Commit fa047c63 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko
parents ee9032de cc03212a
......@@ -77,31 +77,33 @@ $default_state = "/home/root/camogm.disk";
$state_file = "/mnt/sda1/camogm.disk";
$start_str = "camogm -n " . $cmd_pipe . " -p " . $cmd_port;
if ($cmd == "run_camogm")
function check_camogm_running(){
global $start_str;
$camogm_running = false;
exec('ps | grep "camogm"', $arr);
function low_daemon($v)
return (substr($v, -1) != ']');
$check = implode("<br/>",$arr);
if (strstr($check, $start_str)){
$camogm_running = true;
$p = (array_filter($arr, "low_daemon"));
$check = implode("<br />",$p);
return $camogm_running;
//$state_file = get_state_path();
if ($cmd == "run_camogm")
if (isset($_GET['state_file'])){
$state_file = $_GET['state_file'];
$start_str = $start_str . " -s " . $state_file;
if(!check_camogm_running()) {
if (strstr($check, $start_str))
$camogm_running = true;
$camogm_running = false;
echo "camogm is not running, starting\n";
$start_str = $start_str . " -s " . $state_file;
if(!$camogm_running) {
// clean
exec("rm " . $cmd_pipe);
exec("rm " . $cmd_state);
......@@ -130,28 +132,16 @@ if ($cmd == "run_camogm")
$cmd_str = 'format=mov;save_gp=1;';
echo "camogm is running\n";
else if ($cmd == "status")
// is camogm running
$camogm_running = "not running";
exec('ps | grep "camogm"', $arr);
function low_daemon($v)
return (substr($v, -1) != ']');
$p = (array_filter($arr, "low_daemon"));
$check = implode("<br />",$p);
if (strstr($check, $start_str))
$camogm_running = "on";
$camogm_running = "off";
if (check_camogm_running()) $camogm_running = "on";
else $camogm_running = "off";
if ($camogm_running=="on"){
if ($camogm_running){
if(!file_exists($pipe)) {
......@@ -174,23 +164,9 @@ else if ($cmd == "status")
else if ($cmd == "run_status")
// is camogm running
$camogm_running = "not running";
exec('ps | grep "camogm"', $arr);
function low_daemon($v)
return (substr($v, -1) != ']');
$p = (array_filter($arr, "low_daemon"));
$check = implode("<br />",$p);
if (strstr($check, $start_str))
$camogm_running = "on";
$camogm_running = "off";
if (check_camogm_running()) $camogm_running = "on";
else $camogm_running = "off";
$status="<?xml version='1.0'?><camogm_state>\n<state>".$camogm_running."</state>\n</camogm_state>";
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