Commit 08589919 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Update Readme for current state

parent b7a097b9
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ git clone **--recursive**
2. ssh-copy-id user@ip
# Swtich between synthesis & simulation
See update below
Edit *.editor_defines*:
* simulation:
`define SIMULATION 1
......@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ Edit *.editor_defines*:
Refresh the project and update hierarchy (or rescan)
**Update:** Not needed anymore with updated VDT plugin - it now calculates closure per-tool and per-top file defines,
so *.editor_defines* is now just for the editor (which branches to parse). No refresh/rescan is required.
# Simulation
* Get unisims library - refresh project files otherwise nothing will work
......@@ -34,7 +38,10 @@ Refresh the project and update hierarchy (or rescan)
* Add constraints file through Synthesis parameters
* Bitstream Tool parameters - check *Force(overwrite)*
# Current step:
# Current step in try2 branch:
Not yet tested in hardware, started AHCI implementation (currently coded registers and DMA engine, that processes command table/PRD list,
Transfers data between clock domains, re-aligns between WORD size granularity, HAB 32-bit data and 64-bit AFI accesses.
# Current step in main branch:
Testing basic functionallity of a host.
Trying out pio access.
Fullfilling device-side drivers and monitors via tasks.
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