Commit 1fa52b3a authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Uncomment some code, disable excessive debug output

parent b1a63b79
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
#include <exifa.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
......@@ -598,55 +599,55 @@ int metaXML(int fd_circ, int mode) /// mode: 0 - new (send headers), 1 - con
frameParamPointer = jpeg_start - 32;
if (frameParamPointer < 0) frameParamPointer += buff_size;
memcpy(&frame_params, (unsigned long* )&ccam_dma_buf[frameParamPointer >> 2], 32); /// ccam_dma_buf - global
// jpeg_len=frame_params.frame_length;
///// Copy timestamp (goes after the image data)
// timestamp_start=jpeg_start+((jpeg_len+CCAM_MMAP_META+3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC; //! magic shift - should index first byte of the time stamp
// if (timestamp_start >= buff_size) timestamp_start-=buff_size;
// memcpy (&(frame_params.timestamp_sec), (unsigned long * ) &ccam_dma_buf[timestamp_start>>2],8);
/////TODO: Parse Exif data if available and add here
// printf ("<frame>\n" \
// "<start> 0x%x </start>\n" \
// "<hash32_r> 0x%x </hash32_r>\n" \
// "<hash32_g> 0x%x </hash32_g>\n" \
// "<hash32_gb>0x%x </hash32_gb>\n" \
// "<hash32_b> 0x%x </hash32_b>\n" \
// "<quality2> 0x%x </quality2>\n" \
// "<color> 0x%x </color>\n" \
// "<byrshift> 0x%x </byrshift>\n" \
// "<width> 0x%x </width>\n" \
// "<height> 0x%x </height>\n" \
// "<meta_index> 0x%x </meta_index>\n" \
// "<timestamp> %ld.%06ld</timestamp>\n" \
// "<signffff> 0x%x </signffff>\n"
// , (int) jpeg_start
// , (int) frame_params.hash32_r
// , (int) frame_params.hash32_g
// , (int) frame_params.hash32_gb
// , (int) frame_params.hash32_b
// , (int) frame_params.quality2
// , (int) frame_params.color /// color mode //18
// , (int) frame_params.byrshift /// bayer shift in compressor //19
// , (int) frame_params.width /// frame width, pixels 20-21 - NOTE: should be 20-21
// , (int) frame_params.height /// frame height, pixels 22-23
// , (int) frame_params.meta_index //! index of the linked meta page
// , frame_params.timestamp_sec
// , frame_params.timestamp_usec
// , (int) frame_params.signffff
// );
/////28-31 unsigned long timestamp_sec ; //! number of seconds since 1970 till the start of the frame exposure
/////28-31 unsigned long frame_length ; //! JPEG frame length in circular buffer, bytes
///// };
/////32-35 unsigned long timestamp_usec; //! number of microseconds to add
// if (frame_params.signffff !=0xffff) {
// printf("<error>\"wrong signature (should be 0xffff)\"</error>\n");
// } else {
/////Put Exif data here
// printf ("<Exif>\n");
// printExifXML(frame_params.meta_index);
// printf ("</Exif>\n");
// }
// printf ("</frame>\n");
/// Copy timestamp (goes after the image data)
timestamp_start=jpeg_start+((jpeg_len+CCAM_MMAP_META+3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC; //! magic shift - should index first byte of the time stamp
if (timestamp_start >= buff_size) timestamp_start-=buff_size;
memcpy (&(frame_params.timestamp_sec), (unsigned long * ) &ccam_dma_buf[timestamp_start>>2],8);
///TODO: Parse Exif data if available and add here
printf ("<frame>\n" \
"<start> 0x%x </start>\n" \
"<hash32_r> 0x%x </hash32_r>\n" \
"<hash32_g> 0x%x </hash32_g>\n" \
"<hash32_gb>0x%x </hash32_gb>\n" \
"<hash32_b> 0x%x </hash32_b>\n" \
"<quality2> 0x%x </quality2>\n" \
"<color> 0x%x </color>\n" \
"<byrshift> 0x%x </byrshift>\n" \
"<width> 0x%x </width>\n" \
"<height> 0x%x </height>\n" \
"<meta_index> 0x%x </meta_index>\n" \
"<timestamp> %ld.%06ld</timestamp>\n" \
"<signffff> 0x%x </signffff>\n"
, (int) jpeg_start
, (int) frame_params.hash32_r
, (int) frame_params.hash32_g
, (int) frame_params.hash32_gb
, (int) frame_params.hash32_b
, (int) frame_params.quality2
, (int) frame_params.color /// color mode //18
, (int) frame_params.byrshift /// bayer shift in compressor //19
, (int) frame_params.width /// frame width, pixels 20-21 - NOTE: should be 20-21
, (int) frame_params.height /// frame height, pixels 22-23
, (int) frame_params.meta_index //! index of the linked meta page
, frame_params.timestamp_sec
, frame_params.timestamp_usec
, (int) frame_params.signffff
///28-31 unsigned long timestamp_sec ; //! number of seconds since 1970 till the start of the frame exposure
///28-31 unsigned long frame_length ; //! JPEG frame length in circular buffer, bytes
/// };
///32-35 unsigned long timestamp_usec; //! number of microseconds to add
if (frame_params.signffff !=0xffff) {
printf("<error>\"wrong signature (should be 0xffff)\"</error>\n");
} else {
///Put Exif data here
printf ("<Exif>\n");
printf ("</Exif>\n");
printf ("</frame>\n");
return 0;
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