dot.h 14.4 KB
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 * Copyright (C) 1997-2013 by Dimitri van Heesch.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.

#ifndef _DOT_H
#define _DOT_H

#include <qlist.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qwaitcondition.h>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qqueue.h>
#include <qthread.h>
#include "sortdict.h"

class ClassDef;
class FileDef;
class FTextStream;
class DotNodeList;
class ClassSDict;
class MemberDef;
class Definition;
class DirDef;
class GroupDef;
class DotGroupCollaboration;
class DotRunnerQueue;

enum GraphOutputFormat { BITMAP , EPS };

/** Attributes of an edge of a dot graph */
struct EdgeInfo
  enum Colors { Blue=0, Green=1, Red=2, Purple=3, Grey=4, Orange=5 };
  enum Styles { Solid=0, Dashed=1 };
  EdgeInfo() : m_color(0), m_style(0), m_labColor(0) {}
 ~EdgeInfo() {}
  int m_color;
  int m_style;
  QCString m_label;
  QCString m_url;
  int m_labColor;

/** A node in a dot graph */
class DotNode
    enum GraphType { Dependency, Inheritance, Collaboration, Hierarchy, CallGraph };
    enum TruncState { Unknown, Truncated, Untruncated };
    DotNode(int n,const char *lab,const char *tip,const char *url,
            bool rootNode=FALSE,ClassDef *cd=0);
    void addChild(DotNode *n,
                  int edgeColor=EdgeInfo::Purple,
                  int edgeStyle=EdgeInfo::Solid,
                  const char *edgeLab=0,
                  const char *edgeURL=0,
                  int edgeLabCol=-1
    void addParent(DotNode *n);
    void deleteNode(DotNodeList &deletedList,SDict<DotNode> *skipNodes=0);
    void removeChild(DotNode *n);
    void removeParent(DotNode *n);
    int findParent( DotNode *n );
    void write(FTextStream &t,GraphType gt,GraphOutputFormat f,
               bool topDown,bool toChildren,bool backArrows,bool reNumber);
    int  m_subgraphId;
    void clearWriteFlag();
    void writeXML(FTextStream &t,bool isClassGraph);
    void writeDocbook(FTextStream &t,bool isClassGraph);
    void writeDEF(FTextStream &t);
    QCString label() const { return m_label; }
    int  number() const { return m_number; }
    bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; }
    TruncState isTruncated() const { return m_truncated; }
    int distance() const { return m_distance; }

    void colorConnectedNodes(int curColor);
    void writeBox(FTextStream &t,GraphType gt,GraphOutputFormat f,
                  bool hasNonReachableChildren, bool reNumber=FALSE);
    void writeArrow(FTextStream &t,GraphType gt,GraphOutputFormat f,DotNode *cn,
                    EdgeInfo *ei,bool topDown, bool pointBack=TRUE, bool reNumber=FALSE);
    void setDistance(int distance);
    const DotNode   *findDocNode() const; // only works for acyclic graphs!
    void markAsVisible(bool b=TRUE) { m_visible=b; }
    void markAsTruncated(bool b=TRUE) { m_truncated=b ? Truncated : Untruncated; }
    int              m_number;
    QCString         m_label;     //!< label text
    QCString         m_tooltip;   //!< node's tooltip
    QCString         m_url;       //!< url of the node (format: remote$local)
    QList<DotNode>  *m_parents;   //!< list of parent nodes (incoming arrows)
    QList<DotNode>  *m_children;  //!< list of child nodes (outgoing arrows)
    QList<EdgeInfo> *m_edgeInfo;  //!< edge info for each child
    bool             m_deleted;   //!< used to mark a node as deleted
    bool             m_written;   //!< used to mark a node as written
    bool             m_hasDoc;    //!< used to mark a node as documented
    bool             m_isRoot;    //!< indicates if this is a root node
    ClassDef *       m_classDef;  //!< class representing this node (can be 0)
    bool             m_visible;   //!< is the node visible in the output
    TruncState       m_truncated; //!< does the node have non-visible children/parents
    int              m_distance;  //!< shortest path to the root node

    friend class DotGfxHierarchyTable;
    friend class DotClassGraph;
    friend class DotInclDepGraph;
    friend class DotNodeList;
    friend class DotCallGraph;
    friend class DotGroupCollaboration;

    friend QCString computeMd5Signature(
                      DotNode *root, GraphType gt,
                      GraphOutputFormat f, 
                      bool lrRank, bool renderParents,
                      bool backArrows,
                      const QCString &title,
                      QCString &graphStr

inline int DotNode::findParent( DotNode *n )
    if( !m_parents )
        return -1;
    return m_parents->find(n);

