<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Elphel, Inc. * This file is a part of VDT plug-in. * VDT plug-in is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * VDT plug-in is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7: * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with Eclipse or Eclipse plugins (or a modified version of those libraries), * containing parts covered by the terms of EPL/CPL, the licensors of this * Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. * {Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall * include the source code for the parts of Eclipse or Eclipse plugins used * as well as that of the covered work.} *******************************************************************************/ --> <vdt-project> <interface name="CVerInterface"> <typedef name="StringT"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="256" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="FileT"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="256" textkind="file" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="DirT"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="256" textkind="dir" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="MaxErrorsT"> <paramtype kind="number" lo="0" hi="300" format="xx"/> </typedef> <typedef name="StopBeforeSimT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-s" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="TranslateSourceT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-c" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SuppressWarningsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-w" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="DumpSourcesT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-d" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="DontPrintProgressT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-q" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="TraceProceduralT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-t" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="libnocellT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+libnocell" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="notimingchecksT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+notimingchecks" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="VerboseT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+verbose" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="NonFatalT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-e" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="InformsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-informs" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="FastSimT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-O" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="TraceEventsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="-et" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="PrintStatsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+printstats" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="PrintAllStatsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+printallstats" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="RemoveGate0DelaysT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+remove_gate_0delays" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="NoKeepCommandsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+nokeepcommands" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SDFVerboseT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+sdfverbose" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SDFNoErrorsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+sdf_noerrors" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SDFNoWarningsT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+sdf_nowarns" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SwitchVerboseT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+switchverbose" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="ChangePortT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+change_port_type" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="NoSpecifySectionT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+nospecify" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="NoInteractiveT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+nointeractive" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="SnapshotT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+snapshot" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="librescanT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+librescan" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="libverboseT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+libverbose" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="show_canceled_eT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+show_canceled_e" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="noshow_canceled_eT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+noshow_canceled_e" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="pulse_e_style_ondetectT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+pulse_e_style_ondetect" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="pulse_e_style_oneventT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+pulse_e_style_onevent" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="warn_canceled_eT"> <paramtype kind="bool" formatTrue="+warn_canceled_e" formatFalse=""/> </typedef> <typedef name="delaysT"> <paramtype kind="enum" base="StringT"> <item label="Default" value=""/> <item label="Min" value="+mindelays"/> <item label="Typical" value="+typdelays"/> <item label="Max" value="+maxdelays"/> </paramtype> </typedef> <typedef name="suppress_warnsT" list="true"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="16" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="LibExtT" list="true"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="16" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="incdirT" list="true"> <paramtype kind="string" textkind="dir" maxlength="256" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <typedef name="DefineSymbolT" list="true"> <paramtype kind="string" maxlength="64" sensitivity="sensitive"/> </typedef> <!-- common syntax --> <syntax name="SimpleSyntax" format="%%ParamValue"/> <syntax name="CommonSyntax" format="+%%ParamName %%ParamValue"/> <syntax name="CommonSyntax2" format="-%%ParamName %%ParamValue"/> <syntax name="UDPLibrarySyntax" format="-v %%ParamValue"/> <syntax name="CommonListSyntax" format="+%%ParamName+%(%%ParamValue%|+%)+"/> <!-- specific syntax --> <syntax name = "DefineSymbolSyntax" format = "%(+define+%%ParamValue%| %)"/> <syntax name = "LibExtSyntax" format = "+libext+%(.%%ParamValue%|+%)+"/> </interface> <project name="CVerProject" label="cver project" interface="CVerInterface"> </project> <tool name = "cver" label = "Run CVer simulator tool" project = "CVerProject" exe = "?