Changes from version 1.1 to 1.2* tmake is no longer restricted to C++ only. You can now use both C++ and C files in your project. Thanks to Ulrich Ring for valuable feed- back and comments.* Added support for building DLL libraries under Windows. NOTE: Qt 1.42 and later now uses qtmain.lib in addition to qt.lib when your application uses the Qt DLL. Add "DEFINES = QT_DLL" to your project file to use the Qt DLL.* New dist target added in the app and lib templates. Run "make dist" to pack all files in your project using tar/gzip or zip. Thanks to Kalle Dalheimer for this patch.* Fixed bad command line interpretation bug in tmake.exe and progen.exe.* Added support for Borland C++ builder 3.* Initial support for QNX/g++ and the IBM Visual Age compiler on Win32. Thanks to Igor Kovalenko and Joost Kraaijeveld.* Many fixes in tmake.conf for several Unix configurations. Changes from version 1.0 to 1.1* Provides tmake.exe and progen.exe for Windows users without perl.* Added many new Unix templates.* Added subdirs.t templates.* Added system-dependent project settings (e.g. solaris-cc:TMAKE_CFLAGS = -pts)* Many bug fixes and improvements for existing templates.* Improved documentation.