Commit c2d76746 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: recover audio stream after buffer overrun

parent d37d4a2f
......@@ -1769,6 +1769,11 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
} else {
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "not recording audio samples after this frame\n"));
// === debug code ===
fprintf(debug_file, "video frames recorded: %d\n", state->frameno);
// ===end of debug ===
......@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ static void audio_deinit(struct audio *audio);
static bool skip_audio(struct audio *audio, snd_pcm_uframes_t frames);
static long frames_to_bytes(const struct audio *audio, long frames);
static void record_buffer(struct audio *audio, int opt);
static void recover_stream(struct audio *audio, snd_pcm_sframes_t err, snd_pcm_uframes_t xrun);
static void dummy_read(struct audio *audio);
static void write_silence(struct audio *audio);
static int realloc_buffers(struct context_audio *ctx);
* Initialize HW part of audio interface.
......@@ -114,12 +118,10 @@ void audio_init_hw(struct audio *audio, bool restart)
if (init_ok) {
char tmp_buff[32];
// read some frames to force the driver to start reporting correct number of available frames
snd_pcm_readi(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, tmp_buff, 8);
snd_pcm_status(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, status);
snd_pcm_status_get_tstamp(status, &audio_ts);
......@@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ void audio_init_sw(struct audio *audio, bool restart, int frames)
float v_chunk_time; // duration of one video chunk, in seconds
assert(audio->ctx_a.sbuffer == NULL);
assert(audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer == NULL);
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos = 0;
......@@ -213,11 +216,12 @@ void audio_init_sw(struct audio *audio, bool restart, int frames)
audio->ctx_a.read_frames = def_buff_frames;
buff_size = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len * audio->audio_channels * (snd_pcm_format_physical_width(audio->ctx_a.audio_format) / 8);
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer = malloc(buff_size);
if (audio->ctx_a.sbuffer == NULL) {
audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer = malloc(buff_size);
if (audio->ctx_a.sbuffer == NULL || audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer == NULL) {
audio->set_audio_enable = 0;
audio->audio_enable = 0;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error: can not allocate %u bytes for audio buffer: %s\n", buff_size, strerror(errno)));
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error: can not allocate %u bytes for audio buffer: %s. Audio disabled\n", buff_size, strerror(errno)));
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "allocated audio buffer for %ld frames, read granularity is %ld frames\n",
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len, audio->ctx_a.read_frames));
......@@ -256,14 +260,23 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
snd_pcm_status_get_tstamp(status, &ts);
avail = snd_pcm_status_get_avail(status);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "\navailable audio frames: %ld\n", avail));
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "\navailable audio frames: %ld, audio timestamp: %ld:%06ld\n", avail, ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_usec));
assert(audio->ctx_a.rem_samples >= 0);
snd_pcm_uframes_t to_read = audio->ctx_a.read_frames; // length in audio frames
if (avail >= audio->ctx_a.read_frames && audio->ctx_a.rem_samples == 0) {
if (audio->ctx_a.xrun_append > 0) {
// finish xrun recovery process and fill the buffer with new frames untill it is full
to_read = audio->ctx_a.xrun_append;
// === debug code ===
fprintf(debug_file, "append %ld audio frames\n", to_read);
// === end of debug ===
if (avail >= to_read && audio->ctx_a.rem_samples == 0) {
if (skip_audio(audio, avail))
to_push_flag = AUDIO_PROCESS;
audio->ctx_a.xrun_append = 0;
if (audio->ctx_a.rem_samples > 0) {
if (audio->ctx_a.rem_samples > audio->ctx_a.read_frames) {
......@@ -282,8 +295,19 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
if (to_push_flag) {
assert((to_read + audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos) <= audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len);
if ((to_read + audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos) > audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_len) {
/* looks like we spent too much time somewhere and now driver has
* more audio frames than we can store in buffer, but overrun has not occured.
* We can not record all these frames as it is not proper time yet, but we can increase
* buffer size and continue with a bigger buffer.
int err_code = realloc_buffers(&audio->ctx_a);
if (err_code < 0) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error (%d), could not reallocate audio buffer\n", err_code));
audio->set_audio_enable = 0;
char *buff_ptr = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer + frames_to_bytes(audio, audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos);
slen = snd_pcm_readi(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, buff_ptr, to_read);
......@@ -293,20 +317,7 @@ void audio_process(struct audio *audio)
record_buffer(audio, to_push_flag);
} else {
// TODO: recovery below does not work as expected, snd_pcm_status_get_avail() always returns 0 after buffer overflow; need to be fixed
if (slen == -EPIPE || slen == -ESTRPIPE) {
int err;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "snd_pcm_readi returned error: %ld\n", (long)slen));
err = snd_pcm_recover(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, slen, 0);
if (err != 0) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error: ALSA could not recover audio buffer, error code: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)));
// TODO: restart audio interface
} else {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "audio error recover complete, trying to restart the stream\n"));
recover_stream(audio, slen, avail);
} else {
// no audio frames for processing, return
......@@ -444,6 +455,9 @@ static void audio_deinit(struct audio *audio)
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer = NULL;
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos = 0;
audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer = NULL;
audio->ctx_a.xrun_pos = 0;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
D4(fprintf(debug_file, "audio deinitialized at %ld:%06ld\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec));
......@@ -498,6 +512,20 @@ static void record_buffer(struct audio *audio, int opt)
long frames;
long rem_frames;
/* check if xrun has occurred and write audio frames that were saved before xrun,
* then add silence equal in time to lost frames
if(audio->ctx_a.lost_frames > 0) {
_buf = audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer;
_buf_len = frames_to_bytes(audio, audio->ctx_a.xrun_pos);
frames = audio->ctx_a.xrun_pos;
audio->write_samples(audio, _buf, _buf_len, frames);
audio->ctx_a.xrun_pos = 0;
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "record %ld audio frames which were saved before xrun\n", frames));
_buf = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer;
rem_frames = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos;
while (rem_frames >= audio->ctx_a.read_frames || opt == AUDIO_LAST_CHUNK) {
......@@ -529,3 +557,112 @@ static void record_buffer(struct audio *audio, int opt)
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos = rem_frames;
* Try to recover audio stream after buffer overflow.
