Commit d495822f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Improved reportting, changed startup delay

parent 487dd09b
......@@ -135,20 +135,23 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
daemon_bit=strtol(argv[6], NULL, 10);
if ((daemon_bit<0) || (daemon_bit>31)) {printf ("Invalid bit number %d (should be 0..31)\n", daemon_bit); exit (1);}
fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure started, port = %d, daemon_bit=0x%x, debug=0x%x\n",sensor_port, daemon_bit,autoexposure_debug);
fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure#%d started, daemon_bit=0x%x, debug=0x%x\n",sensor_port, daemon_bit,autoexposure_debug);
// MDF1(fprintf(stderr,"\n"));
if (initFilesMmap(sensor_port, sensor_subchannel)<0) exit (1); /// initialization errors
MDF0(fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure: drivers initialized\n"));
MDF0(fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure#%d: drivers initialized\n",sensor_port));
if (autoexposure_debug <0) { /// tempoorary hack for testing
exit (0);
MDF0(fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure started, daemon_bit=0x%x, debug=0x%x\n",daemon_bit,autoexposure_debug));
MDF0(fprintf(stderr,"autoexposure#%d started daemon_bit=0x%x, debug=0x%x\n", sensor_port,daemon_bit,autoexposure_debug));
/// Next function call will wait until the daemon_bit will be enabled in [P_DAEMON_EN] giving a chance to other applications to initialize
/// TODO: Find why earlier frames have bad histograms - frame 6 - 0 pixels, frame 7 - 0x3fff pixels and only 8-th has total_pixels=0x4c920
/// For now - just wait for frame 9 (it will use histogram from frame 8)
// lseek(fd_fparmsall,9+LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 2 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff)
lseek(fd_fparmsall,10+LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 3 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff) - one extra, sometimes it is needed
// lseek(fd_fparmsall,10+LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 3 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff) - one extra, sometimes it is needed
// with 10 - 3 bad frames
lseek(fd_fparmsall,14+LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 3 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff) - one extra, sometimes it is needed
while (1) { /// restart loop
if (initParams(daemon_bit)<0) exit (1); /// initialization errors
......@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
while (1) {
MDF6(fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for autoexposure daemon to be enabled\n"));
MDF6(fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for autoexposure#% daemon to be enabled\n", sensor_port));
lseek(fd_histogram_cache, LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_Y+daemon_bit, SEEK_END); /// wait for autoexposure daemon to be enabled (let it sleep if not)
if (GLOBALPARS_SNGL(G_THIS_FRAME) != this_frame) {
///TODO: Make it possible for this_frame to lag slightly (1 frame) to compensate for CPU being busy with other tasks?
......@@ -232,7 +235,7 @@ MDF8(fprintf(stderr, "this_frame= 0x%x, this_frame+exp_ahead= 0x%x, old_vexp= 0x
MDF6(fprintf(stderr,"FRAME: 0x%lx, COLOR: %d, FRACTION: 0x%04lx RESULT:0x%04x, NOW: 0x%lx\n",next_frame-1,COLOR_Y_NUMBER,framePars[next_frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_AEXP_FRACPIX],perc,GLOBALPARS_SNGL(G_THIS_FRAME)));
ELP_FERR(fprintf (stderr,"Restarting autoexposure due to errors, skipping a frame\n"));
ELP_FERR(fprintf (stderr,"(port %d): Restarting autoexposure due to errors, skipping a frame\n",sensor_port));
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int initFilesMmap(int sensor_port, int sensor_subchannel) {
return -1;
// Wait hardware to be initialized, so frame number >0 (otherwise histograms_cache will fail to open as it depends on number of subframes)
lseek(fd_fparmsall,1+LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 3 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff) - one extra, sometimes it is needed
lseek(fd_fparmsall,3 + LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS, SEEK_END); /// skip 3 frames (first got 0 pixels, 2- 0x3fff) - one extra, sometimes it is needed
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int initFilesMmap(int sensor_port, int sensor_subchannel) {
///Histogrames file open/mmap (readonly)
fd_histogram_cache= open(histogram_driver_name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd_histogram_cache <0) {
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "Open failed: (%s)\r\n", histogram_driver_name));
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "(port %d): Open failed: (%s)\r\n", sensor_port, histogram_driver_name));
close (fd_fparmsall);
return -1;
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int initFilesMmap(int sensor_port, int sensor_subchannel) {
histogram_cache = (struct histogram_stuct_t *) mmap(0, sizeof (struct histogram_stuct_t) * total_hist_entries , PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd_histogram_cache, 0);
if((int) histogram_cache == -1) {
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "problems with mmap: %s\n", histogram_driver_name));
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "(port %d): problems with mmap: %s\n", sensor_port, histogram_driver_name));
close (fd_fparmsall);
close (fd_histogram_cache);
return -1;
......@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ int initFilesMmap(int sensor_port, int sensor_subchannel) {
///Gamma tables file open/mmap (readonly)
fd_gamma_cache= open(gamma_driver_name, O_RDWR);
if (fd_gamma_cache <0) {
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "Open failed: (%s)\r\n", gamma_driver_name));
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "(port %d): Open failed: (%s)\r\n", sensor_port, gamma_driver_name));
close (fd_fparmsall);
close (fd_histogram_cache);
return -1;
gamma_cache = (struct gamma_stuct_t *) mmap(0, sizeof (struct gamma_stuct_t) * GAMMA_CACHE_NUMBER , PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd_gamma_cache, 0);
if((int) gamma_cache == -1) {
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "problems with mmap: %s\n", gamma_driver_name));
ELP_FERR(fprintf(stderr, "(port %d): problems with mmap: %s\n", sensor_port, gamma_driver_name));
close (fd_fparmsall);
close (fd_histogram_cache);
close (fd_gamma_cache);
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