Commit bbb6bb21 authored by albert-github's avatar albert-github

Support plantuml !include statement

Support the plantuml !include statement by using the newly defined PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH
parent af14bab6
......@@ -3302,6 +3302,14 @@ to be found in the default search path.
java can find the \c plantuml.jar file. If left blank, it is assumed PlantUML is not used or
called during a preprocessing step. Doxygen will generate a warning when it encounters a
\ref cmdstartuml "\\startuml" command in this case and will not generate output for the diagram.
<option type='list' id='PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH' format='dir' defval='' depends='HAVE_DOT'>
When using plantuml, the specified paths are searched for files specified by the \c !include
statement in a plantuml block.
......@@ -56,7 +56,24 @@ void generatePlantUMLOutput(const char *baseName,const char *outDir,PlantUMLOutp
static QCString plantumlJarPath = Config_getString("PLANTUML_JAR_PATH");
QCString pumlExe = "java";
QCString pumlArgs = "-Djava.awt.headless=true -jar \""+plantumlJarPath+"plantuml.jar\" ";
QCString pumlArgs = "";
QStrList &pumlIncludePathList = Config_getList("PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH");
char *s=pumlIncludePathList.first();
if (s)
pumlArgs += "-Dplantuml.include.path=\"";
pumlArgs += s;
s =;
while (s)
pumlArgs += portable_pathListSeparator();
pumlArgs += s;
s =;
if (pumlIncludePathList.first()) pumlArgs += "\" ";
pumlArgs += "-Djava.awt.headless=true -jar \""+plantumlJarPath+"plantuml.jar\" ";
pumlArgs+="-o \"";
pumlArgs+="\" ";
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