Commit 15f53fb2 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

set precision for some results

parent a74b095d
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ function init_maps(){
var center = map.getCenter();
var zoom = map.getZoom();
window.history.pushState("", "x3d models index", "?lat=""&lng="+center.lng+"&zoom="+zoom+"&rating="+SETTINGS.rating);
window.history.pushState("", "x3d models index", "?lat=""&lng="+center.lng.toFixed(8)+"&zoom="+zoom+"&rating="+SETTINGS.rating);
......@@ -172,6 +172,13 @@ function x3dom_align_hll(){
//de = -de;
//convert to conventional range
xyh[2] = (xyh[2]+360)%360;
// round coordinates to 1e-8
xyh[0] = xyh[0].toFixed(8);
xyh[1] = xyh[1].toFixed(8);
// round degrees to 0.0001
xyh[2] = xyh[2].toFixed(4);
//init apply dialog
......@@ -345,6 +352,13 @@ function x3dom_align_hll2(){
//de = -de;
//convert to conventional range
xyh[2] = (xyh[2]+360)%360;
// round coordinates to 1e-8
//xyh[0] = xyh[0].toFixed(8);
//xyh[1] = xyh[1].toFixed(8);
// round degrees to 0.0001
xyh[2] = xyh[2].toFixed(4);
//init apply dialog
......@@ -394,8 +408,16 @@ function x3dom_align_hll3(){
//calc distance error
de = distance_error(x0,y0,(h0>180)?h0-360:h0);
//de = -de;
//convert to conventional range
xyh[2] = (xyh[2]+360)%360;
// round coordinates to 1e-8
xyh[0] = xyh[0].toFixed(8);
xyh[1] = xyh[1].toFixed(8);
// round degrees to 0.0001
//xyh[2] = xyh[2].toFixed(4);
//init apply dialog
......@@ -427,7 +449,14 @@ function x3dom_align_art(){
var result = numbers.calculus.GaussNewton([0,0],Data.markers.length,art2_r_i,[art2_dr_dx_i,art2_dr_da_i],epsilon,art2_w_i);
result.v[0] = result.v[0]*180/Math.PI;
// round degrees to 0.0001
result.v[0] = result.v[0].toFixed(4);
// round meters to 0.001
result.v[1] = result.v[1].toFixed(3);
......@@ -441,6 +470,13 @@ function x3dom_align_art(){
result.v[0] = result.v[0]*180/Math.PI;
result.v[1] = result.v[1]*180/Math.PI;
// round degrees to 0.0001
result.v[0] = result.v[0].toFixed(4);
// round degrees to 0.0001
result.v[1] = result.v[1].toFixed(4);
// round meters to 0.001
result.v[2] = result.v[2].toFixed(3);
//result.v[0] = bring_angle_to_range_deg(result.v[0],-180,180);
//result.v[1] = bring_angle_to_range_deg(result.v[1],-180,180);
......@@ -671,27 +707,3 @@ function test_height_alignment_set3_2points(){
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