Commit 1bc41c20 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Add disk reading test to camogm_test

parent 96532b5b
/** @brief This define is needed to use lseek64 and should be set before includes */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
......@@ -27,6 +28,12 @@
#define SMALL_BUFF_LEN 32
/** State file record format. It includes device path in /dev, starting, current and ending LBAs */
#define STATE_FILE_FORMAT "%s\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\n"
/** Block size in bytes and double words */
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define BLOCK_SIZE_DW 128
/** Maximun number of consequent sectors with errors before counter is resynchronized */
#define MAX_ERR_LBA 3
// redefine debug macros define in camogm.h
......@@ -90,6 +97,7 @@ static int open_state_file(const rawdev_buffer *rawdev);
static int save_state_file(const rawdev_buffer *rawdev);
static int get_disk_range_from_driver(struct range *range);
static void read_stat(void);
static void start_test(camogm_state *state, const unsigned long max_cntr, const struct range *range);
void camogm_init(camogm_state *state, char *pipe_name, uint16_t port_num)
......@@ -154,7 +162,8 @@ int open_files(camogm_state *state)
return -2;
state->circ_buff_size[port] = MMAP_BUFF_SIZE;
ccam_dma_buf[port] = (unsigned long*)mmap(0, state->circ_buff_size[port], PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, state->fd_circ[port], 0);
// PROT_EXEC flag is set to make __clear_cache() work properly (that was advised on the web)
ccam_dma_buf[port] = (unsigned long*)mmap(0, state->circ_buff_size[port], PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, state->fd_circ[port], 0);
if ((int)ccam_dma_buf[port] == -1) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error in mmap of %s\n", circbufFileNames[port]));
......@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
ret = write(state->rawdev.sysfs_fd, &fdata, sizeof(struct frame_data));
if (ret < 0) {
// D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Can not pass IO vector to driver (driver may be busy): %s\r", strerror(errno)));
return ret;
return errno;
......@@ -335,6 +344,7 @@ static int set_disk_range(const struct range *rng)
return ret;
/** Get full disk size in bytes */
static uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name)
int fd;
......@@ -498,6 +508,7 @@ int parse_cmd(camogm_state *state, FILE* npipe)
return 0;
/** Open command file in sysfs */
int start_recording(camogm_state *state)
if (state->rawdev_op) {
......@@ -516,6 +527,7 @@ int start_recording(camogm_state *state)
return 0;
/** Close command file in sysfs */
int end_recording(camogm_state *state)
int ret = 0;
......@@ -536,13 +548,14 @@ int end_recording(camogm_state *state)
return ret;
/** Main processing loop in which all write commands are sent to driver. This function, as many other, was copied from camogm and
* contains some unrelated stuff */
int listener_loop(camogm_state *state, struct dd_params *dd_params)
FILE *cmd_file;
int rslt, cmd;
int process = 1;
int curr_port = 0;
int retry_cntr = 0;
int ret = 0;
unsigned long mb_written;
......@@ -556,7 +569,7 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state, struct dd_params *dd_params)
if (cmd < 0) D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Unrecognized command\n"));
} else if (state->prog_state == STATE_RUNNING) { // no commands in queue, started
if (dd_params->block_count != 0) {
switch ((rslt = -sendImageFrame(state))) {
switch ((rslt = sendImageFrame(state))) {
case 0:
// file sent OK
......@@ -569,6 +582,8 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state, struct dd_params *dd_params)
// new statistics sample is ready, read it
case EINVAL:
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:line %d - should not get here (rslt=%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, rslt));
......@@ -597,17 +612,81 @@ void prep_data(camogm_state *state, struct dd_params *dd_params)
ccam_dma_buf[port][i] = j;
// printf("ccam_dma_buf ptr = %p\n", ccam_dma_buf[port]);
// if (msync(ccam_dma_buf[port], state->circ_buff_size[port], MS_SYNC) < 0) {
// D0(fprintf(debug_file, "msync returned with error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
// }
__clear_cache((char *)ccam_dma_buf[port], (char *)ccam_dma_buf[port] + dd_params->block_size);
/** Start disk reading test. The range of LBAs to be tested is specified in 'range' */
