Commit 82906512 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

implemented run-time sequencer for the ahci_fsm, working on the actual sequence

parent 50d15e4c
......@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input update_pcmd,
input update_pci,
// Next - obsolete?
output reg st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
output reg st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
input st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// PxCMD
input pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
input pcmd_esp, // external SATA port (just forward value)
......@@ -61,10 +66,15 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
input pcmd_cr_reset, // command list run reset
input pcmd_fr, // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy - change to HAB set/reset (set, do, reset)
output pcmd_fre, // FIS enable copy to memory
input pcmd_clear_bsy_drq, // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
output pcmd_clo, //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
input pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit
output pcmd_st, // current value
input pfsm_started, // H: FSM done, P: FSM started (enable sensing pcmd_st_cleared)
output reg pcmd_st_cleared,// ST bit cleared by software; TODO: check not in H:Init (
// Interrupt inputs
input sirq_TFE, // RWC: Task File Error Status
......@@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input serr_ET, // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
input serr_EM, // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
input serr_EI, // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
output serr_diag_X, // value of PxSERR.DIAG.X
// SCR0: SStatus
......@@ -119,6 +129,8 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
output reg [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
output reg [3:0] sctl_spd, // Interface maximal speed
output reg [3:0] sctl_det, // Device detection initialization requested
output reg sctl_det_changed, // Software had written new value to sctl_det
input sctl_det_reset, // clear sctl_det_changed
input pxci0_clear, // PxCI clear
output pxci0, // pxCI current value
......@@ -235,14 +247,22 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
wire update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR = update_serr || update_first[3] || update_next[3];
wire update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD = update_pcmd || update_first[4] || update_next[4];
wire update_HBA_PORT__PxCI = update_pci || update_first[5] || update_next[5];
reg pfsm_started_r;
assign update_busy = (update_all && (|regs_changed)) || (|updating[5:1]);
assign update_pending = | regs_changed;
assign update_pending = | regs_changed;
assign pcmd_fre = |(HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK & PxCMD_r);
assign serr_diag_X = |(HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__MASK & PxSERR_r);
localparam PxIE_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__IFE__MASK | // 'h8000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__INFE__MASK | // 'h4000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__OFE__MASK | // 'h1000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__PRCE__MASK | // 'h400000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__PCE__MASK | // 'h40;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__DPE__MASK | // 'h20
HBA_PORT__PxIE__UFE__MASK | // 'h10;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__SDBE__MASK | // 'h8;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__DSE__MASK | // 'h4;
......@@ -254,6 +274,8 @@ localparam PxIS_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__MASK | // 'h4000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__OFS__MASK | // 'h1000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__PRCS__MASK | // 'h400000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__PCS__MASK | // 'h40;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__DPS__MASK | // 'h20
HBA_PORT__PxIS__UFS__MASK | // 'h10;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__SDBS__MASK | // 'h8;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__MASK | // 'h4;
......@@ -393,6 +415,9 @@ localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (rst_por) {sctl_ipm, sctl_spd, sctl_det} <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxSCTL) {sctl_ipm, sctl_spd, sctl_det} <= soft_write_data [11:0];
if (rst_por || sctl_det_reset) sctl_det_changed <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxSCTL && (soft_write_data[3:0] != sctl_det)) sctl_det_changed <= 1;
// HBA_PORT__PxSERR register
......@@ -420,6 +445,13 @@ localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
(HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK & PxCMD_r) | // no HBA control
(pcmd_clear_bsy_drq ? 0 : (PxCMD_r & HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__MASK)) |
(pcmd_clear_st ? 0 : (PxCMD_r & HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK)) )));
if (mrst) pfsm_started_r <= 0;
else if (pfsm_started) pfsm_started_r <= 1;
if (!pfsm_started_r) pcmd_st_cleared <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD) pcmd_st_cleared <= |(HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK & PxCMD_r & ~soft_write_data);
// Update AXI registers with the current local data
......@@ -470,6 +502,16 @@ localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
else if (update_all) updating[5:1] <= regs_changed[5:1] & ~update_first[5:1];
else updating[5:1] <= updating[5:1] & ~ update_next[5:1];
// detect software setting for PxCMD.ST 0->1 and 1->0
if (mrst) st01_pending <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD && (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK & soft_write_data & ~PxCMD_r)) st01_pending <= 1;
if (st_pending_reset) st01_pending <= 0;
if (mrst) st10_pending <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD && (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK & ~soft_write_data & PxCMD_r)) st10_pending <= 1;
if (st_pending_reset) st10_pending <= 0;
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ module ahci_fis_receive#(
// Control Interface
output reg fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by get_*
// Receiving FIS
input set_update_sig, // when set, enables get_sig (and resets itself)
output pUpdateSig, // state variable
input get_sig, // update signature
input get_dsfis,
input get_psfis,
......@@ -55,13 +57,17 @@ module ahci_fis_receive#(
input update_pio, // update PxTFD.STS and PxTFD.ERR from pio_* (entry PIO:Update)
input update_prdbc, // update PRDBC in registers
input clear_bsy_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
input clear_bsy_set_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and sets PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
input set_bsy, // set PxTFD.STS.BSY, update
input set_sts_7f, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x7f, update
input set_sts_80, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x80 (may be combined with set_sts_7f), update
input clear_xfer_cntr, // clear pXferCntr (is it needed as a separate input)?
