{#input:list#}{% set singleList=(list|length<=maxItemsForFlatList)or(list|length>maxItemsForMultiPageList) %}{% if singleList %}<ul>{% endif %}{% with index=list|alphaIndex:'name' %} {% for section in index %} {% if not singleList or letter=='' or section.letter==letter %} {% if not singleList %}<aclass="anchor"id="{{ section.label }}"></a><h3>- {{ section.letter }} -</h3><ul> {% endif %} {% for nameList in section.items|groupBy:'name' %} {% spaceless %} {% for item in nameList|listsort:'{{item.file.name}}' %} {% if forloop.first %}<li>{{ item.name }}{% if (item.isFunction or item.isSignal or item.isSlot) and not item.isObjCMethod %}(){% endif %} :  {% endif %} {% with obj=item scope=item|get:scope text=scope.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% if not forloop.last %},  {% else %}</li> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endspaceless %} {% endfor %} {% if not singleList %}</ul> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}{% endwith %}{% if singleList %}</ul>{% endif %}