from __future__ import print_function ''' # Copyright (C) 2015, # Parsing Verilog parameters from the header files # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. @author: Andrey Filippov @copyright: 2015 Elphel, Inc. @license: GPLv3.0+ @contact: andrey@elphel.coml @deffield updated: Updated ''' __author__ = "Andrey Filippov" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Elphel, Inc." __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "3.0+" __maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Development" import os #from import_verilog_parameters import VerilogParameters from x393_mem import X393Mem #from verilog_utils import hx,concat, bits #from verilog_utils import hx #from subprocess import call from time import sleep import vrlg # global parameters import x393_axi_control_status import shutil DEFAULT_BITFILE="/usr/local/verilog/x393.bit" #DEFAULT_BITFILE="/tmp/x393.bit" FPGA_RST_CTRL = 0xf8000240 FPGA0_THR_CTRL = 0xf8000178 FPGA_LVL_SHFTR = 0xf8000900 # 0xf: all enabled, 0x0 - disable all FPGA_DEVCFG_CTRL = 0xf8007000 # &= (1 << 30) - reset FPGA_LOAD_BITSTREAM="/dev/xdevcfg" INT_STS= 0xf800700c #SAVE_FILE_NAME="Some_name"# None class X393Utils(object): # global SAVE_FILE_NAME DRY_MODE= True # True DEBUG_MODE=1 # vpars=None x393_mem=None # enabled_channels=0 # currently enabled channels saveFileName=None x393_axi_tasks=None # verbose=1 def __init__(self, debug_mode=1,dry_mode=True ,saveFileName=None): self.DEBUG_MODE=debug_mode self.DRY_MODE=dry_mode if saveFileName: self.saveFileName=saveFileName.strip() self.x393_mem=X393Mem(debug_mode,dry_mode) # self.x393_axi_tasks=X393AxiControlStatus(debug_mode,dry_mode) self.x393_axi_tasks=x393_axi_control_status.X393AxiControlStatus(debug_mode,dry_mode) # self.__dict__.update(VerilogParameters.__dict__["_VerilogParameters__shared_state"]) # Add verilog parameters to the class namespace def reset_get(self): """ Get current reset state """ return self.x393_mem.read_mem(FPGA_RST_CTRL) def reset_once(self): """ Pulse reset ON, then OFF """ self.reset((0,0xa)) def reset(self,data): """ Write data to FPGA_RST_CTRL register <data> currently data=1 - reset on, data=0 - reset on data can also be a list/tuple of integers, then it will be applied in sequence (0,0xe) will turn reset on, then off """ if isinstance(data, (int,long)): self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA_RST_CTRL,data) else: for d in data: self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA_RST_CTRL,d) def fpga_shutdown(self, quiet = 1): if quiet < 2: print ("fpga_shutdown(): FPGA clock OFF") self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA0_THR_CTRL,1) if quiet < 2: print ("fpga_shutdown(): Reset ON") self.reset(0) if quiet < 2: print ("fpga_shutdown(): Disabling level shifters") # turn off level shifters self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA_LVL_SHFTR,0) old_devcfg_ctrl = self.x393_mem.read_mem(FPGA_DEVCFG_CTRL) if quiet < 2: print ("fpga_shutdown():FPGA_DEVCFG_CTRL was 0x%08x"%(old_devcfg_ctrl)) print ("fpga_shutdown(): Applying PROG_B") self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA_DEVCFG_CTRL,old_devcfg_ctrl & ~(1 << 30)) def bitstream_get_path(self): return DEFAULT_BITFILE def bitstream_set_path(self, bitfile): global DEFAULT_BITFILE DEFAULT_BITFILE = bitfile def bitstream(self, bitfile=None, quiet=1): """ Turn FPGA clock OFF, reset ON, load bitfile, turn clock ON and reset OFF @param bitfile path to bitfile if provided, otherwise default bitfile will be used @param quiet Reduce output """ if bitfile is None: bitfile=DEFAULT_BITFILE print ("Sensor ports power off") # POWER393_PATH = '/sys/devices/elphel393-pwr.1' POWER393_PATH = '/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-pwr@0' # with open (POWER393_PATH + "/channels_dis","w") as f: # print("vcc_sens01 vp33sens01 vcc_sens23 vp33sens23", file = f) print ("FPGA clock OFF") self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA0_THR_CTRL,1) print ("Reset ON") self.reset(0) print ("cat %s >%s"%(bitfile,FPGA_LOAD_BITSTREAM)) if not self.DRY_MODE: l=0 with open(bitfile, 'rb') as src, open(FPGA_LOAD_BITSTREAM, 'wb') as dst: buffer_size=1024*1024 while True: if not copy_buffer: break dst.write(copy_buffer) l+=len(copy_buffer) if quiet < 4 : print("sent %d bytes to FPGA"%l) print("Loaded %d bytes to FPGA"%l) # call(("cat",bitfile,">"+FPGA_LOAD_BITSTREAM)) if quiet < 4 : print("Wait for DONE") if not self.DRY_MODE: for _ in range(100): if (self.x393_mem.read_mem(INT_STS) & 4) != 0: break sleep(0.1) else: print("Timeout waiting for DONE, [0x%x]=0x%x"%(INT_STS,self.x393_mem.read_mem(INT_STS))) return if quiet < 4 : print ("FPGA clock ON") self.x393_mem.write_mem(FPGA0_THR_CTRL,0) if