
<GPSLongitudeRef tag="0x3" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="9" dlen="1">
<GPSLongitude tag="0x4" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="10" dlen="16">
<GPSLongitude tag="0x4" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="10" dlen="16">
<GPSAltitudeRef tag="0x5" format= "BYTE" count="1" seq="11" dlen="1">
<GPSAltitudeRef tag="0x5" format= "BYTE" count="1" seq="11" dlen="1">
<GPSAltitude tag="0x6" format= "RATIONAL" count="1" seq="12" dlen="8">
<GPSAltitude tag="0x6" format= "RATIONAL" count="1" seq="12" dlen="8">
<GPSTimeStamp tag="0x7" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="13" dlen="24">
<GPSTimeStamp tag="0x7" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="13" dlen="24">
<GPSMeasureMode tag="0xa" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="15" dlen="1">
<GPSMeasureMode tag="0xa" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="15" dlen="1">
<GPSDateStamp tag="0x1d" format= "ASCII" count="11" seq="14" dlen="11">
<!--Compass fileds - hack: using dest lat/long as no roll/pitch fields are available in Exif-->
<CompassDirectionRef tag="0x10" format= "ASCII" count="2">
<CompassDirection tag="0x11" format= "RATIONAL" count="1" seq="20" dlen="8">
<CompassDirection tag="0x11" format= "RATIONAL" count="1" seq="20" dlen="8">
<CompassPitchRef tag="0x13" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="21" dlen="1">
<CompassPitchRef tag="0x13" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="21" dlen="1">
<CompassPitch tag="0x14" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="22" dlen="8">
<CompassPitch tag="0x14" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="22" dlen="8">
<CompassRollRef tag="0x15" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="23" dlen="1">
<CompassRollRef tag="0x15" format= "ASCII" count="2" seq="23" dlen="1">
<CompassRoll tag="0x16" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="24" dlen="8">
<CompassRoll tag="0x16" format= "RATIONAL" count="3" seq="24" dlen="8">
<GPSDateStamp tag="0x1d" format= "ASCII" count="11" seq="14" dlen="11">
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