Commit 34b36bb5 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

w/h more proper resizing

parent b1d70d8e
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ var X3DOMObject = function(element,data,options){
var defaults = {
debug: true, // {boot}, unused
highlight: true, // {bool}, highlight surfaces on mouseover
fov: 30*Math.PI/180,// {rad}, default vertical fov
fov: 55*Math.PI/180,// {rad}, default horizontal fov
fov_step: 0.025, // {rad}, min change
......@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ X3DOMObject.prototype.resize = function(){
//var fov = w/h*self._FOV;
// default vertical FoV is 30 degs, we would like to fit in the window
// the model w/h ratio is 2592/1904
var fov = 1.8*self._FOV;
var fov = self._FOV;
var K_model = 2592/1904;
var K_window = w/h;
// window is really wide - fit the height
if (K_window > K_model){
fov = 1.8*self._FOV;
fov = self._FOV;
fov = (4.2-1.8*K_window)*self._FOV;
fov = K_model/K_window*self._FOV;
//fov = Math.PI/2;
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