Commit ecb78ce2 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: write audio samples to file

Audio samples are recorded after each frame which brakes the structure
of video chunks in case when frames_per_chunk > 1. This will be fixed
parent c5b381e3
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ void audio_init(struct audio *audio, bool restart)
int err = 0;
bool init_ok = false;
unsigned int t = audio->audio_rate;
unsigned int period_time = 40 * 1000;
unsigned int buffer_time = 2000000;
unsigned int period_time = SAMPLE_TIME * 1000;
unsigned int buffer_time = BUFFER_TIME * 1000;
snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params; // allocated on stack, do not free
snd_pcm_sw_params_t *sw_params; // allocated on stack, do not free
snd_pcm_status_t *status; // allocated on stack, do not free
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void audio_init(struct audio *audio, bool restart)
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len -= audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len % 2;
// 'while' loop here just to break initialization sequence after an error
while (true) {
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer = (void *)malloc(audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len * 8 + AUDIO_SBUFFER_PREFIX);
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer = (void *)malloc(audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len * audio->audio_channels * AUDIO_BPS);
if (audio->ctx_a.sbuffer == NULL) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error: can not allocate buffer for audio samples: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
......@@ -170,14 +170,16 @@ void audio_start(struct audio *audio)
void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
int slen;
snd_pcm_sframes_t slen;
int counter = 0;
void *_buf;
int _buf_len;
long _buf_len;
struct timeval tv_sys;
snd_timestamp_t ts;
snd_pcm_status_t *status; // allocated on stack, do not free
if (audio->audio_enable == 0)
......@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
snd_pcm_status(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, status);
snd_pcm_status_get_tstamp(status, &ts);
avail = snd_pcm_status_get_avail(status);
int to_read = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len; // length in samples
snd_pcm_uframes_t to_read = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len; // length in samples
if (audio->ctx_a.rem_samples < 0)
audio->ctx_a.rem_samples = 0;
if (avail >= audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len && audio->ctx_a.rem_samples == 0)
......@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
if (to_push_flag) {
slen = snd_pcm_readi(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, (void *)(audio->ctx_a.sbuffer + AUDIO_SBUFFER_PREFIX), to_read);
slen = snd_pcm_readi(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, (void *)audio->ctx_a.sbuffer, to_read);
if (slen > 0) {
int flag = 1;
long offset = 0;
......@@ -238,12 +240,12 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
// we need to skip some samples in a new session, but if we just switch the frames than
// we need to skip some samples in a new session, but if we just switch the frames then
// we need to split new samples in the buffer into two parts - for the previous file,
// and the next one...
// so we can just save in the first file new data, and in the next use "skip_samples" field
if (audio->ctx_a.audio_skip_samples != 0) {
D5(fprintf(debug_file, "skip_samples = %lld, available samples = %d\n", audio->ctx_a.audio_skip_samples, slen));
D5(fprintf(debug_file, "skip_samples = %lld, available samples = %ld\n", audio->ctx_a.audio_skip_samples, slen));
if (audio->ctx_a.audio_skip_samples >= slen) {
audio->ctx_a.audio_skip_samples -= slen;
flag = 0;
......@@ -255,11 +257,10 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
if (flag) {
long samples = slen - offset;
audio->ctx_a.audio_count += samples;
_buf = (void *) (audio->ctx_a.sbuffer + AUDIO_SBUFFER_PREFIX);
_buf = (void *) ((char *) _buf + offset * 2 * audio->audio_channels);
_buf_len = samples * 2 * audio->audio_channels;
audio->write_samples(_buf, _buf_len, samples);
_buf = (void *)audio->ctx_a.sbuffer;
_buf = (void *)((char *) _buf + offset * AUDIO_BPS * audio->audio_channels);
_buf_len = samples * AUDIO_BPS * audio->audio_channels;
audio->write_samples(audio, _buf, _buf_len, samples);
float tr = 1.0 / audio->audio_rate;
float l = tr * audio->ctx_a.audio_count;
......@@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
} else {
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "error reading from ALSA buffer, error code %ld\n", slen));
......@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
#define SAMPLE_TIME 200
#define SAMPLE_TIME 200 ///< restrict ALSA to have this period, in milliseconds
#define BUFFER_TIME 1000 ///< approximate ALSA buffer duration, in milliseconds
#define DEFAULT_SND_DEVICE "plughw:0,0"
#define AUDIO_RATE_MIN 11025
#define AUDIO_RATE_MAX 44100
#define AUDIO_BPS 2 ///< bytes per sample for a single channel (can be 1 or 2)
struct context_audio {
char *sbuffer; ///< buffer for audio samples
......@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ struct audio {
int frame_period; ///< video frame period, used to calculate time stamps for audio samples
void (*get_fpga_time)(const struct audio *audio, struct timeval *tv);//< callback function which can get FPGA time
int (*write_samples)(void *buff, int len, int slen); ///< callback function which actually write data to file, this must be set
