Commit f5ff1b8e authored by Maksim Osipov's avatar Maksim Osipov

Language parser: added support for C# property accessors visibility modifiers.

parent 070c3554
......@@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ class Entry
static const uint64 Singleton = (1ULL<<14); // UNO IDL
// member specifiers (add new items to the beginning)
static const uint64 PrivateGettable = (1ULL<<20); // C# private getter
static const uint64 ProtectedGettable = (1ULL<<21); // C# protected getter
static const uint64 PrivateSettable = (1ULL<<22); // C# private setter
static const uint64 ProtectedSettable = (1ULL<<23); // C# protected setter
static const uint64 Inline = (1ULL<<24);
static const uint64 Explicit = (1ULL<<25);
static const uint64 Mutable = (1ULL<<26);
......@@ -6129,6 +6129,10 @@ OPERATOR "operator"{B}*({ARITHOP}|{ASSIGNOP}|{LOGICOP}|{BITOP})
<CSAccessorDecl>"private "{BN}*"set" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::PrivateSettable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"protected "{BN}*"set" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::ProtectedSettable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"private "{BN}*"get" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::PrivateGettable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"protected "{BN}*"get" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::ProtectedGettable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"set" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Settable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"get" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Gettable; }
<CSAccessorDecl>"add" { if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Addable; }
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