input decr_dwc, // decrement DMA Xfer counter // need pulse to 'update_prdbc' to write to registers
input [11:0] decr_DXC_dw, // decrement value (in DWORDs)
input pcmd_fre, // control bit enables saving FIS to memory (will be ignored for signature)
// TODO: Add writing PRDBC here?
output reg pPioXfer, // state variable
output [7:0] tfd_sts, // Current PxTFD status field (updated after regFIS and SDB - certain fields)
......@@ -178,9 +184,10 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
reg get_fis_busy_r;
reg [7:0] pio_es_r; // value of PIO E_Status
reg [7:0] pio_err_r;
reg [7:0] pio_es_r; // value of PIO E_Status
reg [7:0] pio_err_r;
reg pUpdateSig_r = 1; // state variable
// Forward data to DMA (dev->mem) engine
assign dma_in_valid = dma_in_ready && (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_DMA) && data_in_ready && !too_long_err;
......@@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
assign data_in_dwords = data_in_dwords_r;
assign pio_es = pio_es_r;
assign pUpdateSig = pUpdateSig_r;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (hba_rst || dma_in_stop) dma_in <= 0;
else if (dma_in_start) dma_in <= 1;
......@@ -233,9 +240,13 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
({4{get_ufis}} & UFIS32_LENM1 ) |
({4{get_data_fis}} & DMAH_LENM1) |
({4{get_ignore}} & IGNORE_LENM1 );
fis_save <= !get_data_fis && !get_ignore && !get_sig;
// fis_save <= pcmd_fre && !get_data_fis && !get_ignore && !get_sig;
// save signature FIS to memory if waiting (if not - ignore FIS)
// for non-signature /non-data - obey pcmd_fre
fis_save <= get_sig? pUpdateSig_r : (pcmd_fre && !get_data_fis && !get_ignore);
is_data_fis <= get_data_fis;
update_sig <= get_sig? 1 : 0;
update_sig <= ((get_sig && pUpdateSig_r)? 1 : 0);
reg_ds <= get_dsfis ? 1 : 0;
reg_ps <= get_psfis ? 1 : 0;
reg_d2h <= get_rfis ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -296,7 +307,8 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if (reg_ps[0]) tf_err_sts <= {hba_data_in[31:24],hba_data_in[23:16]};
else if (update_pio) tf_err_sts <= {pio_err_r, pio_es_r};
else if (reg_sdb) tf_err_sts <= {hba_data_in[15:8], tf_err_sts[7], hba_data_in[6:4], tf_err_sts[3],hba_data_in[2:0]};
else if (clear_bsy_drq || set_bsy) tf_err_sts <= tf_err_sts & {8'hff,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7} | {8'h0,set_bsy,7'h0};
else if (clear_bsy_drq || set_bsy || clear_bsy_set_drq)
tf_err_sts <= tf_err_sts & {8'hff,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7} | {8'h0,set_bsy,3'h0,clear_bsy_set_drq,3'h0};
else if (set_sts_7f || set_sts_80) tf_err_sts <= {tf_err_sts[15:8],set_sts_80,{7{set_sts_7f}}} ;
reg_we <= reg_we_w || update_sig[3] || update_err_sts_r || update_prdbc_r;
......@@ -317,9 +329,9 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
if (hba_rst) pio_es_r <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[3]) pio_es_r <= hba_data_in[31:24];
if (hba_rst || reg_sdb) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {reg_ds[5]?hba_data_in[31:16]:16'b0, hba_data_in[15:2]} + hba_data_in[1]; // round up
else if (decr_dwc) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {xfer_cntr_r[31:2]} - {18'b0, decr_DXC_dw[11:0]};
if (hba_rst || reg_sdb || clear_xfer_cntr) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {reg_ds[5]?hba_data_in[31:16]:16'b0, hba_data_in[15:2]} + hba_data_in[1]; // round up
else if (decr_dwc) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {xfer_cntr_r[31:2]} - {18'b0, decr_DXC_dw[11:0]};
if (hba_rst || reg_sdb || reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) prdbc_r[31:2] <= 0;
else if (decr_dwc) prdbc_r[31:2] <= {prdbc_r[31:2]} + {18'b0, decr_DXC_dw[11:0]};
......@@ -333,6 +345,8 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
if (hba_rst || update_pio) pPioXfer <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[4]) pPioXfer <= 1;
if (hba_rst || set_update_sig) pUpdateSig_r <= 1;
else if (update_sig[3]) pUpdateSig_r <= 0;
// Maybe it is not needed if the fsm will send this pulse?
......@@ -20,40 +20,40 @@
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ahci_fsm #(
module ahci_fsm
// parameter PREFETCH_ALWAYS = 0,
parameter READ_REG_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
// parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 1, // 0 if ct_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
) */
input hba_rst, // @posedge mclk
input mclk, // for command/status
input was_hba_rst, // last reset was hba reset (not counting system reset)
input was_port_rst, // last reset was port reset
// notification from axi_ahci_regs that software has written data to register
input [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] soft_write_addr, // register address written by software
input [31:0] soft_write_data, // register data written (after applying wstb and type (RO, RW, RWC, RW1)
input soft_write_en, // write enable for data write
// input soft_arst, // reset SATA PHY not relying on SATA clock
// R/W access to AXI/AHCI registers, shared with ahci_fis_receive and ahci_fis_transmit modules
output [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] regs_addr,
output regs_we,
// output [3:0] regs_wstb, Needed?
