Commit 6188329e authored by Rurik Bugdanov's avatar Rurik Bugdanov


- remove backquotes incompatibles with minification
parent b6453ceb
......@@ -435,24 +435,24 @@ X3DOMObject.prototype.createMarker = function(x,y,z,id){
size =[index].size/2;
var html = `
<group id='`+id+`' class='`+sph_class+`'>
<switch whichChoice='0'>
<transform translation='`+x+` `+y+` `+z+`' rotation='0 0 0 0'>
<shape class='shapemarker'>
<material diffuseColor='`+color+`' transparency='0.0' myColor='`+color+`'></material>
<Sphere DEF="sphere" radius="`+size+`" />
var html = [
'<group id="'+id+'" class="'+sph_class+'">',
' <switch whichChoice="0">',
' <transform translation="'+x+' '+y+' '+z+'" rotation="0 0 0 0">',
' <shape class="shapemarker">',
' <appearance>',
' <material diffuseColor="'+color+'" transparency="0.0" myColor="'+color+'"></material>',
' </appearance>',
' <Sphere DEF="sphere" radius="'+size+'" />',
' </shape>',
' </transform>',
' </switch>',
var sphere_element = $(html);
//var shape = $(sphere_element).find("shape");
//var id_prefix = $(sphere_element).attr("id").substr(0,7);
......@@ -1187,42 +1187,42 @@ X3DOMObject.displayViewInfo = function(e){
var msg = `
<td colspan='3' align='center'>position, m</td>
<td colspan='3' align='center'>orientation, &deg;</td>
<th style='width:60px;'>x</th>
<th style='width:60px;'>y</th>
<th style='width:60px;'>z</th>
var msg = [
' <td></td>',
' <td colspan="3" align="center">position, m</td>',
' <td colspan="3" align="center">orientation, &deg;</td>',
' <th></th>',
' <th style="width:60px;">x</th>',
' <th style="width:60px;">y</th>',
' <th style="width:60px;">z</th>',
' <th>azimuth</th>',
' <th>elevation</th>',
' <th>skew</th>',
' <td>mouse</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.x+'</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.y+'</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.z+'</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.a+'</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.e+'</td>',
' <td>'+mouse.s+'</td>',
' <td>camera</td>',
' <td>'+camera.x+'</td>',
' <td>'+camera.y+'</td>',
' <td>'+camera.z+'</td>',
' <td>'+camera.a+'</td>',
' <td>'+camera.e+'</td>',
' <td>'+camera.s+'</td>',
if (SETTINGS.viewinfo){
......@@ -1287,4 +1287,3 @@ X3DOMObject.displayMarkInfo = function(index){
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