Commit addd6773 authored by Dimitri van Heesch's avatar Dimitri van Heesch

Bug 700696 - Template static member functions duplicated as non-static public

parent bab453f8
......@@ -6105,11 +6105,13 @@ static void findMember(EntryNav *rootNav,
// for template member we also need to check the return type
if (md->templateArguments()!=0 && root->tArgLists!=0)
QCString memType = md->typeString();
memType.stripPrefix("static "); // see bug700696
//printf("Comparing return types '%s'<->'%s' args %d<->%d\n",
// md->typeString(),,
// md->templateArguments()->count(),root->tArgLists->last()->count());
if (md->templateArguments()->count()!=root->tArgLists->last()->count() ||
//printf(" ---> no matching\n");
matching = FALSE;
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