Commit bdbfb6b6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added explanation for ssh copying keys if Eclipse was launched from the

parent 88174f94
......@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@
"echo \"** from the system terminal and enter your **\";"
"echo \"** password when prompted. **\";"
"echo \"** **\";"
"echo \"** If you see nothing below this box, that **\";"
"echo \"** likely means that Eclipse is launched **\";"
"echo \"** from the terminal, and the system asks **\";"
"echo \"** your password (or permission to add **\";"
"echo \"** key of the remote host first) in that **\";"
"echo \"** terminal - just switch to it and **\";"
"echo \"** complete the setup. **\";"
"echo \"** **\";"
"echo \"**********************************************\";"
"ssh-copy-id %RemoteUser@%RemoteHost;"
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