Commit 4f520b36 authored by Dimitri van Heesch's avatar Dimitri van Heesch

Merge branch 'tagenum'

parents c471d38e b0b17dc7
......@@ -1295,10 +1295,21 @@ static void addClassToContext(EntryNav *rootNav)
tagName = rootNav->tagInfo()->tagName;
refFileName = rootNav->tagInfo()->fileName;
Definition *d = 0;
int i;
if ((i=fullName.find("::"))!=-1)
d = buildScopeFromQualifiedName(fullName,fullName.contains("::"),root->lang);
cd=new ClassDef(root->fileName,root->startLine,root->startColumn,
Debug::print(Debug::Classes,0," New class `%s' (sec=0x%08x)! #tArgLists=%d\n",,sec,root->tArgLists ? (int)root->tArgLists->count() : -1);
if (d)
cd->setDocumentation(root->doc,root->docFile,root->docLine); // copy docs to definition
......@@ -7187,8 +7198,8 @@ static void addEnumValuesToEnums(EntryNav *rootNav)
// them here and only add them to the enum
Entry *root = e->entry();
//printf("md->qualifiedName()=%s rootNav->name()=%s tagInfo=%p\n",
// md->qualifiedName().data(),rootNav->name().data(),rootNav->tagInfo());
//printf("md->qualifiedName()=%s rootNav->name()=%s tagInfo=%p name=%s\n",
// md->qualifiedName().data(),rootNav->name().data(),rootNav->tagInfo(),root->;
if (substitute(md->qualifiedName(),"::",".")== // TODO: add function to get canonical representation
substitute(rootNav->name(),"::",".") || // enum value scope matches that of the enum
rootNav->tagInfo() // be less strict for tag files as members can have incomplete scope
......@@ -4279,7 +4279,8 @@ bool getDefs(const QCString &scName,
MemberDef *tmd = mmd->getEnumScope();
//printf("try member %s tmd=%s\n",mmd->name().data(),tmd?tmd->name().data():"<none>");
int ni=namespaceName.findRev("::");
bool notInNS = tmd && ni==-1 && tmd->getNamespaceDef()==0;
//printf("namespaceName=%s ni=%d\n",,ni);
bool notInNS = tmd && ni==-1 && tmd->getNamespaceDef()==0 && (mScope.isEmpty() || mScope==tmd->name());
bool sameNS = tmd && tmd->getNamespaceDef() && namespaceName.left(ni)==tmd->getNamespaceDef()->name();
//printf("notInNS=%d sameNS=%d\n",notInNS,sameNS);
if (tmd && tmd->isStrong() && // C++11 enum class
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