output [1:0] regs_re, // [0] - re, [1] - regen
output [31:0] regs_din,
input [31:0] regs_dout,
// Writing FSM program memory
input aclk,
input arst,
input [17:0] pgm_ad, // @aclk, address/data to program the AHCI FSM
input pgm_wa, // @aclk, address strobe to program the AHCI FSM
input pgm_wd, // @aclk, data strobe to program the AHCI FSM
// direct communication with transposrt, link and phy layers
input phy_ready, // goes up after comreset,cominit, align, ...
output syncesc_send, // Send sync escape
input cominit_got, // asynchronously jumps to P:Cominit state
output set_offline, // electrically idle
output send_R_OK, // Should it be originated in this layer SM?
output send_R_ERR,
// Other signals....
// Communication with ahci_ctrl_stat (some are not needed)
// update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
output pfsm_started, // H: FSM doene, P: FSM started (enable sensing pcmd_st_cleared)
// update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
input update_pending,
output update_all,
......@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
output update_serr,
output update_pcmd,
output update_pci,
input st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
input st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
output st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// PxCMD
output pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
......@@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
input pcmd_clo, //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
output pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit
input pcmd_st, // current value
input pcmd_st_cleared,// ST bit cleared by software;
// Interrupt inputs
output sirq_TFE, // RWC: Task File Error Status
......@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
output serr_ET, // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
output serr_EM, // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
output serr_EI, // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
input serr_diag_X, // value of PxSERR.DIAG.X
......@@ -131,6 +137,8 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
input [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
input [3:0] sctl_spd, // Interface maximal speed
input [3:0] sctl_det, // Device detection initialization requested
input sctl_det_changed, // Software had written new value to sctl_det
output sctl_det_reset, // clear sctl_det_changed
output pxci0_clear, // PxCI clear
input pxci0, // pxCI current value
......@@ -145,6 +153,9 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
input fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by 'get_*'
input [7:0] fis_type, // FIS type (low byte in the first FIS DWORD), valid with 'fis_first_vld'
// Receiving FIS
output set_update_sig, // when set, enables get_sig (and resets itself)
input pUpdateSig, // state variable
output get_sig, // update signature
output get_dsfis,
output get_psfis,
......@@ -164,11 +175,16 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
output update_prdbc, // update PRDBC in registers
output clear_bsy_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
output clear_bsy_set_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and sets PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
output set_bsy, // set PxTFD.STS.BSY, update
output set_sts_7f, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x7f, update
output set_sts_80, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x80 (may be combined with set_sts_7f), update
output clear_xfer_cntr, // clear pXferCntr (is it needed as a separate input)?
output decr_dwc, // decrement DMA Xfer counter // need pulse to 'update_prdbc' to write to registers
output [11:0] decr_DXC_dw, // decrement value (in DWORDs)
// output [11:0] decr_DXC_dw, // decrement value (in DWORDs)
input pxcmd_fre, // control bit enables saving FIS to memory
input pPioXfer, // state variable
input [7:0] tfd_sts, // Current PxTFD status field (updated after regFIS and SDB - certain fields)
// tfd_sts[7] - BSY, tfd_sts[4] - DRQ, tfd_sts[0] - ERR
......@@ -192,8 +208,8 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
output dx_transmit, // send FIS header DWORD, (just 0x46), then forward DMA data
// transmit until error, 2048DWords or pDmaXferCnt
output atapi_xmit, // tarsmit ATAPI command FIS
input done,
input busy,
input xmit_done,
input xmit_busy,
output clearCmdToIssue, // From CFIS:SUCCESS
input pCmdToIssue, // AHCI port variable
......@@ -215,8 +231,131 @@ module ahci_fsm #(
`include "includes/ahci_localparams.vh" // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor : Unused localparams
reg [10:0] pgm_waddr;
// wire pgm_ren;
// wire pgm_regen;
wire cond_met_w; // calculated from signals and program conditions decoder
reg [10:0] pgm_jump_addr;
reg [10:0] pgm_addr;
wire [17:0] pgm_data;
reg was_rst;
// reg jump_r;
