Commit 94c31422 authored by Dimitri van Heesch's avatar Dimitri van Heesch

Merge pull request #219 from albert-github/feature/bug_latex_index_toc

Different latex problems
parents 230a78be fb4dad1e
......@@ -62,9 +62,14 @@ void CiteDict::writeLatexBibliography(FTextStream &t)
unit = "chapter";
t << "% Bibliography\n"
"\\addcontentsline{toc}{" << unit << "}{" << theTranslator->trCiteReferences() << "}\n"
"\\bibliographystyle{" << style << "}\n"
bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS");
if (!pdfHyperlinks)
t << "\\clearemptydoublepage\n";
t << "\\addcontentsline{toc}{" << unit << "}{" << theTranslator->trCiteReferences() << "}\n";
t << "\\bibliographystyle{" << style << "}\n"
QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES");
QCString latexOutputDir = Config_getString("LATEX_OUTPUT")+"/";
......@@ -87,8 +92,12 @@ void CiteDict::writeLatexBibliography(FTextStream &t)
bibdata =;
t << "}\n"
t << "}\n";
if (pdfHyperlinks)
t << "\\addcontentsline{toc}{" << unit << "}{" << theTranslator->trCiteReferences() << "}\n";
t << "\n";
void CiteDict::insert(const char *label)
......@@ -543,8 +543,10 @@ static void writeDefaultFooter(FTextStream &t)
unit = "chapter";
t << "% Index\n"
"\\addcontentsline{toc}{" << unit << "}{" << theTranslator->trRTFGeneralIndex() << "}\n"
......@@ -1260,7 +1262,7 @@ void LatexGenerator::startTitleHead(const char *fileName)
static bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX");
if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks && fileName)
t << "\\hypertarget{" << stripPath(fileName) << "}{";
t << "\\hypertarget{" << stripPath(fileName) << "}{}";
if (Config_getBool("COMPACT_LATEX"))
......@@ -1274,8 +1276,6 @@ void LatexGenerator::startTitleHead(const char *fileName)
void LatexGenerator::endTitleHead(const char *fileName,const char *name)
static bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS");
static bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX");
t << "}" << endl;
if (name)
......@@ -1285,10 +1285,6 @@ void LatexGenerator::endTitleHead(const char *fileName,const char *name)
t << "}}" << endl;
if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks && fileName)
t << "}" << endl;
void LatexGenerator::startTitle()
......@@ -1428,18 +1424,12 @@ void LatexGenerator::startDoxyAnchor(const char *fName,const char *,
t << "\\hypertarget{";
if (fName) t << stripPath(fName);
if (anchor) t << "_" << anchor;
t << "}{";
t << "}{}";
void LatexGenerator::endDoxyAnchor(const char *fName,const char *anchor)
static bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS");
static bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX");
if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
t << "}";
t << "\\label{";
if (fName) t << stripPath(fName);
if (anchor) t << "_" << anchor;
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