Commit 68776360 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parent d5789430
......@@ -1204,6 +1204,8 @@ int TiffStats(struct file_set * fset,
" <error>This functionality is defined only for 16-bit uncompressed data</error>\n"
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): sending response %d bytes long\n",strlen(out_str)));
printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
printf("Server: Elphel Imgsrv\r\n");
printf("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");
......@@ -1213,10 +1215,13 @@ int TiffStats(struct file_set * fset,
printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n");
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): sending response %d bytes long\n",strlen(out_str)));
if (color_mode == COLORMODE_RAW) { // only then allocated
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): hist16 = %p\n",hist16));
if (hist16) free(hist16); // not used if tiff_auto == 0
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): All Done, return 0\n"));
return 0;
......@@ -2388,7 +2393,7 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset)
tiff_hist_size, // int hist_size, // size of the histogram = ( 1 << size_shift)
tiff_hist_min, // int hist_min, // subtract from value before binning
tiff_telem); // int tiff_telem);
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_stats command: DONE, sent2socket=%d\n", sent2socket));
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_stats command: DONE, sent2socket=%d\n", sent2socket)); // gets here
sent2socket = 3;
fflush(stdout); // let's not keep client waiting - anyway we've sent it all even when more commands maybe left
// _exit(0);
......@@ -2428,14 +2433,17 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset)
} else {
if (cp1[0] != '_') fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized URL command: \"%s\" - ignoring\n", cp1); // allow "&_time=..." be silently ignored - needed for javascript image reload
D(fprintf(stderr, "End of loop while ((cp1=strsep(&cp, \"/?&\"))), cp1 = '%s'\n",cp1));
} // while ((cp1=strsep(&cp, "/?&")))
D(fprintf(stderr, "Loop while ((cp1=strsep(&cp, \"/?&\" is over, sent2socket=%d\n", sent2socket)); // gets here
if (sent2socket <= 0) { // Nothing was sent to the client so far and the command line is over. Let's return 1x1 pixel gif
} else if (sent2socket == 2) {
metaXML(fset, 2); // 0 - new (send headers), 1 - continue, 2 - finish
D(fprintf(stderr, "Flushing stdout ...\n"));
fflush(stdout); // probably it is not needed anymore, just in case
D(fprintf(stderr, "... and exiting\n"));
} // end of child process
close(fd); // parent
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