reg [2:0] fsm_jump;
wire fsm_next;
reg fsm_actions; // processing actions
reg fsm_act_busy;
reg [1:0] fsm_transitions; // processing transitions
reg fsm_preload; // read first sequence data (2 cycles for regen)
wire [6:0] precond_w = pgm_data[17:11]; // select what to use - cond_met_w valis after precond_w, same time as conditions
reg [6:0] conditions;
wire pre_jump_w = (|async_pend_r) ? async_ackn : (cond_met_w & fsm_transitions[1]);
wire fsm_act_done = get_fis_done || xmit_done;
wire fsm_wait_act_w = pgm_data[16]; // this action requires waiting for done
wire fsm_last_act_w = pgm_data[17];
wire fsm_pre_act_w = fsm_actions && fsm_next; // use it as CS for generated actions (registered)
reg [1:0] async_pend_r; // waiting to process cominit_got
reg async_from_st; // chnge to multi-bit if there will be more sources for async transitions
wire asynq_rq = cominit_got || pcmd_st_cleared;
wire async_ackn = !fsm_preload && async_pend_r[0] && ((fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]); // OK to process async jump
assign fsm_next = (fsm_preload || (fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]) && !async_pend_r[0]; // quiet if received cominit is pending
// Writing to the FSM program memory
always @ (posedge aclk) begin
if (arst) pgm_waddr <= 0;
else if (pgm_wa) pgm_waddr <= pgm_ad[10:0];
else if (pgm_wd) pgm_waddr <= pgm_waddr + 1;
// Reset addresses - later use generated
localparam LABEL_POR = 11'h000;
localparam LABEL_HBA_RST = 11'h002;
localparam LABEL_PORT_RST = 11'h004;
localparam LABEL_COMINIT = 11'h006;
localparam LABEL_ST_CLEARED = 11'h008;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (hba_rst) pgm_jump_addr <= (was_hba_rst || was_port_rst) ? (was_hba_rst? LABEL_HBA_RST:LABEL_PORT_RST) : LABEL_POR;
else if (async_pend_r[1]) pgm_jump_addr <= async_from_st? LABEL_ST_CLEARED : LABEL_COMINIT;
else if (fsm_transitions[0] && (!cond_met_w || !fsm_transitions[1])) pgm_jump_addr <= pgm_data[10:0];
was_rst <= hba_rst;
fsm_jump <= {fsm_jump[1:0], pre_jump_w | (was_rst & ~hba_rst)};
if (fsm_jump[0]) pgm_addr <= pgm_jump_addr;
else if (fsm_next) pgm_addr <= pgm_addr + 1;
if (hba_rst) conditions <= 0;
if (fsm_transitions[0]) conditions <= precond_w;
if (hba_rst) fsm_actions <= 0;
else if (fsm_jump[2]) fsm_actions <= 1;
else if (fsm_last_act_w && fsm_next) fsm_actions <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pre_jump_w) fsm_transitions <= 0;
else if (fsm_last_act_w && fsm_actions && fsm_next) fsm_transitions <= 1;
else fsm_transitions <= {fsm_transitions[0],fsm_transitions[0]};
if (hba_rst) fsm_preload <= 0;
else fsm_preload <= |fsm_jump[1:0];
if (hba_rst) fsm_act_busy <= 0;
else if (fsm_pre_act_w) fsm_act_busy <= fsm_wait_act_w;
else if (fsm_act_done) fsm_act_busy <= 0;
if (pcmd_st_cleared) async_from_st <= 1;
else if (asynq_rq) async_from_st <= 0;
if (hba_rst) async_pend_r <= 0;
else async_pend_r <= {async_pend_r[0], asynq_rq | (async_pend_r[0] & ~async_ackn)};
sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{LBL:'HBA_RST', ADR: 0x2, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{ GOTO:'P:Cominit'},
ramp_var_w_var_r #(
) fsm_pgm_mem_i (
.rclk (mclk), // input
.raddr (pgm_addr), // input[10:0]
.ren (fsm_next), // input
.regen (fsm_next), // input
.data_out (pgm_data), // output[17:0]
.wclk (aclk), // input
.waddr (pgm_waddr), // input[10:0]
.we (pgm_wd), // input
.web (8'hff), // input[7:0]
.data_in (pgm_ad) // input[17:0]
output update_all,
input update_busy, // valid same cycle as update_all
Implement sync esc request/ackn in TL (available in LL)
......@@ -146,7 +146,12 @@ module ahci_top#(
input syncesc_recv, // These two inputs interrupt transmit
input xmit_err, // Error during sending of a FIS
output syncesc_send, // Send sync escape
input cominit_got,
output set_offline, // electrically idle
output send_R_OK, // Should it be originated in this layer SM?
output send_R_ERR,
output irq // CPU interrupt request
......@@ -191,7 +196,11 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire dma_cmd_start; // input
wire dma_prd_start; // input
wire dma_cmd_abort; // input
// Use some of the custom registers in the adderss space?
// Use some of the custom registers in the address space?
wire [17:0] fsm_pgm_ad; // @aclk, address/data to program the AHCI FSM
wire fsm_pgm_wa; // @aclk, address strobe to program the AHCI FSM
wire fsm_pgm_wd; // @aclk, data strobe to program the AHCI FSM
wire [ 3:0] axi_wr_cache_mode; // input[3:0]
wire [ 3:0] axi_rd_cache_mode; // input[3:0]
......@@ -213,6 +222,9 @@ module ahci_top#(
// fsm <-> ahc_fis_receive
// fsm ->
wire frcv_first_vld;
wire frcv_set_update_sig; // when set, enables get_sig (and resets itself)
wire frcv_pUpdateSig; // state variable
wire frcv_get_sig; // update signature
wire frcv_get_dsfis;
wire frcv_get_psfis;
......@@ -228,10 +240,13 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire frcv_update_prdbc; // update PRDBC in registers
