Commit 057f260b authored by Albert's avatar Albert

Bug 711787 - Long initialization line in C stops doxygen

An extra "breakpoint" in the input string has been created in the form of a , (comma), so for initialization lines the line will be shorter and the , (comma) will be copied later on.
parent 7cda115a
......@@ -241,9 +241,12 @@ void replaceComment(int offset);
<Scan>[^"'!\/\n\\#\\-]* { /* eat anything that is not " / or \n */
<Scan>[^"'!\/\n\\#\\-\\,]* { /* eat anything that is not " / , or \n */
<Scan>[\\,] { /* eat , so we have a nice separator in long initialization lines */
<Scan>"\"\"\""! { /* start of python long comment */
if (g_lang!=SrcLangExt_Python)
......@@ -3252,7 +3252,10 @@ OPERATOR "operator"{B}*({ARITHOP}|{ASSIGNOP}|{LOGICOP}|{BITOP})
<GCopyCurly>[^"'{}\/\n]+ {
<GCopyCurly>[^"'{}\/\n,]+ {
<GCopyCurly>[,]+ {
<GCopyCurly>"/" { *pCopyCurlyGString+=yytext; }
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