%%OS: Windows=cver.exe, Linux=cver" interface = "CVerInterface" description = "CVer simulator"> <input> <group name="sim" label="Simulation"> "StopBeforeSim" "TranslateSource" "DumpSources" "TraceProcedural" "f" "l" "i" "libnocell" "notimingchecks" "delays" "UDPLibrary" "UDPLibraryDirectory" "librescan" "show_canceled_e" "noshow_canceled_e" "pulse_e_style_ondetect" "pulse_e_style_onevent" "warn_canceled_e" "LibExt" "maxerrors" "FastSim" "TraceEvents" "tracefile" "PrintStats" "PrintAllStats" "RemoveGate0Delays" "NoKeepCommands" "sdf_log_file" "ChangePort" "NoSpecifySection" "NoInteractive" "Snapshot" "incdir" "DefineSymbol" </group> <group name="Messages"> "SuppressWarnings" "DontPrintProgress" "libverbose" "suppress_warns" "Verbose" "NonFatal" "Informs" "SDFVerbose" "SDFNoErrors" "SDFNoWarnings" "SwitchVerbose" </group> </input> <output> <line name="command_line"> "%StopBeforeSim" "%TranslateSource" "%SuppressWarnings" "%DumpSources" "%DontPrintProgress" "%TraceProcedural" "%f" "%l" "%i" "%libnocell" "%notimingchecks" "%delays" "%UDPLibrary" "%UDPLibraryDirectory" "%librescan" "%libverbose" "%show_canceled_e" "%noshow_canceled_e" "%pulse_e_style_ondetect" "%pulse_e_style_onevent" "%warn_canceled_e" "%maxerrors" "%Verbose" "%NonFatal" "%Informs" "%FastSim" "%TraceEvents" "%tracefile" "%PrintStats" "%PrintAllStats" "%RemoveGate0Delays" "%NoKeepCommands" "%sdf_log_file" "%SDFVerbose" "%SDFNoErrors" "%SDFNoWarnings" "%SwitchVerbose" "%ChangePort" "%NoSpecifySection" "%NoInteractive" "%Snapshot" "%suppress_warns" "%incdir" "%DefineSymbol" "%LibExt" </line> </output> <parameter id = "StopBeforeSim" type = "StopBeforeSimT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Stop just before starting simulation and enter interactive debugger"/> <parameter id = "TranslateSource" type = "TranslateSourceT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Translate source and all referenced library models only"/> <parameter id = "DumpSources" type = "DumpSourcesT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Dump source that is constructed from internal representation"/> <parameter id = "TraceProcedural" type = "TraceProceduralT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Trace procedural statement execution"/> <parameter id = "f" type = "FileT" format = "CommonSyntax2" default = "" omit = "" label = "File containing options and source file names"/> <parameter id = "l" type = "FileT" format = "CommonSyntax2" default = "" omit = "" label = "Output file (default is verilog.log and stdout)"/> <parameter id = "i" type = "FileT" format = "CommonSyntax2" default = "" omit = "" label = "Interactive debugger commands file"/> <parameter id = "libnocell" type = "libnocellT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Ignore `celldefine directives in source and libraries"/> <parameter id = "notimingchecks" type = "notimingchecksT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "After checking for correct syntax, ignore timing checks"/> <parameter id = "delays" type = "delaysT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "" label = "Delay values that become constant numbers at translation time"/> <parameter id = "UDPLibrary" type = "FileT" format = "UDPLibrarySyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Library containing module and UDP definitions"/> <parameter id = "UDPLibraryDirectory" type = "DirT" format = "UDPLibrarySyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Directory containing libraries modules and UDP definitions"/> <parameter id = "librescan" type = "librescanT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Rescan to beginning of library file and directory list"/> <parameter id = "show_canceled_e" type = "show_canceled_eT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Path and gate outputs set to X when pulses occur"/> <parameter id = "noshow_canceled_e" type = "noshow_canceled_eT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Path and gate outputs not driven (shown) as X when pulses occur"/> <parameter id = "pulse_e_style_ondetect" type = "pulse_e_style_ondetectT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Set output to X (shown) when the pulse (glitch) is detected"/> <parameter id = "pulse_e_style_onevent" type = "pulse_e_style_oneventT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Set output to X (shown) when glitch propagates to output"/> <parameter id = "warn_canceled_e" type = "warn_canceled_eT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Emit warning for every gate or path event cancel"/> <parameter id = "LibExt" type = "LibExtT" format = "LibExtSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "File name extensions to be removed before matching file names"/> <parameter id = "maxerrors" type = "MaxErrorsT" format = "CommonSyntax" default = "0" omit = "0" label = "Maximum errors number "/> <parameter id = "FastSim" type = "FastSimT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Compilation to byte codes faster simulation"/> <parameter id = "TraceEvents" type = "TraceEventsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Event tracing"/> <parameter id = "tracefile" type = "FileT" format = "CommonSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Output file for any trace output"/> <parameter id = "PrintStats" type = "PrintStatsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print tables of design contents"/> <parameter id = "PrintAllStats" type = "PrintAllStatsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print tables of design contents and the declarative content of every module"/> <parameter id = "RemoveGate0Delays" type = "RemoveGate0DelaysT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Change all gates with #0 or #(0, 0, 0) delay to no delay"/> <parameter id = "NoKeepCommands" type = "NoKeepCommandsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Do not save interactive commands to history list"/> <parameter id = "sdf_log_file" type = "FileT" format = "CommonSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "File used for SDF annotation"/> <parameter id = "ChangePort" type = "ChangePortT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Change port to inout/output for in/out ports with loconn/highconn drivers"/> <parameter id = "NoSpecifySection" type = "NoSpecifySectionT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Run simulation with specify section ignored"/> <parameter id = "NoInteractive" type = "NoInteractiveT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Turn off interactive environment"/> <parameter id = "Snapshot" type = "SnapshotT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print a port mortem activity snapshot before program termination"/> <parameter id = "incdir" type = "incdirT" format = "CommonListSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Define paths that are searched for `include files"/> <parameter id = "DefineSymbol" type = "DefineSymbolT" format = "DefineSymbolSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Define back quote macros"/> <parameter id = "SuppressWarnings" type = "SuppressWarningsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Suppress all warning messages"/> <parameter id = "DontPrintProgress" type = "DontPrintProgressT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Do not print normal progress messages"/> <parameter id = "libverbose" type = "libverboseT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Emit detailed trace messages giving resolution order and reason"/> <parameter id = "suppress_warns" type = "suppress_warnsT" format = "CommonListSyntax" default = "" omit = "" label = "Suppress following warnings and informatory messages"/> <parameter id = "Verbose" type = "VerboseT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print various simulation progress messages and design component counts"/> <parameter id = "NonFatal" type = "NonFatalT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print non fatal error messages"/> <parameter id = "Informs" type = "InformsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Print informatory messages"/> <parameter id = "SDFVerbose" type = "SDFVerboseT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Emit trace messages giving new delay value for every changed delay"/> <parameter id = "SDFNoErrors" type = "SDFNoErrorsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Do not emit SDF annotation error messages"/> <parameter id = "SDFNoWarnings" type = "SDFNoWarningsT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Do not emit warning messages during SDF annotation"/> <parameter id = "SwitchVerbose" type = "SwitchVerboseT" format = "SimpleSyntax" default = "false" label = "Emit trace and size messages for inout and tran gate switch channels elaboration"/> </tool> </vdt-project>