wire frcv_clear_bsy_drq; // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
wire frcv_clear_bsy_set_drq; // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and sets PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
wire frcv_set_bsy; // set PxTFD.STS.BSY, update
wire frcv_set_sts_7f; // set PxTFD.STS = 0x7f, update
wire frcv_set_sts_80; // set PxTFD.STS = 0x80 (may be combined with set_sts_7f), update
wire frcv_decr_dwc; // decrement DMA Xfer counter // need pulse to 'update_prdbc' to write to registers
wire frcv_clear_xfer_cntr; // Clear pXferCntr to 0
// fsm <-
wire frcv_busy; // busy processing FIS
......@@ -293,6 +308,11 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire update_regs_pending;
wire update_all_regs;
wire update_regs_busy; // valid same cycle as update_all_regs
wire st01_pending; // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
wire st10_pending; // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
wire st_pending_reset;// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// these following individual signals may be unneded - use update_all_regs -> update_regs_busy
wire update_GHC__IS;
......@@ -309,10 +329,13 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire pcmd_cr_set; // command list run set
wire pcmd_cr_reset; // command list run reset
wire pcmd_fr; // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy
wire pcmd_fre; // FIS enable copy to memory
wire pcmd_clear_bsy_drq; // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
wire pcmd_clo; //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
wire pcmd_clear_st; // RW clear ST (start) bit
wire pcmd_st; // current value
wire pfsm_started; // H: FSM done, P: FSM started (enable sensing pcmd_st_cleared)
wire pcmd_st_cleared; // bit was cleared by software
// Interrupt inputs
wire sirq_TFE; // RWC: Task File Error Status
......@@ -344,6 +367,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire serr_ET; // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
wire serr_EM; // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
wire serr_EI; // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
wire serr_diag_X; // value of PxSERR.DIAG.X
......@@ -367,34 +391,49 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire [3:0] sctl_ipm; // Interface power management transitions allowed
wire [3:0] sctl_spd; // Interface maximal speed
wire [3:0] sctl_det; // Device detection initialization requested
wire sctl_det_changed; // Software had written new value to sctl_det
wire sctl_det_reset; // clear sctl_det_changed
wire pxci0_clear; // PxCI clear
wire pxci0; // pxCI current value
ahci_fsm #(
) ahci_fsm_i (
.hba_rst (mrst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.was_hba_rst (was_hba_rst), // input
.was_port_rst (was_port_rst), // input
ahci_fsm// #(
// )
ahci_fsm_i (
.hba_rst (mrst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.was_hba_rst (was_hba_rst), // input
.was_port_rst (was_port_rst), // input
.phy_ready (phy_ready), // input
.syncesc_send (syncesc_send), // output
.aclk (aclk), // input
.arst (arst), // input
.pgm_ad (fsm_pgm_ad), // input[17:0]
.pgm_wa (fsm_pgm_wa), // input
.pgm_wd (fsm_pgm_wd), // input
.update_pending (update_regs_pending), // input
.update_all (update_all_regs), // output
.update_busy (update_regs_busy), // input
.update_gis (update_GHC__IS), // output
.phy_ready (phy_ready), // input
.syncesc_send (syncesc_send), // output
.cominit_got (cominit_got), // input
.set_offline (set_offline), // output
.send_R_OK (send_R_OK), // output
.send_R_ERR (send_R_ERR), // output
.update_pending (update_regs_pending),// input
.update_all (update_all_regs), // output
.update_busy (update_regs_busy), // input
.update_gis (update_GHC__IS), // output
.update_pis (update_HBA_PORT__PxIS), // output
.update_ssts (update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS), // output
.update_serr (update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR), // output
.update_pcmd (update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD), // output
.update_pci (update_HBA_PORT__PxCI), // output
.st01_pending (st01_pending), // input
.st10_pending (st10_pending), // input
.st_pending_reset (st_pending_reset), // output
.pcmd_clear_icc (pcmd_clear_icc), // output
.pcmd_esp (pcmd_esp), // output
.pcmd_cr (pcmd_cr), // input
......@@ -405,6 +444,8 @@ module ahci_top#(
.pcmd_clo (pcmd_clo), // input
.pcmd_clear_st (pcmd_clear_st), // output
.pcmd_st (pcmd_st), // input
.pfsm_started (pfsm_started), // output
.pcmd_st_cleared (pcmd_st_cleared), // input
.sirq_TFE (sirq_TFE), // output
.sirq_IF (sirq_IF), // output
.sirq_INF (sirq_INF), // output
......@@ -429,6 +470,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
.serr_ET (serr_ET), // output
.serr_EM (serr_EM), // output
.serr_EI (serr_EI), // output
