parameter MCONTR_WR_MASK =       'h3c00, // AXI write address mask for the 1Kx32 buffers command sequence memory
    parameter MCONTR_RD_MASK =       'h3c00, // AXI read address mask to generate busy
    parameter MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR =   'h0000, // AXI write to command sequence memory
    parameter MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR =  'h0400, // AXI read address from buffer 0 (PS sequence, memory read) 
    parameter MCONTR_BUF0_WR_ADDR =  'h0400, // AXI write address to buffer 0 (PS sequence, memory write)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF1_RD_ADDR =  'h0800, // AXI read address from buffer 1 (PL sequence, scanline, memory read)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF1_WR_ADDR =  'h0800, // AXI write address to buffer 1 (PL sequence, scanline, memory write)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF2_RD_ADDR =  'h0c00, // AXI read address from buffer 2 (PL sequence, tiles, memory read)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF2_WR_ADDR =  'h0c00, // AXI write address to buffer 2 (PL sequence, tiles, memory write)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF3_RD_ADDR =  'h1000, // AXI read address from buffer 3 (PL sequence, scanline, memory read)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF3_WR_ADDR =  'h1000, // AXI write address to buffer 3 (PL sequence, scanline, memory write)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF4_RD_ADDR =  'h1400, // AXI read address from buffer 4 (PL sequence, tiles, memory read)
    parameter MCONTR_BUF4_WR_ADDR =  'h1400, // AXI write address to buffer 4 (PL sequence, tiles, memory write)
    parameter CONTROL_ADDR =         'h2000, // AXI write address of control write registers
    parameter CONTROL_ADDR_MASK =    'h3800, // AXI write address of control registers
    // so 'h2000..'h23ff (CONTROL_ADDR) - no busy when writing, 'h2400..'h27ff (CONTROL_ADDR | BUSY_WR_ADDR) generates busy if fifo half full
    parameter BUSY_WR_ADDR =         'h1400, // AXI write address to generate busy
    parameter BUSY_WR_ADDR_MASK =    'h3c00, // AXI write address mask to generate busy during memory controller register write
    parameter STATUS_ADDR =          'h2800, // AXI write address of status read registers
    parameter STATUS_ADDR_MASK =     'h3c00, // AXI write address of status registers
    parameter AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS =        14,
    parameter AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS =        14,
    parameter STATUS_DEPTH=              8,  // 256 cells, maybe just 16..64 are enough?

        .MCONTR_WR_MASK                    (MCONTR_WR_MASK),
        .MCONTR_RD_MASK                    (MCONTR_RD_MASK),
        .MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR                (MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF0_WR_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF0_WR_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF1_RD_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF1_RD_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF1_WR_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF1_WR_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF2_RD_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF2_RD_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF2_WR_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF2_WR_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF3_RD_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF3_RD_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF3_WR_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF3_WR_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF4_RD_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF4_RD_ADDR),
        .MCONTR_BUF4_WR_ADDR               (MCONTR_BUF4_WR_ADDR),
        .CONTROL_ADDR                      (CONTROL_ADDR),
        .CONTROL_ADDR_MASK                 (CONTROL_ADDR_MASK),
        .BUSY_WR_ADDR                      (BUSY_WR_ADDR),
        .BUSY_WR_ADDR_MASK                 (BUSY_WR_ADDR_MASK),
        .STATUS_ADDR                       (STATUS_ADDR),
        .STATUS_ADDR_MASK                  (STATUS_ADDR_MASK),
        .AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS                  (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS),
        .AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS                  (AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS),
        .STATUS_DEPTH                      (STATUS_DEPTH),

    parameter BUSY_WR_ADDR =        'h1800, // AXI write address to generate busy
    parameter BUSY_WR_ADDR_MASK =   'h1c00, // AXI write address mask to generate busy

//0x1080..10ff - 8- bit data - to set various delay values
    parameter DLY_LD =            'h080,  // address to generate delay load 
    parameter DLY_LD_MASK =       'h380,  // address mask to generate delay load