static void start_test(camogm_state *state, const unsigned long max_cntr, const struct range *range)
int fd;
bool report_lba = true;
off64_t pos, current_lba, end_pos;
unsigned int cntr, error_lba_cntr;
unsigned int data[BLOCK_SIZE_DW] = {0};
fd = open(state->rawdev.rawdev_path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error opening file %s: %s\n", state->rawdev.rawdev_path, strerror(errno)));
pos = 0;
cntr = 0;
error_lba_cntr = 0;
end_pos = (range->to - range->from) * BLOCK_SIZE;
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "testing disk from LBA %llu to LBA %llu\n", range->from, range->to));
while (pos < end_pos) {
current_lba = pos / BLOCK_SIZE + range->from;
D2(fprintf(debug_file, "\rcurrent LBA: %llu", current_lba));
lseek64(fd, pos, SEEK_SET);
read(fd, data, BLOCK_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE_DW; i++) {
if (data[i] != cntr &&
report_lba) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "\ncounter discontinuity detected, LBA: %llu, data: 0x%x, counter: 0x%x\n", current_lba, data[i], cntr));
report_lba = false;
if (cntr >= max_cntr)
cntr = 0;
if (report_lba && error_lba_cntr) {
// current sector has no errors so reset erroneous sectors counter
error_lba_cntr = 0;
if (error_lba_cntr >= MAX_ERR_LBA) {
// several consequent sectors with errors were detected, this can be a result of new record so the counter should be
// resynchronized
cntr = data[BLOCK_SIZE_DW - 1] + 1;
error_lba_cntr = 0;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "\nresynchronizing counter at LBA: %llu, new value: 0x%x\n", current_lba, cntr));
report_lba = true;
pos += BLOCK_SIZE;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "\n"));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char usage[] = "This program is intended for disk write tests\n" \
"Usage:\n\n" \
"%s -d <path_to_disk> [-s state_file_name -b block_size -c count]\n\n" \
"%s -d <path_to_disk> [-s state_file_name -b block_size -c count -t -f from_lba -e to_lba]\n\n" \
"i.e. write one sector:\n\n" \
"%s -d /dev/sda2 -b 512 -c 1\n\n";
"%s -d /dev/sda2 -b 512 -c 1\n\n" \
"The -t parameter sets test mode in which the program reads data from disk and verifies that " \
"the counter values are consistent. The LBAs with counter discontinuites are reported. Test starts " \
"from the beginning of the disk and continues untill the end of disk is reached. '-b' parameter is " \
"mandatory in this mode\n";
int ret;
int opt;
bool test_mode = false;
uint16_t port_num = 0;
size_t str_len;
camogm_state sstate;
......@@ -615,12 +694,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char state_name_str[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
char disk_path[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
struct dd_params dd_params = {0};
struct range range;
struct range disk_range;
if ((argc < 2) || (argv[1][1] == '-')) {
printf(usage, argv[0], argv[0]);
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:n:p:s:h")) != -1) {
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:n:p:s:htf:e:t:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'd':
strncpy(disk_path, (const char *)optarg, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX - 1);
......@@ -654,10 +735,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("block count is set to %lu\n", dd_params.block_count);
case 't':
test_mode = true;
case 'f':
range.from = strtoull((const char *)optarg, (char **)NULL, 10);
case 'e': = strtoull((const char *)optarg, (char **)NULL, 10);
camogm_init(&sstate, pipe_name_str, port_num);
if (!test_mode) {
ret = open_files(&sstate);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
......@@ -681,6 +772,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else {
if (dd_params.block_size != 0) {
camogm_set_prefix(&sstate, disk_path);
if (sstate.rawdev_op == 1) {
get_disk_range(sstate.rawdev.rawdev_path, &disk_range);
if (range.from == 0)
range.from = disk_range.from;
if ( == 0) =;
// block_size is in bytes and we need if here in double words
start_test(&sstate, dd_params.block_size / 4, &range);
} else {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "block size is not specified, restart the program with '-b' option\n"));
return ret;
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