Commit c11c0ad4 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Started FIS -> AXI FIFO module

parent e2fb6292
* Module: ahci_dma_rd_fifo
* Date:2016-01-01
* Author: andrey
* Author: Andrey Filippov
* Description: cross clocks, word-realign, 64->32
* Convertion from x64 QWORD-aligned AXI data @hclk to
* 32-bit word-aligned data at mclk
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ module ahci_dma_rd_fifo#(
always @ (posedge hclk) begin
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
hrst_mclk <= hrst;
if (hrst_mclk) raddr <= 0;
* Module: ahci_dma_wr_fifo
* Date:2016-01-02
* Author: Andrey Filippov
* Description: cross clocks, word-realign, 32 -> 64 with byte write mask
* Convertion from x32 DWORD data received from FIS-es @ mclk to QWORD-aligned
* AXI data @hclk
* Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc .
* ahci_dma_wr_fifo.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ahci_dma_wr_fifo.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ahci_dma_wr_fifo#(
parameter WCNT_BITS = 21,
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 3
input mrst,
input hrst,
input mclk,
input hclk,
// hclk domain
input [WCNT_BITS-1:0] wcnt, // decrementing word counter, 0- based (0 need 1, 1 - need 2, ...) valid @ start
input [1:0] woffs, // 2 LSBs of the initial word address - valid @ start
input init, // initializes cross-clock 32->64 FIFO, disables FIFO read until confirmed back form mclk domain
input start, // start transfer
output reg [63:0] dout, // allow only each 3-rd wr if not many
input dout_av, // at least one QWORD space avaiable in AXI FIFO
input dout_av_many, // several QWORD space avaiable in AXI FIFO
input last_prd, // last prd, flush partial dword if there were odd number of words transferred. valid @ start
// Or maybe use "last_prd"?
output dout_we,
output reg [3:0] dout_wstb, // word write enable (apply to wstb, 2 wstb input bits for one dout_wstb bit)
output reg done, // this PRD data sent AXI FIFO (Some partial QWORD data may be left in this module if
// last_prd was not set
// output done_flush, // finished last PRD (indicated by last_prd @ start), data left module
// mclk domain
output [31:0] din,
output din_rdy, // can accept data from HBA (multiple dwords, so reasonable latency is OK)
input din_avail
localparam ADDRESS_NUM = (1<<ADDRESS_BITS); // 8 for ADDRESS_BITS==3
reg [31:0] fifo0_ram [0: ADDRESS_NUM - 1];
reg [31:0] fifo1_ram [0: ADDRESS_NUM - 1];
wire init_mclk;
wire init_confirm;
reg en_fifo_rd;
reg en_fifo_wr;
wire flush_hclk; // TODO: Define (less than 4 left to receive)?
wire flush_mclk;
wire flush_conf;
reg [ADDRESS_BITS : 0] raddr; // 1 extra bit
reg [ADDRESS_BITS+1:0] waddr; // 1 extra bit
reg [63:16] fifo_do_prev; // only 48 bits are needed
reg [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_full; // set in write clock domain
reg [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_nempty;// set in read clock domain
wire fifo_wr = (din_avail && din_rdy) || (waddr[0] && flush_mclk);
// wire fifo_rd;
wire [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_full2 = {fifo_full[0],fifo_full[ADDRESS_NUM-1:1]};
reg hrst_mclk;
reg fifo_dav; // @hclk
reg fifo_dav2; // @hclk
reg fifo_half_mclk; // Half Fifo is empty, OK to write
wire [63:0] fifo_do = {fifo1_ram [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]], fifo0_ram [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]]};
reg [1:0] dout_we_r;
reg [1:0] wp; // word pointer in the output (0..3)
reg [1:0] fp; // pointer in the {fifo_do,fifo_do_prev} pointer (0 - fifo_do_prev[16], ..., 3 - fifo_do[0])
reg [1:0] wl; // words left: 0: 1 word, ..., 3: >=4 words
// implementing 6 -> 23 unregistered ROM
reg [1:0] mx0; //4:1
reg [2:0] mx1; //5:1
reg [2:0] mx2; //6:1
reg [2:0] mx3; //7:1
reg [3:0] pm; // re_dout_wstb;
reg fifo_rd;
// reg [1:0] nwp; // Needed? 0 for all but first
reg [1:0] nfp; // next {fifo_do,fifo_do_prev} pointer (0 - fifo_do_prev[16], ..., 3 - fifo_do[0])
reg [2:0] swl; // subtract from words_left;
// TODO: make separate register bits for wl == 0, wl > =4
assign din_rdy = en_fifo_wr && fifo_half_mclk;
assign dout_we = dout_we_r[1]; // dout_we_r[0] - write to dout, use dout_av && (!(|dout_we_r) || dout_av_many) to enable dout_we_r[0]<=
always @ (posedge hclk) begin
if (hrst || init) en_fifo_rd <= 0;
else if (init_confirm) en_fifo_rd <= 1;
else if (flush_conf) en_fifo_rd <= 0;
if (hrst || init) fifo_nempty <= {{(ADDRESS_NUM>>1){1'b0}},{(ADDRESS_NUM>>1){1'b1}}};// 8'b00001111
else if (fifo_rd && raddr[0]) fifo_nempty <= {fifo_nempty[ADDRESS_NUM-2:0],raddr[ADDRESS_BITS] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS-1]};
fifo_dav <= !init && en_fifo_rd && (fifo_full [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS]);
fifo_dav2 <= !init && en_fifo_rd && (fifo_full2[raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]]);
if (fifo_rd) fifo_do_prev[63:16] <= fifo_do[63:16];
// mclk domain
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
hrst_mclk <= hrst;
if (mrst || hrst_mclk) en_fifo_wr <= 0;
else if (init_mclk) en_fifo_wr <= 1;
else if (flush_mclk) en_fifo_wr <= 0;
if (hrst_mclk || init_mclk) waddr <= 0;
else if (fifo_wr) waddr <= waddr + 1;
if (hrst_mclk || init_mclk) fifo_full <= 0;
else if (fifo_wr) fifo_full <= {fifo_full[ADDRESS_NUM-2:0], waddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1]};
fifo_half_mclk <= fifo_nempty [waddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ waddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
if (fifo_wr && !waddr[0]) fifo0_ram[waddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] <= din;
if (fifo_wr && waddr[0]) fifo1_ram[waddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] <= din;
// hclk -> mclk cross-clock synchronization
pulse_cross_clock #(
) init_mclk_i (
.rst (hrst), // input
.src_clk (hclk), // input
.dst_clk (mclk), // input
.in_pulse (init), // input
.out_pulse (init_mclk), // output
.busy() // output
pulse_cross_clock #(
) flush_mclk_i (
.rst (hrst), // input
.src_clk (hclk), // input
.dst_clk (mclk), // input
.in_pulse (flush_hclk), // input
.out_pulse (flush_mclk), // output
.busy() // output
// mclk -> hclk cross-clock synchronization
pulse_cross_clock #(
) init_confirm_i (
.rst (mrst), // input
.src_clk (mclk), // input
.dst_clk (hclk), // input
.in_pulse (init_mclk), // input
.out_pulse (init_confirm), // output
.busy() // output
pulse_cross_clock #(
) flush_conf_i (
.rst (mrst), // input
.src_clk (mclk), // input
.dst_clk (hclk), // input
.in_pulse (flush_mclk), // input
.out_pulse (flush_conf), // output
.busy() // output
wl: 0: left 1 word, 1: left 2 words, 2: left 3 words, 3: left >=4 words
wp (pointer in the output qword, only first in PRD can be non-zero) 0: word 0 of output QW, ...