/** Represents a graphical class hierarchy */
class DotGfxHierarchyTable
    void writeGraph(FTextStream &t,const char *path, const char *fileName) const;
    void addHierarchy(DotNode *n,ClassDef *cd,bool hide);
    void addClassList(ClassSDict *cl);

    QList<DotNode> *m_rootNodes; 
    QDict<DotNode> *m_usedNodes; 
    static int      m_curNodeNumber;
    DotNodeList    *m_rootSubgraphs;

/** Representation of a class inheritance or dependency graph */
class DotClassGraph
    DotClassGraph(ClassDef *cd,DotNode::GraphType t);
    bool isTrivial() const;
    bool isTooBig() const;
    QCString writeGraph(FTextStream &t,GraphOutputFormat f,const char *path,
                    const char *fileName, const char *relPath, 
                    bool TBRank=TRUE,bool imageMap=TRUE,int graphId=-1) const;

    void writeXML(FTextStream &t);
    void writeDocbook(FTextStream &t);
    void writeDEF(FTextStream &t);
    QCString diskName() const;

    void buildGraph(ClassDef *cd,DotNode *n,bool base,int distance);
    bool determineVisibleNodes(DotNode *rootNode,int maxNodes,bool includeParents);
    void determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue,bool includeParents);
    void addClass(ClassDef *cd,DotNode *n,int prot,const char *label,
                  const char *usedName,const char *templSpec,
                  bool base,int distance);

    DotNode        *   m_startNode;
    QDict<DotNode> *   m_usedNodes;
    static int         m_curNodeNumber;
    DotNode::GraphType m_graphType;
    QCString           m_diskName;
    bool               m_lrRank;

/** Representation of an include dependency graph */
class DotInclDepGraph
    DotInclDepGraph(FileDef *fd,bool inverse);
    QCString writeGraph(FTextStream &t, GraphOutputFormat f,
                    const char *path,const char *fileName,const char *relPath,
                    bool writeImageMap=TRUE,int graphId=-1) const;
    bool isTrivial() const;
    bool isTooBig() const;
    QCString diskName() const;
    void writeXML(FTextStream &t);
    void writeDocbook(FTextStream &t);
    void buildGraph(DotNode *n,FileDef *fd,int distance);
    void determineVisibleNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue,int &maxNodes);
    void determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue);

    DotNode        *m_startNode;
    QDict<DotNode> *m_usedNodes;
    static int      m_curNodeNumber;
    QCString        m_diskName;
    bool            m_inverse;

/** Representation of an call graph */
class DotCallGraph
    DotCallGraph(MemberDef *md,bool inverse);
    QCString writeGraph(FTextStream &t, GraphOutputFormat f,
                        const char *path,const char *fileName,
                        const char *relPath,bool writeImageMap=TRUE,
                        int graphId=-1) const;
    void buildGraph(DotNode *n,MemberDef *md,int distance);
    bool isTrivial() const;
    bool isTooBig() const;
    void determineVisibleNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue, int &maxNodes);
    void determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue);
    DotNode        *m_startNode;
    static int      m_curNodeNumber;
    QDict<DotNode> *m_usedNodes;
    int             m_recDepth;
    bool            m_inverse;
    QCString        m_diskName;
    Definition *    m_scope;

/** Representation of an directory dependency graph */
class DotDirDeps
    DotDirDeps(DirDef *dir);
    bool isTrivial() const;
    QCString writeGraph(FTextStream &out,
                        GraphOutputFormat format,
                        const char *path,
                        const char *fileName,
                        const char *relPath,
                        bool writeImageMap=TRUE,
                        int graphId=-1) const;
    DirDef *m_dir;

/** Representation of a group collaboration graph */
class DotGroupCollaboration
  public :
    enum EdgeType 
    {  tmember = 0,

    class Link
        Link(const QCString lab,const QCString &u) : label(lab), url(u) {}
        QCString label;
        QCString url;

    class Edge
      public :
        Edge(DotNode *start,DotNode *end,EdgeType type) 
          : pNStart(start), pNEnd(end), eType(type)
        { links.setAutoDelete(TRUE); }

        DotNode* pNStart;
        DotNode* pNEnd;
        EdgeType eType;

        QList<Link> links;
        void write( FTextStream &t ) const;