.serr_diag_X (serr_diag_X), // input
.ssts_ipm_dnp (ssts_ipm_dnp), // output
.ssts_ipm_active (ssts_ipm_active), // output
.ssts_ipm_part (ssts_ipm_part), // output
......@@ -445,9 +487,10 @@ module ahci_top#(
.sctl_ipm (sctl_ipm), // input[3:0]
.sctl_spd (sctl_spd), // input[3:0]
.sctl_det (sctl_det), // input[3:0]
.sctl_det_changed (sctl_det_changed), // input
.sctl_det_reset (sctl_det_reset), // output
.pxci0_clear (pxci0_clear), // output
.pxci0 (pxci0), // input
.dma_prd_done (dma_prd_done), // input
.dma_prd_irq (dma_prd_irq), // input
......@@ -456,6 +499,8 @@ module ahci_top#(
.fis_first_vld (frcv_first_vld), // input
.fis_type (d2h_data[7:0]), // input[7:0] FIS type (low byte in the first FIS DWORD), valid with 'fis_first_vld'
.set_update_sig (frcv_set_update_sig),// output
.pUpdateSig (frcv_pUpdateSig), // input
.get_sig (frcv_get_sig), // output
.get_dsfis (frcv_get_dsfis), // output
.get_psfis (frcv_get_psfis), // output
......@@ -473,11 +518,15 @@ module ahci_top#(
.update_pio (frcv_update_pio), // output
.update_prdbc (frcv_update_prdbc), // output
.clear_bsy_drq (frcv_clear_bsy_drq), // output
.clear_bsy_set_drq(frcv_clear_bsy_set_drq), //output
.set_bsy (frcv_set_bsy), // output
.set_sts_7f (frcv_set_sts_7f), // output
.set_sts_80 (frcv_set_sts_80), // output
.decr_dwc (frcv_decr_dwc), // output
.decr_DXC_dw (data_out_dwords), // output[11:2] **** Probably not needed
.clear_xfer_cntr (frcv_clear_xfer_cntr), //output Clear pXferCntr
.decr_dwc (frcv_decr_dwc), // output increment pXferCntr after transmit by data transmitted)
// .decr_DXC_dw (data_out_dwords), // output[11:2] **** Probably not needed
.pxcmd_fre (pcmd_fre), // input
.pPioXfer (pPioXfer), // input
.tfd_sts (tfd_sts), // input[7:0]
......@@ -496,8 +545,8 @@ module ahci_top#(
.cfis_xmit (fsnd_cfis_xmit), // output
.dx_transmit (fsnd_dx_transmit), // output
.atapi_xmit (fsnd_atapi_xmit), // output
.done (fsnd_done), // input
.busy (fsnd_busy), // input
.xmit_done (fsnd_done), // input
.xmit_busy (fsnd_busy), // input
.clearCmdToIssue (fsnd_clearCmdToIssue),// output // From CFIS:SUCCESS
.pCmdToIssue (fsnd_pCmdToIssue), // input
.dx_err (fsnd_dx_err), // input[1:0]
......@@ -509,7 +558,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
.ch_w (fsnd_ch_w), // input
.ch_a (fsnd_ch_a), // input
.ch_cfl (fsnd_ch_cfl), // input[4:0]
.dwords_sent (data_out_dwords) // input[11:0]
.dwords_sent (data_out_dwords) // input[11:0] ????
......@@ -560,7 +609,10 @@ module ahci_top#(
.hba_we (regs_we), // input
.hba_re (regs_re), // input[1:0]
.hba_din (regs_din), // input[31:0]
.hba_dout (regs_dout), // output[31:0]
.hba_dout (regs_dout), // output[31:0]
.pgm_ad (fsm_pgm_ad), // output[17:0] reg
.pgm_wa (fsm_pgm_wa), // output reg
.pgm_wd (fsm_pgm_wd), // output reg
.afi_wcache (axi_wr_cache_mode),// output[3:0] reg
.afi_rcache (axi_rd_cache_mode),// output[3:0] reg
.afi_cache_set (set_axi_cache_mode), // output
......@@ -586,7 +638,9 @@ module ahci_top#(
.update_pending (update_regs_pending), // output
.update_all (update_all_regs), // input
.update_busy (update_regs_busy), // output
// input update_pending,
.st01_pending (st01_pending), // output reg
.st10_pending (st10_pending), // output reg
.st_pending_reset (st_pending_reset), // input
.update_gis (update_GHC__IS), // input
.update_pis (update_HBA_PORT__PxIS), // input
......@@ -600,10 +654,13 @@ module ahci_top#(
.pcmd_cr_set (pcmd_cr_set), // input
.pcmd_cr_reset (pcmd_cr_reset), // input
.pcmd_fr (pcmd_fr), // input
.pcmd_fre (pcmd_fre), // output
.pcmd_clear_bsy_drq (pcmd_clear_bsy_drq), // input
.pcmd_clo (pcmd_clo), // output
.pcmd_clear_st (pcmd_clear_st), // input
.pcmd_st (pcmd_st), // output
.pfsm_started (pfsm_started), // input
.pcmd_st_cleared (pcmd_st_cleared), // output reg
.sirq_TFE (sirq_TFE), // input
.sirq_IF (sirq_IF), // input
.sirq_INF (sirq_INF), // input
......@@ -628,6 +685,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
.serr_ET (serr_ET), // input
.serr_EM (serr_EM), // input
.serr_EI (serr_EI), // input
.serr_diag_X (serr_diag_X), // output
.ssts_ipm_dnp (ssts_ipm_dnp), // input
.ssts_ipm_active (ssts_ipm_active), // input
.ssts_ipm_part (ssts_ipm_part), // input
......@@ -643,7 +701,9 @@ module ahci_top#(
.ssts_det_offline (ssts_det_offline), // input
.sctl_ipm (sctl_ipm), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_spd (sctl_spd), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_det (sctl_det), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_det (sctl_det), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_det_changed (sctl_det_changed), // output reg
.sctl_det_reset (sctl_det_reset), // input
.pxci0_clear (pxci0_clear), // input
.pxci0 (pxci0), // output
.irq (irq) // output reg
......@@ -733,6 +793,8 @@ module ahci_top#(
.mclk (mclk), // input
.fis_first_vld (frcv_first_vld), // output reg
.set_update_sig (frcv_set_update_sig), // input
