regfis_over_r;// push 1 more DWORD (ignore) + type (ERR/OK) when received FIS is done/error
wirell_frame_req_w;// pre ll_frame_req
// wire ll_frame_req_w; // pre ll_frame_req
regll_frame_req;// -> link // request for a new frame transition
wirell_frame_busy;// link -> // a little bit of overkill with the cound of response signals, think of throwing out 1 of them // LL tells back if it cant handle the request for now
wirell_frame_ackn;// acknowledge for ll_frame_req
// wire ll_frame_busy; // link -> // a little bit of overkill with the cound of response signals, think of throwing out 1 of them // LL tells back if it cant handle the request for now
// wire ll_frame_ack; // link -> // LL tells if the request is transmitting not used
// wire ll_frame_rej; // link -> // or if it was cancelled because of simultanious incoming transmission
// wire ll_frame_done_good; // link -> // TL tell if the outcoming transaction is done and how it was done
assignserr_EP=phy_ready&&(0);// RWC: Protocol Error - a violation of SATA protocol detected
assignserr_EC=phy_ready&&(0);// RWC: Persistent Communication or Data Integrity Error
@@ -216,8 +217,8 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
.data_last_out(),// ll_d2h_last), // output wire not used
.frame_req(ll_frame_req),// input wire // request for a new frame transmission
.frame_busy(ll_frame_busy),// output wire // a little bit of overkill with the cound of response signals, think of throwing out 1 of them // LL tells back if it cant handle the request for now
.frame_ack(),// ll_frame_ack), // output wire // LL tells if the request is transmitting
.frame_busy(),// ll_frame_busy), // output wire // a little bit of overkill with the cound of response signals, think of throwing out 1 of them // LL tells back if it cant handle the request for now
.frame_ack(ll_frame_ackn),// ll_frame_ack), // output wire // LL tells if the request is transmitting
.frame_rej(x_rdy_collision),// output wire // or if it was cancelled because of simultanious incoming transmission
.frame_done_good(xmit_ok),// output wire // TL tell if the outcoming transaction is done and how it was done