mx0 0: use fifo_do_prev[16], 1: fifo_do_prev[32], 2:fifo_do_prev[48], 3:fifo_do[0];
mx1 0: use fifo_do_prev[16], 1: fifo_do_prev[32], 2:fifo_do_prev[48], 3:fifo_do[0], 4:fifo_do[16];
mx2 0: use fifo_do_prev[16], 1: fifo_do_prev[32], 2:fifo_do_prev[48], 3:fifo_do[0], 4:fifo_do[16], 5:fifo_do[32];
mx3 0: use fifo_do_prev[16], 1: fifo_do_prev[32], 2:fifo_do_prev[48], 3:fifo_do[0], 4:fifo_do[16], 5:fifo_do[32], 6:fifo_do[48];
fp/nfp: 0 - pointer to fifo_do_prev[16], 1 : fifo_do_prev[32], 2: fifo_do_prev[48], 3: fifo_do[0]
always @* case ({wp, fp, wl})
6'h00: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0001; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h01: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0011; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 2; end
6'h02: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0111; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 3; end
6'h03: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 4; end
6'h04: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0001; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h05: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0011; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 2; end
6'h06: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 3; end
6'h07: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 4; end
6'h08: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b0001; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h09: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b0011; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 2; end
6'h0a: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b0111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 3; end
6'h0b: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b1111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 2; swl <= 4; end
6'h0c: begin mx0 <= 3; mx1 <= 4; mx2 <= 5; mx3 <= 6; pm <= 4'b0001; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h0d: begin mx0 <= 3; mx1 <= 4; mx2 <= 5; mx3 <= 6; pm <= 4'b0011; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 2; end
6'h0e: begin mx0 <= 3; mx1 <= 4; mx2 <= 5; mx3 <= 6; pm <= 4'b0111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 2; swl <= 3; end
6'h0f: begin mx0 <= 3; mx1 <= 4; mx2 <= 5; mx3 <= 6; pm <= 4'b1111; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 3; swl <= 4; end
6'h10: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b0010; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h11: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b0110; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 2; end
6'h12: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 3; end
6'h13: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 3; end
6'h14: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0010; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h15: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0110; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 2; end
6'h16: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 3; end
6'h17: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 3; end
6'h18: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0010; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h19: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 2; end
6'h1a: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 3; end
6'h1b: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 3; end
6'h1c: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b0010; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h1d: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b0110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 2; end
6'h1e: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 2; swl <= 3; end
6'h1f: begin mx0 <= 2; mx1 <= 3; mx2 <= 4; mx3 <= 5; pm <= 4'b1110; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 2; swl <= 3; end
6'h20: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b0100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h21: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 2; end
6'h22: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 2; end
6'h23: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 2; end
6'h24: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b0100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h25: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 2; end
6'h26: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 2; end
6'h27: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 2; end
6'h28: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b0100; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h29: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 2; end
6'h2a: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 2; end
6'h2b: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 2; end
6'h2c: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b0100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h2d: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 2; end
6'h2e: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 2; end
6'h2f: begin mx0 <= 1; mx1 <= 2; mx2 <= 3; mx3 <= 4; pm <= 4'b1100; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 1; swl <= 2; end
6'h30: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 0; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h31: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 0; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h32: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 0; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h33: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 0; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 1; swl <= 1; end
6'h34: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h35: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h36: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h37: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 0; mx3 <= 1; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 2; swl <= 1; end
6'h38: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h39: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h3a: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h3b: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 0; mx2 <= 1; mx3 <= 2; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 0; nfp <= 3; swl <= 1; end
6'h3c: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h3d: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h3e: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
6'h3f: begin mx0 <= 0; mx1 <= 1; mx2 <= 2; mx3 <= 3; pm <= 4'b1000; fifo_rd <= 1; nfp <= 0; swl <= 1; end
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