.pUpdateSig (frcv_pUpdateSig), // output
.get_sig (frcv_get_sig), // input
.get_dsfis (frcv_get_dsfis), // input
......@@ -754,11 +816,16 @@ module ahci_top#(
.update_prdbc (frcv_update_prdbc), // input
.clear_bsy_drq (frcv_clear_bsy_drq), // input
.clear_bsy_set_drq (frcv_clear_bsy_set_drq), // input
.set_bsy (frcv_set_bsy), // input
.set_sts_7f (frcv_set_sts_7f), // input
.set_sts_80 (frcv_set_sts_80), // input
.clear_xfer_cntr (frcv_clear_xfer_cntr), // input Clear pXferCntr
.decr_dwc (frcv_decr_dwc), // input
.decr_DXC_dw (data_out_dwords), // input[11:2]
.decr_DXC_dw (data_out_dwords), // input[11:2]
.pcmd_fre (pcmd_fre), // input
.pPioXfer (pPioXfer), // output reg
.tfd_sts (tfd_sts), // output[7:0]
......@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ module axi_ahci_regs#(
input [31:0] hba_din,
output [31:0] hba_dout,
// Program FSM memory
output reg [17:0] pgm_ad, // @aclk, address/data to program the AHCI FSM
output reg pgm_wa, // @aclk, address strobe to program the AHCI FSM
output reg pgm_wd, // @aclk, data strobe to program the AHCI FSM
// other control signals
output reg [ 3:0] afi_wcache,
output reg [ 3:0] afi_rcache,
......@@ -160,6 +167,8 @@ module axi_ahci_regs#(
wire high_sel = bram_waddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS-1]; // high addresses - use single-cycle writes without read-modify-write
wire afi_cache_set_w = bram_wen_r && !high_sel && (bram_addr == HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__WR_CM__ADDR);
wire pgm_fsm_set_w = bram_wen_r && !high_sel && (bram_addr == HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__ADDR);
wire pgm_fsm_and_w = |(ahci_regs_di & HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__MASK);
wire set_hba_rst = bram_wen_r && !high_sel && (bram_addr == GHC__GHC__HR__ADDR) && (ahci_regs_di & GHC__GHC__HR__MASK);
wire set_port_rst = bram_wen_r && !high_sel && (bram_addr == HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__DET__ADDR) &&
......@@ -227,8 +236,7 @@ module axi_ahci_regs#(
if (arst || set_hba_rst) was_port_rst_aclk <= 0;
else if (port_rst_on) was_port_rst_aclk <= 1;
always @ (hba_clk) begin
......@@ -243,6 +251,14 @@ module axi_ahci_regs#(
else if (afi_cache_set_w) {afi_wcache,afi_rcache} <= ahci_regs_di[7:0];
always @(posedge aclk) begin
if (arst) {pgm_wa,pgm_wd} <= 0;
else {pgm_wa,pgm_wd} <= {2{pgm_fsm_set_w}} & {pgm_fsm_and_w, ~pgm_fsm_and_w};
if (pgm_fsm_set_w) pgm_ad <= ahci_regs_di[17:0];
Will generate async reset on both HBA reset(for some time) and port reset (until released)
until it is more clear about GTX reset options. Such reset will be applied to both PLL and GTX,
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
# Copyright (C) 2016,
# Helper module create AHCI registers type/default data
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
import sys
LBL= "Label"
GOTO= "Goto"
ADR = "Address"
sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{LBL:'HBA_RST', ADR: 0x2, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{ GOTO:'H:Init'},
{ GOTO:'P:Cominit'},
{LBL:'ST_CLEARED',ADR: 0x6, ACT: NOP}, # TODO: make sure this jump is not from P:Init
{ GOTO:'P:StartBitCleared'},
{LBL:'H:Init', ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:WaitForAhciEnable'},
{LBL:'H:WaitForAhciEnable', ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'H:Idle'}, # GHC.AE is always on
{LBL:'H:Idle', ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'P:Init'}, #All required actions for H* are done in hardware, just go to port initialization
{LBL:'P:Init', ACT: 'PFSM'}, # pfsm_started HBA init done, port FSM started
{ ACT: 'PSCI0'}, # pxci0_clear, reset both (pIssueSlot:=32) and PxCI[0]
{ ACT: 'CLEAR_BSY_SET_DRQ'}, # frcv_clear_bsy_set_drq
{ ACT: 'SET_STS_7F'}, # frcv_set_sts_7f
{ ACT: 'SET_UPDATE_SIG'}, # #frcv_set_update_sig
{ ACT: 'XMIT_COMRESET'}, # Now does it on reset. See if it is possible to transmit COMRESET w/o reset
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:NotRunning', ACT: 'NOP'}, # 'PSCI0'}, # pxci0_clear, - should not be here as it updates soft registers?
{IF:'SCTL_DET_CHANGED_TO_4',GOTO:'P:Offline'}, #4
{IF:'SCTL_DET_CHANGED_TO_1',GOTO:'P:StartComm'}, #5
# Transition 8. PxCMD.FRE written to ‘1’ from a ‘0’ and previously processed Register FIS is in receive FIFO and PxSERR.DIAG.X = ‘0’
# can not be implemented - it is too late, FIS is already gone. So as we do not move FIS receive area, there is no sense to disable FIS,
# and for the signature we'll always assume FRE is on
{IF:'ST_NB_ND', GOTO:'P:Idle'}, #12 : PxCMD.ST & !PxTBD.STS.BSY & !PxTBD.STS.DRQ
{IF:'FR_D2HR', GOTO:'NDR:Entry'}, #13 fis_first_vld & fis_type == 0x34 (D2H Register)
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},#14
{LBL:'P:Cominit', ACT: 'NOP'}, # got here asynchronously from COMINIT label
{ ACT: 'SET_STS_80'}, # frcv_set_sts_80 (Not clear 0xff or 0x80 should be here?)
