Commit c8a13f98 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on ahci_ctrl_stat.v

parent 48218bac
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
// update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
input update_GHC__IS,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxIS,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS,
// Interrupt inputs
input sirq_TFE, // RWC: Task File Error Status
......@@ -57,6 +58,24 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input sirq_DS, // RWC: DMA Setup FIS Interrupt - DMA Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
input sirq_PS, // RWC: PIO Setup FIS Interrupt - PIO Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
input sirq_DHR, // RWC: D2H Register FIS Interrupt - D2H Register FIS received with 'I' bit set
// SCR0: SStatus
input ssts_ipm_dnp, // device not present or communication not established
input ssts_ipm_active, // device in active state
input ssts_ipm_part, // device in partial state
input ssts_ipm_slumb, // device in slumber state
input ssts_ipm_devsleep, // device in DevSleep state
input ssts_spd_dnp, // device not present or communication not established
input ssts_spd_gen1, // Gen 1 rate negotiated
input ssts_spd_gen2, // Gen 2 rate negotiated
input ssts_spd_gen3, // Gen 3 rate negotiated
input ssts_det_ndnp, // no device detected, phy communication not established
input ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
input ssts_det_dp, // device detected, phy communication established
input ssts_det_offline, // device detected, phy communication established
output reg irq
......@@ -84,6 +103,7 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
reg set_ghc_is_r; // active next cycle after one of individual non-masked bits in PxIS is set
reg [31:0] PxIE_r; // some bits will be unused by PxIS_MASK
reg [31:0] PxIS_r; // some bits will be unused by PxIS_MASK
reg [11:0] PxSSTS_r;
wire [31:0] sirq = {32{sirq_TFE}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
{32{sirq_IF }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__MASK | // 'h8000000;
{32{sirq_INF}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__MASK | // 'h4000000;
......@@ -94,6 +114,16 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
{32{sirq_DS }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__MASK | // 'h4;
{32{sirq_PS }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__MASK | // 'h2;
{32{sirq_DHR}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__DHRS__MASK; // 'h1;
wire [11:8] sssts_ipm = ({4{ssts_ipm_active}} & 4'h1) |
({4{ssts_ipm_part}} & 4'h2) |
({4{ssts_ipm_slumb}} & 4'h6) |
({4{ssts_ipm_devsleep}} & 4'h8);
wire [ 7:4] sssts_spd = ({4{ssts_spd_gen1}} & 4'h1) |
({4{ssts_spd_gen2}} & 4'h2) |
({4{ssts_spd_gen3}} & 4'h3);
wire [ 3:0] sssts_det = ({4{ssts_det_dnp}} & 4'h1) |
({4{ssts_det_dp}} & 4'h3) |
({4{ssts_det_offline}} & 4'h4);
localparam PxIE_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__MASK | // 'h40000000;
......@@ -163,13 +193,28 @@ localparam PxIS_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
else set_ghc_is_r <= |(sirq & PxIE_r);
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[11:8] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[11:8] <= sssts_ipm[11:8];
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[ 7:4] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[ 7:4] <= sssts_spd[ 7:4];
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[ 3:0] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[ 3:0] <= sssts_det[ 3:0];
// Update AXI registers with the current local data
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
regs_addr <= ({ADDRESS_BITS{update_GHC__IS}} & GHC__IS__IPS__ADDR) |
({ADDRESS_BITS{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__ADDR); // | // TODO: add more ...
({ADDRESS_BITS{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__ADDR) | // TODO: add more ...
regs_din <= ({32{update_GHC__IS}} & {31'b0, ghc_is_r}) |
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & PxIS_r); // | // TODO: add more ...
regs_we <= update_GHC__IS || update_HBA_PORT__PxIS;
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & PxIS_r) | // TODO: add more ...
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS}} &{20'b0, PxSSTS_r[11:0]}); // | // TODO: add more ...
regs_we <= update_GHC__IS || update_HBA_PORT__PxIS || update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS;
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