* @param audio pointer to a structure containing audio parameters and buffers
* @param err error code received after overflow event
* @param xrun the number of audio frames returned by snd_pcm_format_get_avail() after xrun
static void recover_stream(struct audio *audio, snd_pcm_sframes_t err, snd_pcm_uframes_t xrun)
int ret;
long prepend_frames;
if (err == -EPIPE || err == -ESTRPIPE) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "snd_pcm_readi returned error: %ld\n", err));
ret = snd_pcm_recover(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, err, 0);
if (ret != 0) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error: ALSA could not recover audio stream, error code: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)));
// TODO: complete restart of audio interface
} else {
if (audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos > 0) {
/* buffer contains some data which was saved before xrun,
* move the data to a temporary storage in order to free the buffer for current use
size_t bytes = frames_to_bytes(audio, audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos);
memcpy(audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer, audio->ctx_a.sbuffer, bytes);
audio->ctx_a.xrun_pos = audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos;
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos = 0;
prepend_frames = xrun % audio->ctx_a.read_frames;
audio->ctx_a.lost_frames = xrun - prepend_frames;
snd_pcm_format_set_silence(audio->ctx_a.audio_format, audio->ctx_a.sbuffer, prepend_frames * audio->audio_channels);
audio->ctx_a.sbuffer_pos = prepend_frames;
audio->ctx_a.xrun_append = audio->ctx_a.read_frames - prepend_frames;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "audio error recover complete, trying to restart the stream\n"));
// === debug code ===
snd_pcm_status_t *s;
snd_timestamp_t ts;
snd_pcm_status(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, s);
snd_pcm_status_get_tstamp(s, &ts);
fprintf(debug_file, "xrun = %lu, prepend_frames = %ld, lost_frames = %ld, xrun_append = %ld\n",
xrun, prepend_frames, audio->ctx_a.lost_frames, audio->ctx_a.xrun_append);
fprintf(debug_file, "audio tstamp: %ld:%06ld\n", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
* For some reason, ALSA reports incorrect number of frames (always 0) when audio stream has just started or
* been recoverded after xrun. Reading small number of frames seems to restore normal operation.
* @param audio pointer to a structure containing audio parameters and buffers
static void dummy_read(struct audio *audio)
char tmp_buff[32];
snd_pcm_readi(audio->ctx_a.capture_hnd, tmp_buff, 8);
* Pad audio stream with silence frames instead of lost frames after buffer overflow not lose sync with video.
* This function reuses xrun_buffer for silence frames and data from this buffer should be
* recorded by the moment.
* @param audio pointer to a structure containing audio parameters and buffers
* @return None
static void write_silence(struct audio *audio)
void *_buf;
long _buf_len;
long rem_frames;
_buf = audio->ctx_a.xrun_buffer;
_buf_len = frames_to_bytes(audio, audio->ctx_a.read_frames);
snd_pcm_format_set_silence(audio->ctx_a.audio_format, _buf, audio->ctx_a.read_frames * audio->audio_channels);
rem_frames = audio->ctx_a.lost_frames;
while (rem_frames >= audio->ctx_a.read_frames) {
audio->write_samples(audio, _buf, _buf_len, audio->ctx_a.read_frames);
rem_frames -= audio->ctx_a.read_frames;
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "recorded %ld audio frames of silence\n", audio->ctx_a.lost_frames));
assert(rem_frames == 0);
audio->ctx_a.lost_frames = 0;
* Allocate new audio buffer with double size of the previous buffer
* @param ctx pointer to current audio context
* @return 0 in case buffers were reallocated and negative error code otherwise
static int realloc_buffers(struct context_audio *ctx)
int ret_val = 0;
ssize_t new_size = snd_pcm_frames_to_bytes(ctx->capture_hnd, 2 * ctx->sbuffer_len);
ctx->sbuffer = realloc(ctx->sbuffer, new_size);
ctx->xrun_buffer = realloc(ctx->xrun_buffer, new_size);
if (ctx->sbuffer == NULL || ctx->xrun_buffer == NULL) {
} else {
ctx->sbuffer_len = 2 * ctx->sbuffer_len;
D1(fprintf(debug_file, "audio buffer reallocated, new size is %ld frames\n", ctx->sbuffer_len));
return ret_val;
......@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ struct context_audio {
struct timeval time_last; ///< calculated time of last audio sample (this value is not taken from ALSA)
long rem_samples; ///< remaining samples
long lost_frames; ///< the number of frames lost after buffer overrun
char *xrun_buffer; ///< temporary storage for the data saved in buffer befor xrun
long xrun_pos; ///< number of samples in xrun buffer
long xrun_append; ///< save in buffer this number of frames after xrun, all other frames in chunk
///< will be silence
snd_pcm_format_t audio_format; ///< format of audio samples as defined in 'enum snd_pcm_format_t'
snd_pcm_t *capture_hnd; ///< ALSA PCM handle
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