0x1000..103f - 0- bit data (set/reset)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_ADDR =           'h020,  // address to set sequnecer channel and  run (4 LSB-s - channel)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_ADDR_MASK =      'h3f0,  // address mask to generate sequencer channel/run
  0x1020       - DLY_SET      // 0 bits -set pre-programmed delays 
  0x1024..1025 - CMDA_EN      // 0 bits - disable/enable command/address outputs 
  0x1026..1027 - SDRST_ACT    // 0 bits - disable/enable active-low reset signal to DDR3 memory
  0x1028..1029 - CKE_EN       // 0 bits - disable/enable CKE signal to memory 
  0x102a..102b - DCI_RST      // 0 bits - disable/enable CKE signal to memory 
  0x102c..102d - DLY_RST      // 0 bits - disable/enable CKE signal to memory
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_DLY_SET =        'h0,    // set pre-programmed delays 
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_CMDA_EN =        'h4,    // disable/enable command/address outputs 
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_SDRST_ACT =      'h6,    // disable/enable active-low reset signal to DDR3 memory
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_CKE_EN =         'h8,    // disable/enable CKE signal to memory 
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_DCI_RST =        'ha,    // disable/enable CKE signal to memory 
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_DLY_RST =        'hc,    // disable/enable CKE signal to memory 

0x1030..1037 - 0-bit memory cotroller (set/reset)
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_0BIT_ADDR =           'h030,  // address to turn on/off memory controller features
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_0BIT_ADDR_MASK =      'h3f8,  // address mask to generate sequencer channel/run
  0x1030..1031 - MCONTR_EN  // 0 bits, disable/enable memory controller
  0x1032..1033 - REFRESH_EN // 0 bits, disable/enable memory refresh
  0x1034..1037 - reserved
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_0BIT_MCONTR_EN =      'h0,    // set pre-programmed delays 
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_0BIT_REFRESH_EN =     'h2,    // disable/enable command/address outputs 
0x1040..107f - 16-bit data
  0x1050..1057: MCONTR_PHY16
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_ADDR =           'h050,  // address to set sequnecer channel and  run (4 LSB-s - channel)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_ADDR_MASK =      'h3f8,  // address mask to generate sequencer channel/run
  0x1050       - PATTERNS     // 16 bits
  0x1051       - PATTERNS_TRI // 16-bit address to set DQM and DQS tristate on/off patterns {dqs_off,dqs_on, dq_off,dq_on} - 4 bits each 
  0x1052       - WBUF_DELAY   // 4 bits - extra delay (in mclk cycles) to add to write buffer enable (DDR3 read data)
  0x1053       - EXTRA_REL    // 1 bit - set extra parameters (currently just inv_clk_div)
  0x1054       - STATUS_CNTRL // 8 bits - write to status control
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_PATTERNS =       'h0,    // set DQM and DQS patterns (16'h0055)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_PATTERNS_TRI =   'h1,    // 16-bit address to set DQM and DQS tristate on/off patterns {dqs_off,dqs_on, dq_off,dq_on} - 4 bits each 
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_WBUF_DELAY =     'h2,    // 4 bits - extra delay (in mclk cycles) to add to write buffer enable (DDR3 read data)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_16BIT_EXTRA_REL =      'h3,    // 1 bit - set extra parameters (currently just inv_clk_div)
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_STATUS_CNTRL =         'h4,    // 8 bits - write to status control
0x1060..106f: arbiter priority data
    parameter MCONTR_ARBIT_ADDR =              'h060,   // Address to set channel priorities
    parameter MCONTR_ARBIT_ADDR_MASK =         'h3f0,   // Address mask to set channel priorities
0x1070..1077 - 16-bit top memory controller:
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_ADDR =           'h070,  // address to set mcontr top control registers
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_ADDR_MASK =      'h3f8,  // address mask to set mcontr top control registers
  0x1070       - MCONTR_CHN_EN     // 16 bits per-channel enable (want/need requests)
  0x1071       - REFRESH_PERIOD    // 8-bit refresh period
  0x1072       - REFRESH_ADDRESS   // 10 bits
  0x1073       - STATUS_CNTRL      // 8 bits - write to status control (and debug?)
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_CHN_EN =         'h0,    // 16 bits per-channel enable (want/need requests)
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_PERIOD = 'h1,    // 8-bit refresh period
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_ADDRESS= 'h2,    // 10 bits refresh address in the sequencer (PL) memory
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h3,    // 8 bits - write to status control (and debug?)
  0x1080..10ff - DLY_LD   // 8 bits :
  0x1080..109f - set delay for SDD0-SDD7
  0x10a0..10bf - set delay for SDD8-SDD15
  0x10c0..10df - set delay for SD_CMDA
  0x10e0       - set delay for MMCM

  localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h00; // 0x1080
  localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h10; // 0x1090
  localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h20; // 0x10a0
  localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h30; // 0x10b0
  localparam LD_DLY_CMDA  =        DLY_LD+'h40; // 0x10c0
  localparam LD_DLY_PHASE =        DLY_LD+'h60; // 0x10e0
  localparam DLY_SET =             MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_ADDR + MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_DLY_SET; //0x1020
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_ADDR=       'h0f0,
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_MASK=       'h3f0

