Commit cb60ae2d authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Fix open file descriptor check

parent 4d5a1967
......@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ void setGValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GNumber, unsigned long value);
unsigned int select_port(camogm_state *states);
inline void set_chn_state(camogm_state *s, unsigned int port, unsigned int new_state);
inline int is_chn_active(camogm_state *s, unsigned int port);
void clean_up(camogm_state *state);
void put_uint16(void *buf, u_int16_t val)
......@@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ void camogm_init(camogm_state *state, char *pipe_name, uint16_t port_num)
// reading thread has not been started yet, mutex lock is not necessary
state->prog_state = STATE_STOPPED;
state->rawdev.thread_state = STATE_STOPPED;
// kml stuff
camogm_kml_set_horHalfFov(state, 20.0);
......@@ -812,7 +814,7 @@ void camogm_set_prefix(camogm_state *state, const char * p, path_type type)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "WARNING: raw device write initiated\n"));
state->rawdev_op = 1;
/* debug code follows */
state->rawdev.end_pos = (uint64_t)4096 * (uint64_t)1048576;
state->rawdev.end_pos = (uint64_t)128 * (uint64_t)1048576;
/* end of debug code */
......@@ -1220,6 +1222,7 @@ int parse_cmd(camogm_state *state, FILE* npipe)
} else if (strcmp(cmd, "exit") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(cmd, "duration") == 0) {
if (!(args) || (((d = strtol(args, NULL, 10))) <= 0)) d = DEFAULT_DURATION;
......@@ -1354,22 +1357,26 @@ int parse_cmd(camogm_state *state, FILE* npipe)
* @brief This function closes open files and deletes allocated memory.
* @brief This function closes open files, terminates reading thread and deletes allocated memory.
* @param[in] state pointer to #camogm_state structure for a particular sensor channel
* return None
void clean_up(camogm_state *state)
for (int port = 0; port < SENSOR_PORTS; port++) {
if (state->fd_exif[port] > 0)
if (is_fd_valid(state->fd_exif[port]))
if (state->fd_head[port] > 0)
if (is_fd_valid(state->fd_head[port]))
if (state->fd_circ[port] > 0)
if (is_fd_valid(state->fd_circ[port]))
if (state->fd_fparmsall[port])
if (is_fd_valid(state->fd_fparmsall[port]))
if (state->rawdev.thread_state != STATE_STOPPED) {
......@@ -1788,3 +1795,14 @@ int isDaemonEnabled(unsigned int port, int daemonBit) // <0 - use default
if ((daemonBit >= 0) && (daemonBit < 32)) lastDaemonBit[port] = daemonBit;
return ((framePars[port][GLOBALPARS(port, G_THIS_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_DAEMON_EN] & (1 << lastDaemonBit[port])) != 0);
* @brief Check if file descriptor is valid. This function is used to check if file
* is opened before closing it.
* @param[in] fd file descriptor to check
* @return 1 if descriptor is valid and 0 otherwise
inline int is_fd_valid(int fd)
return fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) != -1 || errno != EBADF;
......@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ enum state_flags {
* Current read position in raw device buffer
* @var rawdev_buffer::curr_pos_w
* Current write position in raw device buffer
* @var rawdevice_buffer::mmap_default_size
* @var rawdev_buffer::mmap_default_size
* The default size of memory mapped disk region
* @var rawdevice_buffer::mmap_current_size
* @var rawdev_buffer::mmap_current_size
* The size of currently memory mapped disk region. Can be less then #mmap_default_size
* @var rawdevice_buffer::mmap_offset
* @var rawdev_buffer::mmap_offset
* Current offset (in bytes) from the beginning of raw device buffer
* @var rawdev_buffer::file_start
* Pointer to the beginning of current file. This pointer is set during raw device reading and
* updated every time new file is found.