{ ACT: 'PXSSTS_DET_1'}, # ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
{ ACT: 'PXSERR_DIAG_X'}, # sirq_PC, // RO: Port Connect Change Status (pulse to set)
# {IF:'PXIE_PCE', GOTO:'P:CominitSetIS'}, # Not needed, interrupt
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:RegFisUpdate', ACT: 'NOP'}, #
{ ACT: 'GET_SIG'}, # get_sig
# {IF: 'pcmd_fre', GOTO:'P:RegFisPostToMem'}, # pcmd_fre hardware always copies signature FIS to 'memory' if expected
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:RegFisPostToMem', ACT: 'NOP'}, # Probably not needed, handled at lower level
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:Offline', ACT: 'SET_OFFLINE'}, # set_offline
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:StartBitCleared', ACT: 'PXCI0_CLEAR'}, # pxci0_clear
{ ACT: 'DMA_ABORT'}, # dma_cmd_abort (should eventually clear PxCMD.CR)?
{ ACT: 'PCMD_CR_CLEAR'}, # pcmd_cr_reset
{ ACT: 'XFER_CNTR_CLEAR'}, # clear_xfer_cntr
{LBL:'P:Idle', ACT: 'PCMD_CR_SET'}, # pcmd_cr_set
pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
input fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by 'get_*'
input [7:0] fis_type, // FIS type (low byte in the first FIS DWORD), valid with 'fis_first_vld'
serr_diag_X ==0 , fis_first_vld,
(pIssueSlot==32) is the same as (pxci0 == 0), use pxci0_clear (pIssueSlot:=32)
localparam LABEL_POR = 11'h0;
localparam LABEL_HBA_RST = 11'h10;
localparam LABEL_PORT_RST = 11'h20;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -423,15 +423,21 @@ src=[{gN:"PCI_Header", gS: PCIHEAD, gE:PCIHEAD+0x3f, gD:" PCI header emulation w
{fN:"MDAT", fS:10, fE:14, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Minimum Device Sleep Assertion Time"},
{fN:"DETO", fS: 2, fE: 9, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Device Sleep Exit Timeout"},
{fN:"DSP", fS: 1, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Device Sleep Present"},
{fN:"ADSE", fS: 1, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Aggressive Device Sleep Enable"}
{fN:"ADSE", fS: 0, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Aggressive Device Sleep Enable"}
{rN:"AFI_CACHE", rS:0x70, rE:0x73, rD:"Port x Vendor Specific", rC:
# 0x48..0x6f - reserved
{rN:"AFI_CACHE", rS:0x70, rE:0x73, rD:"Port x Vendor Specific, program AXI cache modes", rC:
[{ fS: 8, fE:31, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"WR_CM", fS: 4, fE: 7, fT:RW, fC:3, fD:"SAXIHP write channel cache mode "},
{fN:"RD_CM", fS: 0, fE: 3, fT:RW, fC:3, fD:"SAXIHP read channel cache mode "},
# 0x48..0x6f - reserved
{rN:"PxVS", rS:0x74, rE:0x7f, rD:"Other Port x Vendor Specific", rC:
{rN:"PGM_AHCI_SM",rS:0x74, rE:0x77, rD:"Port x Vendor Specific, AHCI state machine", rC:
[{ fS:25, fE:31, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"AnD", fS:24, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Address/not data for programming AHCI state machine"},
{ fS:18, fE:23, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"PGM_AD",fS: 0, fE:17, fT:RW, fC:3, fD:"Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine"},
{rN:"PxVS", rS:0x78, rE:0x7f, rD:"Other Port x Vendor Specific", rC:
[{ fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Vendor-specific data - 96 bits"}
, .INIT_00 (256'h0000000000000000000000000001030100000001000000008000000000240020)
, .INIT_08 (256'h000000000024000600000000000000000000000080000C000000000080000800)
, .INIT_09 (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000)
, .INIT_0B (256'h0000000000000000000000000000003300000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_0B (256'h0000000000000000000000030000003300000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_0C (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000001010001001000000001FFFE)
, .INIT_0D (256'h000001000000000000000040000000000001FFFE000000008000000000000000)
, .INIT_0E (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000001)
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DSP__DFLT = 'h0;
// RO: Aggressive Device Sleep Enable
localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__ADDR = 'h51;
localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__MASK = 'h2;
localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__MASK = 'h1;
localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__DFLT = 'h0;
// RW: SAXIHP write channel cache mode
localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__WR_CM__ADDR = 'h5c;
......@@ -786,4 +786,12 @@
localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__ADDR = 'h5c;
localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__MASK = 'hf;
localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__DFLT = 'h3;
// RW: Address/not data for programming AHCI state machine
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__ADDR = 'h5d;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__MASK = 'h1000000;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__DFLT = 'h0;
// RW: Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__ADDR = 'h5d;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__MASK = 'h3ffff;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__DFLT = 'h3;
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
, .INIT_12 (256'h0000000000550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_14 (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000001555555555550000000000055000D)
, .INIT_17 (256'h5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555550000000000005555)
, .INIT_17 (256'h5555555555555555555555555555555500010005555555550000000000005555)
, .INIT_18 (256'h00000000000055550000000000000000AA820000001000140000000000000000)
, .INIT_1B (256'h0000000000005555000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_1C (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000800100050000000000000000)
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