0x1100..11ff - 32-bit per-channel memory control    
0x1100..110f - control of memory channels 0,1 - PS-controlled sequences
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_ADDR=            'h100,
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_MASK=            'h3e0, // both channels 0 and 1
0x1100          - MCNTRL_PS_EN_RST
0x1101          - MCNTRL_PS_CMD
0x1102          - MCNTRL_PS_STATUS_CNTRL
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_EN_RST=                  'h0,
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_CMD=                     'h1,
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_STATUS_CNTRL=            'h2,

============= Add the following (addresses will vary for individual channels)
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_CHN2_ADDR=       'h120,
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_CHN3_ADDR=       'h130,
   parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_MASK=            'h3f0, // both channels 0 and 1
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_MODE=            'h0,   // set mode register: {extra_pages[1:0],write_mode,enable,!reset}
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h1,   // control status reporting
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STARTADDR=       'h2,   // 22-bit frame start address (3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH='h3,   // Padded line length (8-row increment), in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_WINDOW_WH=       'h4,   // low word - 13-bit window width (0->'n4000), high word - 16-bit frame height (0->'h10000)
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_WINDOW_X0Y0=     'h5,   // low word - 13-bit window left, high word - 16-bit window top
    parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_WINDOW_STARTXY=  'h6,   // low word - 13-bit start X (relative to window), high word - 16-bit start y
                                                      // Start XY can be used when read command to start from the middle
                                                      // TODO: Add number of blocks to R/W? (blocks can be different) - total length?
                                                      // Read back current address (fro debugging)?
============= Tiled read access (CHN4)
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_CHN4_ADDR=       'h140,
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_MASK=            'h3f0, // both channels 0 and 1
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_MODE=            'h0,   // set mode register: {extra_pages[1:0],write_mode,enable,!reset}
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h1,   // control status reporting
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_STARTADDR=       'h2,   // 22-bit frame start address (3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH='h3,   // Padded line length (8-row increment), in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_WINDOW_WH=       'h4,   // low word - 13-bit window width (0->'n4000), high word - 16-bit frame height (0->'h10000)
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_WINDOW_X0Y0=     'h5,   // low word - 13-bit window left, high word - 16-bit window top
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_WINDOW_STARTXY=  'h6,   // low word - 13-bit start X (relative to window), high word - 16-bit start y
                                                      // Start XY can be used when read command to start from the middle
                                                      // TODO: Add number of blocks to R/W? (blocks can be different) - total length?
                                                      // Read back current address (fro debugging)?
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_TILE_WH=         'h7,   // low word - 6-bit tile width in 8-bursts, high - tile height (0 - > 64)
== test module (8-bit):
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_ADDR=                 'h0f0,
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_MASK=                 'h3f0,
    parameter FRAME_HEIGHT_BITS=                   16,   // Maximal frame height
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN2_MODE=            'h4,   // set mode register for channel 2
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN2_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h5,   // control status reporting for channel 2
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN3_MODE=            'h6,   // set mode register for channel 3
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN3_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h7,   // control status reporting for channel 3
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN4_MODE=            'h8,   // set mode register for channel 4
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN4_STATUS_CNTRL=    'h9,   // control status reporting for channel 4
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR= 'h3c,  // status/readback register for channel 2
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR= 'h3d,  // status/readback register for channel 3
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR= 'h3e  // status/readback register for channel 4

// Status read address
    parameter STATUS_ADDR =         'h1400, // AXI write address of status read registers
    parameter STATUS_ADDR_MASK =    'h1400, // AXI write address of status registers
    parameter STATUS_DEPTH=         8,  // 256 cells, maybe just 16..64 are enough?
    parameter MCONTR_PHY_STATUS_REG_ADDR=          'h0,//8 or less bits: status register address to use for memory controller phy
    parameter MCONTR_TOP_STATUS_REG_ADDR=          'h1,//8 or less bits: status register address to use for memory controller
    parameter MCNTRL_PS_STATUS_REG_ADDR=           'h2
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR=   'h5,
    parameter MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR=   'h7,
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR=  'h3c,  // status/readback register for channel 2
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR=  'h3d,  // status/readback register for channel 3
    parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR=  'h3e  // status/readback register for channel 4

