• Petr Prikryl's avatar
    doc/translator.py unified for Python 2.6+ and Python 3.0+ · 6212c2d2
    Petr Prikryl authored
    - Open() replaced by xopen() that internally uses the encoding argument
      only for Python 3. The earlier usage of the codecs module and of the
      prefixed unicode string literals was removed.
    - Some lists of prototypes were sorted to get the same translator report
      for different versions of Python.
    - The local dedent() definition was replaced by textwrap.dedent().
      (The older versions of Python did not have the module.)
    - Tested on Windows for Python 2.6.0, 2.7.7, 3.0.1, and 3.4.1.
translator.py 86.3 KB