Commit 733e7776 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

tries to create logs/ for remote access

parent 7c963d18
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ Command line usage examples:
\033[1;37m~$ php thisscript.php logfile > logfile.csv\033[0m
* With a filter, IMU records only:
\033[1;37m~~$ php thisscript.php logfile 0x010 > logfile.csv\033[0m
* With a filter, GPS NMEA GPRMC records ony:
\033[1;37m~~$ php thisscript.php logfile 0x001 > logfile.csv\033[0m
* With a filter, GPS NMEA GPRMC,GPGGA & IMU records only:
\033[1;37m~~$ php thisscript.php logfile 0x013 > logfile.csv\033[0m
* Filter bits:
External trigger source:
......@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ $thisname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$remoteaccess = ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']!=$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
$hardcodeddir = "logs";
if ($remoteaccess){
if(!is_dir($hardcodeddir)) {
if (isset($_GET['format'])){
$format = $_GET['format'];
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