Commit ff8e0f1a authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Remove debug code for nocompass parameter

parent ed26a679
......@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ if (isset ( $b_index [103696] )) {
$baud == 'auto';
// exit (0);
$wait_time = 20; // wait for $wait_time if both devices were not found, retry
$compass = null;
$GPS = null;
......@@ -152,14 +151,6 @@ if (isset ( $logger_config )) {
$noGPS = ($compass || $GPS) ? "" : "noGPS";
$nocompass = ($compass) ? "" : "nocompass";
// Just debugging:
$nocompass = "";
* Actually there is a problem - when compass is disabled, imgsrv incorrectly decodes meta (image number, sensor number)
* Even if re-srated after running exif.php
$cmd = $exif_php . " init $noGPS $nocompass";
if ($verbose)
echo "Initializing Exif template: $cmd\n";
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