Commit 7647bcd0 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

split into more base blocks

parent a82eda19
......@@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ function x3dom_delta_markers(){
var Camera = Map.marker;
// calling this function
var marker_i = {
map: { lat: marker.latitude, lng: marker.longitude, alt: marker.altitude},
model: {x: marker.x, y: marker.y, z: marker.z}
var parameters = {
var Error_vector = Av_f(marker_i,parameters);
var e1_c = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(marker.x,marker.y,marker.z);
......@@ -44,55 +45,26 @@ function x3dom_delta_markers(){
function Av_f(mark,pars){
mark = {
map:{ lat: 0, lng: 0, alt: 0},
model:{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
pars = {
lat: 0,
lng: 0,
alt: 0,
heading: 0,
tilt: 0,
roll: 0
* X - to North
* Y - to East
* Z - to Earth center
var p0_ll = new L.LatLng(, pars.lng);
var p1_ll = new L.LatLng(,;
var v = v_f(mark,pars);
var A = A_f(mark,pars);
var Av = A.multMatrixVec(v);
// get coordinates of marker in real world coorinates
// the world is
var pi_ll = new L.LatLng(, p1_ll.lng);
return Av;
// will need derivatives from this distanceTo
var dx = pi_ll.distanceTo(p1_ll);
var dy = p0_ll.distanceTo(pi_ll);
var dz = (*(-1);
// sign
if (p1_ll.lng<p0_ll.lng) dy = -dy;
if (< dx = -dx;
function v_f(mark,pars){
// dx,dy,dz - coorinates map marker in 'world' coordinates
// with the center in p0
// which is ellipse 2 e2.
var e1_world = get_e1_w(mark,pars);
var e2_world = get_e2_w(mark,pars);
// pointing from model mark to map mark
var v = e1_world.subtract(e2_world);
var e2_world = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(dx,dy,dz);
return v;
console.log("MARK-on-MAP in WORLD: "+e2_world.toString());
// model to world (for debugging mainly)
function get_e1_M2W(mark,pars){
var heading = pars.heading*Math.PI/180;
var tilt = (pars.tilt-90)*Math.PI/180;
......@@ -109,41 +81,70 @@ function Av_f(mark,pars){
var T = x3dom_toYawPitchRoll();
var M2W = R.mult(T);
var W2M = R.mult(T).inverse();
return M2W;
// get ellipse 1 in world coordinates
function get_e1_w(mark,pars){
var M2W = get_e1_M2W(mark,pars);
var W2M = M2W.inverse();
var e1_model = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(mark.model.x,mark.model.y,mark.model.z);
var e1_world = M2W.multMatrixVec(e1_model);
var e2_model = W2M.multMatrixVec(e2_world);
return e1_world;
//x3dom_draw_line("soup0","white", new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,0,0), e1_model);
//x3dom_draw_line("soup1","white", new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,0,0), e2_model);
//x3dom_draw_line("soup2","white", e1_model, e2_model);
// get ellipse 2 in world coordinates
function get_e2_w(mark,pars){
// world axes are correct - verified
//x3dom_draw_line("soup0","red", e1_model, e1_model.add(W2M.multMatrixVec(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(10,0,0))));
//x3dom_draw_line("soup1","green", e1_model, e1_model.add(W2M.multMatrixVec(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,10,0))));
//x3dom_draw_line("soup2","blue", e1_model, e1_model.add(W2M.multMatrixVec(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,0,10))));
var p0_ll = new L.LatLng(, pars.lng);
var p1_ll = new L.LatLng(,;
console.log("MARK-on-MODEL in WORLD: "+e1_world.toString());
// get coordinates of marker in real world coorinates
// the world is
var pi_ll = new L.LatLng(, p1_ll.lng);
// pointing from model mark to map mark
var v = e1_world.subtract(e2_world);
// will need derivatives from this distanceTo
var dx = pi_ll.distanceTo(p1_ll);
var dy = p0_ll.distanceTo(pi_ll);
var dz = (*(-1);
// Need to find A
// sign
if (p1_ll.lng<p0_ll.lng) dy = -dy;
if (< dx = -dx;
// point in Model
// from 0,0,0
var e1_d = x3dom_3d_distance(e1_world.x,e1_world.y,e1_world.z,false);
//var e1_k = 20;
var e1_k = 1;
var e1_abc = [e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, 2*e1_k*e1_d*e1_d/10000];
//var e1_abc = [e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*e1_d*e1_d/25000];
// dx,dy,dz - coorinates map marker in 'world' coordinates
// with the center in p0
// which is ellipse 2 e2.
var e1_dir = e1_world.normalize();
var e2_world = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(dx,dy,dz);
// -z look upwards in world coordinates
//var xa1 = e1_dir.cross(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,0,-1));
return e2_world;
function A_f(mark,pars){
var e1_world = get_e1_w(mark,pars);
var e2_world = get_e2_w(mark,pars);
var M2W = get_e1_M2W(mark,pars);
var W2M = M2W.inverse();
// e1 depends on distance
var e1_d = x3dom_3d_distance(e1_world.x,e1_world.y,e1_world.z,false);
var e1_k = 20;
//var e1_k = 1;
// less precise
//var e1_abc = [e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*e1_d*e1_d/10000];
// more precise
var e1_abc = [e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*0.00038*e1_d, e1_k*e1_d*e1_d/25000];
// build a right basis
var e1_dir = e1_world.normalize();
var xa1 = e1_dir.cross(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0,1,0));
var ya1 = xa1.cross(e1_dir);
var za1 = e1_dir.negate();
......@@ -157,11 +158,11 @@ function Av_f(mark,pars){
// e1 ref system
var RE1 = x3dom.fields.SFMatrix4f.identity();
// and so RE1 is in the world coordinates
// e2 depens on the map
var e2_k = 1;
var e2_abc = [e2_k*1,e2_k*1,e2_k*30];
......@@ -178,9 +179,11 @@ function Av_f(mark,pars){
// e2 ref system
// it's vertical in the WORLD
var RE2 = x3dom.fields.SFMatrix4f.identity();
// now let's get to covariance matrix
var JE1 = x3dom_ellipsoid_inertia_tensor_v2(1,e1_abc[0],e1_abc[1],e1_abc[2]);
var RE1xJE1 = RE1.mult(JE1);
......@@ -211,8 +214,6 @@ function Av_f(mark,pars){
vec0.z, vec1.z, vec2.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
//RESmatrix = RESmatrix.transpose();
var RESaxes = new x3dom.fields.SFMatrix4f(
es_a, 0, 0, 0,
0, es_b, 0, 0,
......@@ -220,28 +221,26 @@ function Av_f(mark,pars){
0, 0, 0, 1
var A = RESaxes.inverse().mult(RESmatrix.transpose());
O: W2M.multMatrixVec(e2_world),
Ox: W2M.multMatrixVec(RESmatrix.transpose().e0().multiply(es_a)),
Oy: W2M.multMatrixVec(RESmatrix.transpose().e1().multiply(es_b)),
Oz: W2M.multMatrixVec(RESmatrix.transpose().e2().multiply(es_c))
// and so, the error vector is E=Av
var Av = A.multMatrixVec(v);
// draw the vector
x3dom_draw_line("err0","gold", e1_model, e1_model.add(W2M.multMatrixVec(Av)));
// Is it correct? The direction seems right for close and far objects
var A = RESaxes.inverse().mult(RESmatrix.transpose());
return A;
// return vector
return Av;
function Av_df_dx(){
console.log("Welcome to dAv/dx");
//dE =
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