int (*write_samples)(struct audio *audio, void *buff, long len, long slen); ///< callback function which actually write data to file, this must be set
///< in the camogm_init_* function when appropriate format is selected
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
/** @brief The length in bytes of sample-to-chunk table entry as defined in QuickTime format specification */
#define S2C_ENTRY_LEN 12
/** @brief The number of entries in sample-to-chunk table */
/** @brief The number of entries in sample-to-chunk table. See camogm_start_mov for the reason why we need 3 entries. */
#define S2C_ENTRIES 3
// for the parser
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int quicktime_template_parser(camogm_state *state,
void putBigEndian(unsigned long d, int l);
int parse_special(camogm_state *state);
int parse(camogm_state *state, int top);
static int camogm_audio_mov(void *buff, int len, int slen);
static int camogm_audio_mov(struct audio *audio, void *buff, long len, long slen);
static inline bool is_audio_frame(unsigned long len);
static inline void mark_audio(unsigned long *len);
static inline void unmark_audio(unsigned long *len);
......@@ -146,6 +146,12 @@ int camogm_start_mov(camogm_state *state)
state->frame_index = 0;
if (audio->audio_enable) {
/* Allocate memory for sample-to-chunk buffers. For simplicity, all audio chunks must be the same size and
* we enforce this by reading from ALSA buffer (see camogm_audio.c ) only when it contains the appropriate
* number of samples. Such approach simplifies the building of sample-to-chunk atoms, although there are
* two corner cases: the first and the last chunks in file can contain different number of samples, thus we
* need 3 entries in total (first, last and all in between). That is why S2C_ENTRIES = 3.
audio->audio_samples_to_chunk = malloc(S2C_ENTRY_LEN * S2C_ENTRIES);
if (!audio->audio_samples_to_chunk) {
......@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ int camogm_start_mov(camogm_state *state)
data_offset = QUICKTIME_MIN_HEADER + 16;
data_offset += 4 * state->max_frames; // space for sample size atom - video
data_offset += 4 * state->max_frames; // space for chunk offsets atom - video
data_offset += (4 * state->max_frames) / state->frames_per_chunk; // space for chunk offsets atom - video
if (audio->audio_enable) {
data_offset += 4 * state->max_frames; // space for chunk offsets atom - audio
data_offset += S2C_ENTRY_LEN * S2C_ENTRIES; // space for samples size atom - audio
......@@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ int camogm_start_mov(camogm_state *state)
int camogm_frame_mov(camogm_state *state)
int ret;
int ret = 0;
int i, j;
ssize_t iovlen, l;
struct iovec chunks_iovec[7];
......@@ -218,17 +224,43 @@ int camogm_frame_mov(camogm_state *state)
* Write audio samples to file.
* @param buff
* @param len
* @param slen
* @return
* @param[in] buff pointer to buffer containing audio samples
* @param[in] len the size of buffer, in bytes
* @param[in] slen the number of audio samples in buffer
* @return 0 if data was recorded successfully and negative error code otherwise
static int camogm_audio_mov(void *buff, int len, int slen)
static int camogm_audio_mov(struct audio *audio, void *buff, long len, long slen)
int ret_val = 0;
unsigned long k;
ssize_t wr_len;
camogm_state *state = container_of(audio, camogm_state, audio);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "write audio sample, len = %d, slen = %d\n", len, slen));
wr_len = write(state->ivf, buff, len);
if (wr_len < len) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "audio samples write error: %s; returned %d, expected %d\n", strerror(errno), wr_len, len));
state->ivf = -1;
k = len;
state->frame_lengths[state->frame_index] = k;
if (audio->audio_samples_to_chunk[0] == -1) {
// this slot contains the number of samples in first chunk in file
audio->audio_samples_to_chunk[0] = slen;
} else {
// these slots contain the number of samples in the last and in the one before last chunks
audio->audio_samples_to_chunk[1] = audio->audio_samples_to_chunk[2];
audio->audio_samples_to_chunk[2] = slen;
audio->audio_samples += slen;
return ret_val;
......@@ -350,7 +382,7 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
if (strcmp(str, "frame_duration") == 0) {
putBigEndian(sample_dur, 4); return 0;
if (strcmp(str, "samples_chunk") == 0) {
if (strcmp(str, "samples_chunk") == 0) { // 'stsc' video atom
putBigEndian(samplesPerChunk, 4); return 0;
} // will put zeroes on pass 1
......@@ -385,13 +417,15 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
if (strcmp(str, "audio_stsz") == 0) {
putBigEndian(state->audio.audio_channels * 2, 4);
putBigEndian(state->audio.audio_samples, 4);
/* sample size table in 'stsz' atom contains entry for every sample, sound samples are
* all the same size thus this table is not needed - put 0 as the number of entries here
putBigEndian(0, 4);
return 0;
if (strcmp(str, "audio_stco") == 0) { // (4 + 4 * chunk_count) bytes
if (strcmp(str, "audio_stco") == 0) {
long offset = 0;
n = state->audio.audio_frameno;
//fprintf(stderr, "chunk_offsets; n == %d; nframes == %d; samplesPerChunk == %d\n", n, nframes, samplesPerChunk);
putBigEndian(n, 4);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < state->frame_index; i++) {
......@@ -408,18 +442,19 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error MOV: wrong records for \"audio_stco\", have written %d, need to write %d\n", j, n));
return 0;
// TODO!!!