    DotGroupCollaboration(GroupDef* gd);
    QCString writeGraph(FTextStream &t, GraphOutputFormat format,
                    const char *path,const char *fileName,const char *relPath,
                    bool writeImageMap=TRUE,int graphId=-1) const;
    void buildGraph(GroupDef* gd);
    bool isTrivial() const;
  private :
    void addCollaborationMember( Definition* def, QCString& url, EdgeType eType );
    void addMemberList( class MemberList* ml );
    void writeGraphHeader(FTextStream &t,const QCString &title) const;
    Edge* addEdge( DotNode* _pNStart, DotNode* _pNEnd, EdgeType _eType,
                   const QCString& _label, const QCString& _url );

    DotNode        *m_rootNode;
    int             m_curNodeId;
    QDict<DotNode> *m_usedNodes;
    QCString        m_diskName;
    QList<Edge>     m_edges;

/** Helper class to run dot from doxygen.
class DotRunner
    struct CleanupItem
      QCString path;
      QCString file;

    /** Creates a runner for a dot \a file. */
    DotRunner(const QCString &file,const QCString &fontPath,bool checkResult,
        const QCString &imageName = QCString());

    /** Adds an additional job to the run.
     *  Performing multiple jobs one file can be faster.
    void addJob(const char *format,const char *output);

    void addPostProcessing(const char *cmd,const char *args);

    void preventCleanUp() { m_cleanUp = FALSE; }

    /** Runs dot for all jobs added. */
    bool run();
    CleanupItem cleanup() const { return m_cleanupItem; }

    QList<QCString> m_jobs;
    QCString m_postArgs;
    QCString m_postCmd;
    QCString m_file;
    QCString m_path;
    bool m_checkResult;
    QCString m_imageName;
    bool m_cleanUp;
    CleanupItem m_cleanupItem;

/** Helper class to insert a set of map file into an output file */
class DotFilePatcher
    struct Map
      QCString mapFile;
      QCString relPath;
      bool     urlOnly;
      QCString context;
      QCString label;
      bool     zoomable;
      int      graphId;
    DotFilePatcher(const char *patchFile);
    int addMap(const QCString &mapFile,const QCString &relPath,
               bool urlOnly,const QCString &context,const QCString &label);
    int addFigure(const QCString &baseName,
                  const QCString &figureName,bool heightCheck);
    int addSVGConversion(const QCString &relPath,bool urlOnly,
                         const QCString &context,bool zoomable,int graphId);
    int addSVGObject(const QCString &baseName, const QCString &figureName,
                     const QCString &relPath);
    bool run();
    QCString file() const;

    QList<Map> m_maps;
    QCString m_patchFile;

/** Queue of dot jobs to run. */
class DotRunnerQueue
    void enqueue(DotRunner *runner);
    DotRunner *dequeue();
    uint count() const;
    QWaitCondition  m_bufferNotEmpty;
    QQueue<DotRunner> m_queue;
    mutable QMutex  m_mutex;

/** Worker thread to execute a dot run */
class DotWorkerThread : public QThread
    DotWorkerThread(int id,DotRunnerQueue *queue);
    void run();
    void cleanup();
    int m_id;
    DotRunnerQueue *m_queue;
    QList<DotRunner::CleanupItem> m_cleanupItems;

/** Singleton that manages dot relation actions */
class DotManager
    static DotManager *instance();
    void addRun(DotRunner *run);
    int  addMap(const QCString &file,const QCString &mapFile,
                const QCString &relPath,bool urlOnly,
                const QCString &context,const QCString &label);
    int addFigure(const QCString &file,const QCString &baseName,
                  const QCString &figureName,bool heightCheck);
    int addSVGConversion(const QCString &file,const QCString &relPath,
               bool urlOnly,const QCString &context,bool zoomable,int graphId);
    int addSVGObject(const QCString &file,const QCString &baseName,
                     const QCString &figureNAme,const QCString &relPath);
    bool run();

    virtual ~DotManager();
    QList<DotRunner>       m_dotRuns;
    SDict<DotFilePatcher> m_dotMaps;
    static DotManager     *m_theInstance;
    DotRunnerQueue        *m_queue;
    QList<DotWorkerThread> m_workers;

/** Generated a graphs legend page */
void generateGraphLegend(const char *path);

void writeDotGraphFromFile(const char *inFile,const char *outDir,
                           const char *outFile,GraphOutputFormat format);
void writeDotImageMapFromFile(FTextStream &t,
                              const QCString& inFile, const QCString& outDir,
                              const QCString& relPath,const QCString& baseName,
                              const QCString& context,int graphId=-1);

void writeDotDirDepGraph(FTextStream &t,DirDef *dd);