* @var rawdevice_buffer::tid
* @var rawdev_buffer::tid
* The ID of raw device reading thread
* @var rawdev_buffer::thread_state
* The state of the reading thread. Used to interrupt current operation
......@@ -229,5 +229,6 @@ unsigned long getGPValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GPNumber);
void setGValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GNumber, unsigned long value);
int waitDaemonEnabled(unsigned int port, int daemonBit);
int isDaemonEnabled(unsigned int port, int daemonBit);
int is_fd_valid(int fd);
#endif /* _CAMOGM_H */
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ static int read_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_index **indx)
node->port = (uint32_t)ifd_page_num.offset;
if (ifd_date_time.len != 0) {
struct tm tm;
struct tm tm = {0};
exif_get_text(rawdev, &ifd_date_time, str_buff);
strptime(str_buff, EXIF_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, &tm);
node->rawtime = mktime(&tm);
......@@ -883,7 +883,6 @@ static int find_in_window(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, const struct range *wnd, struct
int pos_start, pos_stop;
if (mmap_disk(rawdev, (const struct range *)wnd) == 0) {
fprintf(debug_file, "Searching in mmapped window: from 0x%llx, to 0x%llx\n", wnd->from, wnd->from + rawdev->mmap_current_size);
pos_start = find_marker(rawdev->disk_mmap, rawdev->mmap_current_size, elphel_st.iov_base, elphel_st.iov_len, 0);
if (pos_start >= 0) {
rawdev->file_start = rawdev->mmap_offset + pos_start;
......@@ -894,10 +893,9 @@ static int find_in_window(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, const struct range *wnd, struct
ret = 0;
fprintf(debug_file, "\t%s: pos_start = %d, pos_stop = %d\n", __func__, pos_start, pos_stop);
} else {
fprintf(debug_file, "Error mmaping region from 0x%llx to 0x%llx\n", wnd->from, wnd->to);
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "ERROR: can not memory map region from 0x%llx to 0x%llx\n", wnd->from, wnd->to));
return ret;
......@@ -913,9 +911,8 @@ static int find_in_window(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, const struct range *wnd, struct
* @return A pointer to disk index node found or NULL if there were no close
* index candidates
static struct disk_index *find_disk_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_idir *idir, uint64_t *rawtime)
static struct disk_index *find_disk_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_idir *idir, time_t *rawtime)
bool indx_appended = false;
bool process = true;
struct range range;
struct range search_window;
......@@ -923,15 +920,6 @@ static struct disk_index *find_disk_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_idi
struct disk_index *indx_ret = NULL;
struct disk_index *nearest_indx = find_nearest_by_time((const struct disk_idir *)idir, *rawtime);
/* debug code follows */
struct tm *tm = gmtime(rawtime);
fprintf(debug_file, "%s: looking for offset near %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", __func__,
tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
uint64_t nr;
nr = (nearest_indx == NULL) ? 0 : nearest_indx->f_offset;
fprintf(debug_file, "Nearest index offset: 0x%llx\n", nr);
/* end of debug code */
// define disk offsets where search will be performed
if (nearest_indx == NULL) {
range.from = rawdev->start_pos;
......@@ -952,16 +940,12 @@ static struct disk_index *find_disk_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_idi
fprintf(debug_file, "Starting search in range: from 0x%llx, to 0x%llx\n", range.from,;
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "Starting search in range: from 0x%llx, to 0x%llx\n", range.from,;
while (process && get_search_window(&range, &search_window) == 0) {
indx_found = NULL;
indx_appended = false;
fprintf(debug_file, "Search window: from 0x%llx, to 0x%llx\n", search_window.from,;
if (find_in_window(rawdev, &search_window, &indx_found) == 0) {
double time_diff = difftime(indx_found->rawtime, *rawtime);
fprintf(debug_file, "Index found: time diff %f, file offset 0x%llx, rawtime found %ld, rawtime given %ld\n",
time_diff, indx_found->f_offset, indx_found->rawtime, *rawtime);
if (fabs(time_diff) > SEARCH_TIME_WINDOW) {
// the index found is not within search time window, update sparse index directory and
// define a new search window
......@@ -980,10 +964,9 @@ static struct disk_index *find_disk_index(rawdev_buffer *rawdev, struct disk_idi
// index is not found in the search window, move toward the start of the range = search_window.from;
fprintf(debug_file, "Updating range, new range: from 0x%llx, to 0x%llx\n", range.from,;
fprintf(debug_file, "\nSparse index directory dump, %d nodes:\n", idir->size);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "\nSparse index directory dump, %d nodes:\n", idir->size));
return indx_ret;
......@@ -1014,7 +997,6 @@ void *reader(void *arg)
size_t file_cntr;
camogm_state *state = (camogm_state *)arg;
rawdev_buffer *rawdev = &state->rawdev;
struct stat stat_buff;
struct range mmap_range;
struct disk_index *disk_indx, *cross_boundary_indx;
struct disk_idir index_dir;
......@@ -1160,7 +1142,6 @@ void *reader(void *arg)
rng.from = index_sparse.curr_indx->f_offset + index_sparse.curr_indx->f_size; = rawdev->end_pos;
fprintf(debug_file, "Searching next file in rage from 0x%llx to 0x%llx\n", rng.from,;
if (indx_ptr == NULL) {
if ( - rng.from > rawdev->mmap_default_size)
......@@ -1238,7 +1219,7 @@ void *reader(void *arg)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Unrecognized command is skipped\n"));
if (fstat(fd, &stat_buff) != EBADF)
if (is_fd_valid(fd))
state->prog_state = STATE_STOPPED;
......@@ -1260,21 +1241,18 @@ void *reader(void *arg)
static inline void exit_thread(void *arg)
struct exit_state *s = (struct exit_state *)arg;
struct stat buff;
if (fstat(s->state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, &buff) != EBADF) {
if (s->state->rawdev.disk_mmap != NULL)
munmap(s->state->rawdev.disk_mmap, s->state->rawdev.mmap_current_size);
if (is_fd_valid(s->state->rawdev.rawdev_fd))
s->state->rawdev.rawdev_fd = -1;
if (s->idir->size != 0)
if (s->sparse_idir-> size != 0)
if (fstat(*s->sockfd_const, &buff) != EBADF)
if (is_fd_valid(*s->sockfd_const))
if (fstat(*s->sockfd_temp, &buff) != EBADF)
if (is_fd_valid(*s->sockfd_temp))
......@@ -1372,7 +1350,6 @@ static void build_index(camogm_state *state, struct disk_idir *idir)
if (pos_start == MATCH_NOT_FOUND && pos_stop == MATCH_NOT_FOUND) {
// normal condition, search in progress
buff_processed = 1;
// D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'skip data'\n"));
} else if (pos_start >= 0 && pos_stop >= 0 && pos_start > pos_stop) {
// normal condition, start marker following stop marker found - this indicates a new file
if (search_state == SEARCH_FILE_DATA) {
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