Commit f9979c6b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parent d0085ebb
......@@ -30,15 +30,21 @@ WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the defa
on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.
also failed. After I added recommended options:
run -use_new_parser no -ifn x353.prj -ofn x353.ngc -top x353 -p xc3s1200eft256 -uc x353.xcf -opt_mode speed -opt_level 1
and ISE noticed that:
```WARNING:Xst:1583 - You are using an internal switch '-use_new_parser'.
It still repeated the same WARNING:Xst:3152 (see above) disregarding its own suggestion.
So we will need to find a way how to replace lines in the *xst file that cause errors in XST:
204 TIMEGRP "CPU_ADDR" = pads("A<*>");
205 TIMEGRP "CPU_ADDRCE" = "CPU_ADDR" pads("CE*");
......@@ -49,10 +55,12 @@ So we will need to find a way how to replace lines in the *xst file that cause e
209 TIMEGRP "DREQ_PAD"= pads("DREQ*");
210 TIMEGRP "ALLPADS"= pads("*");
ERROR:Xst:1888 - Processing TIMEGRP CPU_ADDR: User group 'pads("A<*>")' defined from other
user group pattern not supported.
Even Google does not know what to do about this Xilinx XST feature: No results found for "ERROR:Xst:1888".
So we'try to find other ways to re-formulate old timing constraints preserving the same meaning and try
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