# VDT plug-in's labels and captions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Property.Xilinx.Path.prompt = Xlinx ISE &location: Property.Xilinx.Path.errorMessage = Value must be Xlinx ISE installation directory Property.Xilinx.Path.browse = &Browse... Property.Xilinx.Path.BrowseDialog.Message = Specify a directory with Xilinx ISE Property.ToolLocation.errorMessage = 'Invalid location of "{0}" ({1})' Property.ToolLocation.browse = &Browse... Property.ToolShell.errorMessage = 'Invalid location of "{0}" ({1})' Property.ToolShell.browse = &Browse... PropertyPage.Verilog.label = Please give an absolut path to verilog tools: Wizard.NewProject.Caption = New Verilog Project Wizard.NewModule.Caption = New Verilog Module WizardPage.NewProjectMain.caption = New Verilog project WizardPage.NewProjectMain.description = Specify a name of the new Verilog project. WizardPage.NewProjectMain.Name.prompt = &Project name: WizardPage.NewProjectMain.Menu.prompt = &Design menu: WizardPage.NewProjectOptions.caption = Verilog project properties WizardPage.NewProjectOptions.description = Specify properties of the new Verilog project. WizardPage.NewModuleMain.caption = Verilog Module WizardPage.NewModuleMain.description = Create a new file for Verilog module. WizardPage.NewModuleMain.Path.prompt = &Location: WizardPage.NewModuleMain.Path.browse = &Browse... WizardPage.NewModuleMain.Name.prompt = &File name: WizardPage.NewModuleMain.Browse = &Browse... WizardPage.NewModuleMain.Browse.message = Choose a folder: WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.caption = Verilog Module WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.description = Create a Verilog module. WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.Module.name = Module name: WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.Error.NoModuleName = Module name must be specified WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.ModuleInterface.prompt = Module interface: WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.AddPort = Add WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.RemovePort = Remove WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.MoveUpPort = Up WizardPage.NewModuleTemplate.MoveDownPort = Down Launch.Message.Launching = Launching VDT tool... Launch.Message.ConstructingCommandLine = Constructing command line... Launch.Message.Starting = Starting virtual machine... Launch.Process.LabelFormat = '{0} ({1})' Launch.Process.Error = An IProcess could not be created for the launch Launch.JobName = Launching Launch.Beginning = '{0}...' Launch.CreatingToolArguments = Creating tool arguments... Launch.Error.ToolNotNull = Tool to launch cannot be null Launch.Error.InvalidWorkingDir = 'Specified working directory does not exist or is not a directory: {0}' Launch.Error.ToolLocation = 'Tool location not specified by {0}' Launch.Error.InvalidLocation = 'The file does not exist for the tool named {0}.' Launch.Cancel.Message = 'Failed to launch {0}. Launching was cancelled.' Action.ToolLaunch.Error = 'Cannot launch "{0}".\n{1}' Action.ToolLaunch.Caption.Default = 'Run' Action.ToolLaunch.ToolTip.Default = 'Run selected tool' Action.ToolLaunch.Caption = 'Run for "{0}"' Action.ToolLaunch.ToolTip = 'Run {0} for "{1}"' Action.OpenLaunchConfigDialog.Error = 'Cannot open launch configuration dialog for "{0}".\n{1}' Action.OpenLaunchConfigDialog.Caption = 'Launch configuration' Action.Context.Save.Error = 'Cannot save configuration "{0}".\n{1}' Action.OpenInstallationPropertiesDialog.Error = 'Cannot save installation configuration.\n{0}' Action.PackageProperties.Save.Error = 'Cannot save "{0}" package configuration.\n{1}' Action.PackageProperties.Caption.Default = 'Package Parameters' Action.PackageProperties.ToolTip.Default = 'Package Parameters' Action.PackageProperties.Caption = 'Package Parameters of "{0}"' Action.PackageProperties.ToolTip = 'Package Parameters of {0} for "{1}"' Action.ProjectPropertiesDialog.Save.Error = 'Cannot save "{0}" project configuration.\n{1}' Action.ProjectProperties.Caption.Default = 'Project Parameters' Action.ProjectProperties.ToolTip.Default = 'Project Parameters' Action.ProjectProperties.Caption = 'Project Parameters of "{0}"' Action.ProjectProperties.ToolTip = 'Project Parameters of {0} for "{1}"' MainTab.caption = Main MainTab.Location.promt = Location: MainTab.Location.browse = &Browse... MainTab.Location.Message.Info = Please specify the location of the verilog tool you would like to launch. MainTab.Location.Message.CannotBeEmpty = Tool location cannot be empty MainTab.Location.Message.DoesNotExist = Tool location does not exist MainTab.Location.Message.IsNotFile = Tool location specified is not a file MainTab.Error.ReadConfiguration = Error reading configuration LaunchTab.Message.Info = 'Please specify the value of the parameter "{0}"' LaunchTab.Error.CannotBeEmpty = 'The value of the parameter "{0}" cannot be empty' LaunchTab.Error.UndefinedType = 'Type "{0}" is undefined' LaunchTab.Error.UnsupportedType = 'Type "{0}" is unsupported' LaunchTab.Error.ToolLocation = '"{0}" location is incorrect: [{1}]' LaunchTab.Error.ReadConfiguration = Error reading configuration LaunchTab.Number.Error.IncorrectValue = 'The value of the parameter "{0}" should be between {1,number,integer} and {2,number,integer}' LaunchTab.File.Message.Info = 'Please specify the location of the "{0}"' LaunchTab.Location.Error.CannotBeEmpty = 'The location of "{0}" cannot be empty' LaunchTab.Location.Error.DoesNotExist = 'The location of "{0}" does not exist' LaunchTab.Location.Message.IsNotFile = 'Specified location of "{0}" is not a file' Message.Error.Caption = Error Message.FatalError.Caption = Fatal Error Dialog.ToolSelection.Caption = Select Tool Dialog.ToolSelection.Message = Select tool to launch: Dialog.ProjectSelection.Caption = Select Project Dialog.ProjectSelection.Message = Select project to launch: Variable.Promp.Hint1 = 'Please input a value for {0}' Variable.Promp.Hint2 = 'Please input a value' Variable.Promp.Cancel.Message = 'Failed to expand {0}. Input was cancelled.' Variable.Verilog.Promp.Dialog.Title = Select a Verilog file: Variable.Verilog.Promp.Dialog.Message = Select a Verilog file for launching tool: Error.Variable.Verilog.NotExist = 'Variable references non-existent resource : {0}' Error.Variable.Verilog.NoSelection = 'Variable references empty selection: {0}' Error.Variable.Verilog.Unknown ='Variable not recognized: {0}' Dialog.ListPrompt.Button.Add = Add Dialog.ListPrompt.Button.Remove = Remove Dialog.ListPrompt.Button.MoveUp = Up Dialog.ListPrompt.Button.MoveDown = Down Dialog.ModuleSelection.Caption = Verilog Module Selection Dialog.ModuleSelection.Message = Choose a main verilog module: Dialog.ToolLocation.Message = 'Debug: Specify the location of "{0}" ({1})' Option.XlinxDevice.GroupCaption = Device settings Option.XlinxDevice.DeviceFamaly = Device famaly: Option.XlinxDevice.Device = Device: Option.XlinxDevice.DevicePackage = Package: Option.XlinxDevice.DeviceSpeedGrade = Speed grade: