To import the VDT plugin project into the Eclipse workspace: 1) Unzip the source archive file The 'com.elphel.vdt' directory shall appear. 2) Run Eclipse (the plugin was tested with Eclipse 3.2M4). 3) From the main menu, select "File" -> "Import" -> "General" -> "Existing Project into Workspace". Click the "Next" button. 4) Select 'Select root directory' option and specify a path to the 'com.elphel.vdt' directory. The 'com.elphel.vdt' name in the "Projects" list shall appear. 5) Ensure that it is selected and click the "Finish" button. To build and run the VDT plugin from the Eclipse workspace: 1) Import the VDT plugin project into the Eclipse workspace. 2) In the "Package Explorer" window, expand the 'com.elphel.vdt' folder and double-click the 'plugin.xml' file. 3) Select the "Overview" tab at the bottom of the appeared window. 4) Under the "Testing" label, click the "Launch an Eclipe application" link. A new instance of Eclipse shall be run. 5) Now play with the plugin. To open the main perspective, select from the main menu "Window" -> "Open Perspective" -> "Other" -> "Verilog". To create a binary distribution package of the plugin: 1) Import the VDT plugin project into the Eclipse workspace. 2) In the "Package Explorer" window, expand the 'com.elphel.vdt' folder and double-click the 'plugin.xml' file. 3) Select the "Overview" tab at the bottom of the appeared window. 4) Under the "Exporting" label, click the "Export Wizard" link. The "Export" dialog shall appear. 5) Ensure that 'com.elphel.vdt (1.0.2)' is selected in the plugins list. 6) In the "Export Destination" field, enter an archive file name, for example: 'D:\'. 7) Click the "Finish" button. A distribution package 'D:\' shall be created. Now you can just unpack it in the Eclipse installation directory and the plugin will work.