if (strcmp(str, "audio_stsc") == 0) {
n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < S2C_ENTRIES; i++) {
if (state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[i] != -1) {
for (int entry = 0; entry < S2C_ENTRIES; entry++) {
if (state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[entry] != -1) {
putBigEndian(n, 4);
// first table entry refers to first audio chunk in file
putBigEndian(1, 4);
putBigEndian(state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[0], 4);
putBigEndian(01, 4); // TODO: 02 ???
putBigEndian(01, 4);
// second table entry, most chunks in file refer here
n = 2;
if (state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[1] != -1) {
putBigEndian(n, 4);
......@@ -427,6 +462,7 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
putBigEndian(01, 4);
n = state->audio.audio_frameno;
// last table entry corresponds to the last audio chunk in file
if (state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[2] != -1) {
putBigEndian(n, 4);
putBigEndian(state->audio.audio_samples_to_chunk[2], 4);
......@@ -434,10 +470,6 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
return 0;
if (strcmp(str, "audio_samples_chunk") == 0) {
putBigEndian(1, 4);
return 0;
} // will put zeroes on pass 1
if (strcmp(str, "sample_sizes") == 0) { // 'stsz' video atom
// index for video stream only, audio index is build separately
j = 0;
......@@ -449,7 +481,7 @@ int parse_special(camogm_state *state)
if (j != nframes)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error MOV: wrong records for \"samples_sizes\": have write: %d, need to write: %d\n", j, n));
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error MOV: wrong records for \"samples_sizes\": have write: %d, need to write: %d\n", j, nframes));
return 0;
if (strcmp(str, "chunk_offsets") == 0) { // 'stco' video atom
......@@ -602,7 +634,7 @@ int quicktime_template_parser( camogm_state *state,
lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_SET);
audio_timescale = state->audio.audio_rate;
audio_rate = audio_timescale;
audio_rate = audio_timescale; // QuickTime defines sample rate as unsigned 16.16 fixed-point number
audio_rate <<= 16;
audio_duration = state->audio.audio_samples;
audio_channels = state->audio.audio_channels;
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
!time # Creation time
!time # Modification time
!audio_timescale # Time Scale - 44100 // ???
!audio_duration # Duration // ???
!audio_duration # Duration in units of the time scale
0000 # Language
0000 # Quality
} # 'mdhd
......@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
'mhlr # Component type
'soun # Component subtype
00000000 # Component manufacturer
# 'niko # Component manufacturer
00000000 # Component Flags
00000000 # Component Flags Mask
00 # Component name
......@@ -233,8 +232,6 @@
000000 # Flags
00000001 # Number of entries
{'sowt # 16 bit LE, Data format
# 0001 # Version
# 0000 # Revision
00000000 0000 # (reserved)
0001 # Data reference index
0001 # Version
......@@ -268,15 +265,15 @@
000000 # Flags
!audio_stsc #
# 00000000 # Number of entries
#[ 00000000 # first chunk
#... 00000000 # samples per chunk
#] 00000000 # samples description ID - 01 or 02 ?
#[ 00000000 # the first chunk number using this table entry (it starts from 1 in video)
#... 00000000 # the number of samples per chunk
#] 00000000 # sample description ID; defines the entry in stsd table which describes this chunk (it starts from 1 in video)
{'stsz # Sample size atom
00 # version
000000 # Flags
!audio_stsz # Sample Size - 2 for Mono, 4 for Stereo - ?
# 00000000 # Number of entries - empty
!audio_stsz # Sample Size - 2 for Mono, 4 for Stereo
# 00000000 # Number of entries; this table should be empty if all the samples are the same size
{'stco # Chunk offset atom
00 # version
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