================================ OLD =======================================================
 Control addresses (in original ddrc_test01)
0x1000..100f - RUN_CHN      // address to set sequnecer channel and  run (4 LSB-s - channel) - bits? 
0x1020       - PATTERNS     // 16 bits
0x1021       - PATTERNS_TRI // 16-bit address to set DQM and DQS tristate on/off patterns {dqs_off,dqs_on, dq_off,dq_on} - 4 bits each 
0x1022       - WBUF_DELAY   // 4? bits - extra delay (in mclk cycles) to add to write buffer enable (DDR3 read data)
0x1023       - PAGES        // will be removed! 8 bits - address to set buffer pages {port1_page[1:0], port1_int_page[1:0], port0_page[1:0], port0_int_page[1:0]}
0x1024..1025 - CMDA_EN      // 0 bits - enable/disable command/address outputs 
0x1026..1027 - SDRST_ACT    // 0 bits - enable/disable active-low reset signal to DDR3 memory
0x1028..1029 - CKE_EN       // 0 bits - enable/disable CKE signal to memory 
0x102a..102b - DCI_RST      // 0 bits - enable/disable CKE signal to memory 
0x102c..102d - DLY_RST      // 0 bits - enable/disable CKE signal to memory 
0x102e       - EXTRA_REL    // ? bits - set extra parameters (currently just inv_clk_div)
0x102f - X
0x1030..1031 - REFRESH_EN   // 0 bits - enable/disable DDR refresh
0x1032       - REFRESH_PER  // 16? bits - refresh period in 32 x tCK
0x1033       - REFRESH_ADDR // 16? bits - sequencer start address for DDR refresh
0x1070       - DLY_SET  // 0 bits (set bit delays)
0x1080..10ff - DLY_LD   // 8 bits :
  0x1080..109f - set delay for SDD0-SDD7
  0x10a0..10bf - set delay for SDD8-SDD15
  0x10c0..10df - set delay for SD_CMDA
  0x10e0       - set delay for MMCM
    parameter WBUF_DELAY_REL_MASK =   'h3ff,  // address mask to set extra delay
    parameter PAGES_REL =             'h023,  // address to set buffer pages {port1_page[1:0],port1_int_page[1:0],port0_page[1:0],port0_int_page[1:0]}
    parameter PAGES_REL_MASK =        'h3ff,  // address mask to set DQM and DQS patterns
    parameter CMDA_EN_REL =           'h024,  // address to enable('h825)/disable('h824) command/address outputs  
    parameter CMDA_EN_REL_MASK =      'h3fe,  // address mask for command/address outputs
    parameter SDRST_ACT_REL =         'h026,  // address to activate('h827)/deactivate('h826) active-low reset signal to DDR3 memory  
    parameter SDRST_ACT_REL_MASK =    'h3fe,  // address mask for reset DDR3
    parameter CKE_EN_REL =            'h028,  // address to enable('h829)/disable('h828) CKE signal to memory   
    parameter CKE_EN_REL_MASK =       'h3fe,  // address mask for command/address outputs
    parameter DCI_RST_REL =           'h02a,  // address to activate('h82b)/deactivate('h82a) Zynq DCI calibrate circuitry  
    parameter DCI_RST_REL_MASK =      'h3fe,  // address mask for DCI calibrate circuitry
    parameter DLY_RST_REL =           'h02c,  // address to activate('h82d)/deactivate('h82c) delay calibration circuitry  
    parameter DLY_RST_REL_MASK =      'h3fe,  // address mask for delay calibration circuitry
    parameter EXTRA_REL =             'h02e,  // address to set extra parameters (currently just inv_clk_div)
    parameter EXTRA_REL_MASK =        'h3ff,  // address mask for extra parameters
    parameter REFRESH_EN_REL =        'h030,  // address to enable('h31) and disable ('h30) DDR refresh
    parameter REFRESH_EN_REL_MASK =   'h3fe,  // address mask to enable/disable DDR refresh
    parameter REFRESH_PER_REL =       'h032,  // address to set refresh period in 32 x tCK
    parameter REFRESH_PER_REL_MASK =  'h3ff,  // address mask set refresh period
    parameter REFRESH_ADDR_REL =      'h033,  // address to set sequencer start address for DDR refresh
    parameter REFRESH_ADDR_REL_MASK = 'h3ff   // address mask set refresh sequencer address