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# Generates a tmake project file.
# Copyright (C) 1996-1998 by Troll Tech AS.  All rights reserved.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that this copyright notice appears in all copies.
# No representations are made about the suitability of this software for any
# purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

# Default project settings
$project{"TEMPLATE"} = "app";
$project{"CONFIG"}   = "qt warn_on release";

@project_extra = ();

while ( @ARGV ) {			# parse command line args
    $_ = shift @ARGV;
    if ( s/^-// ) {
	if ( /^o(.*)/ ) {
	    $outfile = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
	    ($outfile eq "-") && ($outfile = "");
	} elsif ( /^n(.*)/ ) {
	    $project{"TARGET"} = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
	} elsif ( /^t(.*)/ ) {
	    $project{"TEMPLATE"} = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
	    $project{"TEMPLATE"} =~ s/\.t$//i;
	} elsif ( /lower/ ) {
	    $tolower = 1;
	} else {
    } elsif ( /^\s*(?:[\w\-]+:)?\w+\s*[\+\-\*\/]?=/ ) {	# project override
	push( @project_extra, $_ );
    } else {
	push (@files, $_ );

$outfile eq "" || open(STDOUT,">" . $outfile) ||
    &progen_error("Can't create \"$outfile\"");

if ( ! @files ) {
    @files = &find_files(".",".*",1);

if ( $tolower ) {
    foreach $f ( @files ) {
	$f =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

@hdr = sort grep(/\.(h|hh|hpp|hxx)$/i,@files);
@src = sort grep(/\.(c|cpp|cc|cxx)$/i && ! /moc_/i,@files);

# Remove source files that are included by other source files
foreach $f ( @src ) {
    $srcdict{$f} = 1;
foreach $f ( @src ) {
    if ( open(F,"< $f") ) {
	while ( <F> ) {
	    if ( /^\s*#\s*include\s+\"([^\"]*)\"/ ) {
		$srcdict{$1} = 0;
foreach $f( @src ) {
    $srcdict{$f} && (push(@src2,$f));
@src = @src2;

$project{"HEADERS"} = join(" ",sort @hdr);
$project{"SOURCES"} = join(" ",sort @src);

foreach $p ( @project_extra ) {
    if ( $p =~ /^\s*((?:[\w\-]+:)?\w+)\s*([\+\-\*\/])?=\s*(.*)/ ) {
	if ( $project{$1} ne "" ) {

$project{"HEADERS"} =~ s/\s+/ \\\n\t\t  /g;
$project{"SOURCES"} =~ s/\s+/ \\\n\t\t  /g;

print "TEMPLATE\t= " . $project{"TEMPLATE"} . "\n";
print "CONFIG\t\t= " . $project{"CONFIG"} . "\n";
print "HEADERS\t\t= " . $project{"HEADERS"} . "\n";
print "SOURCES\t\t= " . $project{"SOURCES"} . "\n";
if ( $project{"TARGET"} ne "" ) {
    print "TARGET\t\t= " . $project{"TARGET"} . "\n";

foreach ( @project_extra ) {
    if ( /^\s*((?:[\w\-]+:)?\w+)\s*([\+\-\*\/])?=\s*(.*)/ ) {
	if ( $project{$1} eq "" ) {
	    $t = $1;
	    if ( length($t) < 8 ) {
		$t .= "\t\t";
	    } elsif ( length($t) < 16 ) {
		$t .= "\t";
	    } else {
		$t .= " ";
	    print "$t$2= $3\n";

exit 0;

# progen_usage()
# Prints a message about program usage and exits

sub progen_usage {
    print STDERR "Usage:\n    progen [options] [files]\n";
    print STDERR "Options:\n";
    print STDERR "    -lower   Lower-case letters filenames (useful for non-Unix)\n";
    print STDERR "    -n name  Specify a project name (= TARGET)\n";
    print STDERR "    -o file  Write output to \"file\"\n";
    print STDERR "    -t file  Specify a template file other than qtapp\n";
    exit 1;

# progen_error(msg)
# Prints the message and exits

sub progen_error {
    my($msg) = @_;
    print STDERR "progen error: " . $msg . "\n";
    exit 1;

# Finds files.
# Examples:
#   find_files("/usr","\.cpp$",1)   - finds .cpp files in /usr and below
#   find_files("/tmp","^#",0)	    - finds #* files in /tmp

sub find_files {
    my($dir,$match,$descend) = @_;
    $dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
    ($dir eq "") && ($dir = ".");
    if ( opendir(D,$dir) ) {
	if ( $dir eq "." ) {
	    $dir = "";
	} else {
	    ($dir =~ /\/$/) || ($dir .= "/");
	foreach $file ( readdir(D) ) {
	    next if ( $file  =~ /^\.\.?$/ );
	    $p = $dir . $file;
	    ($file =~ /$match/i) && (push @files, $p);
	    if ( $descend && -d $p && ! -l $p ) {
		push @files, &find_files($p,$match,$descend);
    return @files;

# strip_project_val(tag)
# Strips white space from project value strings.

sub strip_project_val {
    my($v) = @_;
    $v =~ s/^\s+//;				# trim white space
    $v =~ s/\s+$//;
    return $v;

# Project(strings)
# This is a powerful function for setting or reading project variables.
# Returns the resulting project variables (joined with space between).
# This is a slightly modified version of the Project function in tmake.

sub Project {
    my @settings = @_;
    $r = "";
    foreach ( @settings ) {
	$v = $_;
	if ( $v =~ s/^\s*((?:[\w\-]+:)?\w+)\s*(\+=|\*=|\-=|\/=|=)\s*// ) {
	    $t = $1;
	    $s = $2;
	    $v = strip_project_val($v);
	    $p = $project{$t};
	    if ( $s eq "=" ) {			# set variable
		$p = $v;
	    } elsif ( $s eq "+=" ) {		# append
		if ( $p eq "" ) {
		    $p = $v;
		} else {
		    $p .= " " . $v;
	    } elsif ( $s eq "*=" ) {		# append if not contained
		if ( !($p =~ /(?:^|\s)\Q$v\E(?:\s|$)/) ) {
		    if ( $p eq "" ) {
			$p = $v;
		    } else {
			$p .= " " . $v;
	    } elsif ( $s eq "-=" ) {		# subtract
		$p =~ s/$v//g;
	    } elsif ( $s eq "/=" ) {		# sed
		$cmd = '$p =~ ' . $v;
		eval $cmd;
	    $project{$t} = strip_project_val($p);
	} else {
	    $p = strip_project_val($project{$v});
	if ( $p ne "" ) {
	    $r = ($r eq "") ? $p : ($r . " " . $p);
    return $r;