Commit 06170de4 authored by albert-github's avatar albert-github

Bug 702584 - \cite rejects valid BibTeX keys

According to the documentation the .bib is automatically added to the names in the CITE_BIB_FILES. In the example given with this bug this was not the case.
In case CITE_BIB_FILES was set to 'my.bib' it was working, but with only 'my' it wasn't.
parent 21178ab4
......@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ static QCString getListOfBibFiles(const QCString &sep,bool namesOnly)
bibFile = bibFile.left(bibFile.length()-4);
if (!namesOnly && bibFile.right(4)!=".bib") bibFile += ".bib";
if ((i=bibFile.findRev('/'))!=-1) // strip path
bibFile = bibFile.mid(i+1);
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