Simplify the Linux kernel dynamic debug
- multiple configs for each file
- display only files of interest
- update, save and restore configs

Target system requirements
- web server (e.g. apache2) + PHP
- transfer files to the target system
- make them accessible through the web server
- http://target-ip/webserver-path-to-degufs.html/debugfs.html
- Edit list - displays all and allows to select the files of interest
- Save to persistent storage - copies current config from tmpfs to disk of the target system
- Apply to debugfs - applies config from the selected in web GUI files to debugfs
- Switch off debug - turns off debug of all of the files of interest
- Click on the filename to expand available debug options
- Check the checkbox next to the line number to enable line (adds +p) - uncheck to disable (-p) - the command is sent on change
- read lines from debugfs - updates line numbers if the source has changed but the old config is loaded, the checkboxes states pattern is kept.
- Use the green dropdown menu in the file's table to create and select individual configs.
Behind the scenes
- javascript + php
- other javascript libraries:
- jQuery
- jquery.ajax.queue.js
- Bootstrap
- f, l, m, t flags are applied on load/refresh of the page
- On page load/refresh debugfs.php tries to restore the global config in the following order:
- from tmpfs (/tmp/debugfs.json) - it is a working copy
- from target system's persistent storage (mounted rootfs, in the same folder where debugfs.php). Copies to the working copy.
- from debugfs (/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control). Reads and creates the working copy.
- Global config format is json.
- jquery.ajax.queue.js plugin is used to send ajax requests sequentially to resolve racing condition in access the global config file.