quiet < 4 : print ("Reset OFF") self.reset(0xa) self.x393_axi_tasks.init_state() def exp_gpio (self, mode="in", gpio_low=54, gpio_high=None): """ Export GPIO pins connected to PL (full range is 54..117) <mode> GPIO mode: "in" or "out" <gpio_low> lowest GPIO to export <gpio_hi> Highest GPIO to export. Set to <gpio_low> if not provided """ if gpio_high is None: gpio_high=gpio_low print ("Exporting as \""+mode+"\":", end=""), for gpio_n in range (gpio_low, gpio_high + 1): print (" %d"%gpio_n, end="") print() if not self.DRY_MODE: for gpio in range (gpio_low, gpio_high + 1): try: with open ("/sys/class/gpio/export","w") as f: print (gpio,file=f) except: print ("failed \"echo %d > /sys/class/gpio/export"%gpio) try: with open ("/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction"%gpio,"w") as f: print (mode,file=f) except: print ("failed \"echo %s > /sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction"%(mode,gpio)) def mon_gpio (self, gpio_low=54, gpio_high=None): """ Get state of the GPIO pins connected to PL (full range is 54..117) <gpio_low> lowest GPIO to export <gpio_hi> Highest GPIO to export. Set to <gpio_low> if not provided Returns data as list of 0,1 or None """ if gpio_high is None: gpio_high=gpio_low print ("gpio %d.%d: "%(gpio_high,gpio_low), end="") d=[] for gpio in range (gpio_high, gpio_low-1,-1): if gpio != gpio_high and ((gpio-gpio_low+1) % 4) == 0: print (".",end="") if not self.DRY_MODE: try: with open ("/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value"%gpio,"r") as f: b=int( print ("%d"%b,end="") d.append(b) except: print ("X",end="") d.append(None) else: print ("X",end="") d.append(None) print() return d def getParTmpl(self): return ({"name":"DLY_LANE0_ODELAY", "width": 80, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, # decl_width can be "[7:0]", "integer", etc {"name":"DLY_LANE0_IDELAY", "width": 72, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, {"name":"DLY_LANE1_ODELAY", "width": 80, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, {"name":"DLY_LANE1_IDELAY", "width": 72, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, {"name":"DLY_CMDA", "width":256, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, {"name":"DLY_PHASE", "width": 8, "decl_width":"","disable":False}, {"name":"DFLT_WBUF_DELAY", "width": 4, "decl_width":"","disable":True}, {"name":"DFLT_WSEL", "width": 1, "decl_width":"","disable":True}, {"name":"DFLT_RSEL", "width": 1, "decl_width":"","disable":True}, ) def localparams(self, quiet=False): """ Generate verilog include file with localparam definitions for the DDR3 timing parameters Returns definition as a string """ nameLen=0 declWidth=0 for p in self.getParTmpl(): #parTmpl: nameLen=max(nameLen,len(p['name'])) declWidth=max(declWidth,len(p['decl_width'])) txt="" for p in self.getParTmpl(): # parTmpl: numDigits = (p["width"]+3)/4 frmt="localparam %%%ds %%%ds %3d'h%%0%dx;\n"%(declWidth,nameLen+2,p["width"],numDigits) try: pv=vrlg.__dict__[p['name']] if p['disable']: txt += '// ' txt+=frmt%(p['decl_width'],p['name']+" =",pv) except: # parameter does not exist pass if not quiet: print (txt) return txt def save_defaults(self, allPars=False): """ Save current parameter values to defaults (as read at start up) <allPars> use all parameters, if false - only for the ones used in 'save' file """ # global parTmpl if allPars: vrlg.save_default() else: for par in self.getParTmpl(): # parTmpl: vrlg.save_default(par['name']) def restore_defaults(self, allPars=False): """ Restore parameter values from defaults (as read at start up) <allPars> use all parameters, if false - only for the ones used in 'save' file """ global parTmpl if allPars: vrlg.restore_default() else: for par in parTmpl: vrlg.restore_default(par['name']) def save(self, fileName=None): """ Write Verilog include file with localparam definitions for the DDR3 timing parameters Also copies the same parameter values to defaults <fileName> - optional path to write, pre-defined name if not specified """ header= """/* This is a generated file with the current DDR3 memory timing parameters */ """ self.save_defaults(False) # copy current parameters to defaults if not fileName: fileName=self.saveFileName txt=self.localparams(True) #quiet if fileName: try: with open(fileName, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(header) text_file.write(txt) print ("Verilog parameters are written to %s"%(os.path.abspath(fileName))) except: print ("Failed to write to %s"%(os.path.abspath(fileName))) else: print(txt) def copy (self, src, dst): """ Copy files in the file system @param src - source path @param dst - destination path/directory """ shutil.copy2(src, dst)